How dedicated will you be?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2005
How dedicated will you be to the new album?

Are you going to download rips of it? Are you gonna get it when it leaks, or are you going to proudly say you're going to walk into the store the day it comes out, buy it, go home and listen to it?

I'm getting it the day of, and not getting any leaks. Forget that.

I'll get the single as soon as I can and I know we'll all have a FLAC Bamboozle show on May 7 (7 days before the CD drops) with new songs being played. I'll get the show and just wait it out till I have the CD and then listen to Bamboozle afterwards. It'll be a nice treat :)

So, let's hear some replies :D
I'm deffinatley not gonna download the CD when it leaks...that adds much more excitement to it...

I'm gonna walk into the store and buy the special and the normal edition of the disc...then I'm gonna go home and watch the DVD first(if there is one)...and after that I'm gonna listen to the album...

But I'll get the single if it leaks...

about Bamboozle...I'll probably get it and listen to it after I listened to the album...
if the single leaks ill download it hell yea
if the album leaks ill download it cause i live in africa and the cd never gets here on time so....
but when it comes ill buy it!!! and watch the dvd and sing it in class and ya ill wear my lpu t-shirt when i get it :D
if the album doesn't come here in time, which is quite likely, and or if it gets sold out (not really that likely) I don't think I'd download it

it would kill me to wait though lol, so I'd probably check if they got it on radioblogclub
man if it leaks, im downloading it. i mean, it's impossible for me to resist temptation.
besides, im definately gonna buy the cd and people here who might download it might already ruin it for the rest who are waiting. *shrugs*
I'll probably get the single for my birthday from one of my faithful friends :D (April 9)

But the album i'm getting for sure. And i'm probably gonna pre-order it too (just to be sure).

I won't download any of the leaks.
I will probably download any singles, but try to not download anything other then that.
I plan to buy it, but I cannot say if it will be the day it comes out, or a week later. But, if I do have to wait longer then anticipated, yet again, I will probably download anything and everything I can.
But of course I will go home and listen to it, as soon as I buy it.. Probably tear it apart in the store and pop it into the CD player on the way home.
Of Course I'm Gonna Buy The Album!!!!! I'll Try To Resist To Download It UNTIL The Album Come Here To Portugal...
About The Single,... Ok, I'm Gonna Download It, Its The Only Option I Have.[:-}
im gonna download the leak for sure, only caus ive waited 4 years for the album lol.
and then buy it when it comes out.
leaks are always magically out roughly a few weeks before the album is released, so i ll prolly get the leak so i can store it on a hard disk incase when i buy the cd i lose it, i still want to listen to it. but if not download, i ll just download the single, and hopefully anything special that they put on the single like a b-side or demo