How Did Your Day Go?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
New Mexico
Well today was ok,....i know this isnt a good start my morning was good actually until it got to my afternoon....omg....everything just went down hill...i asked this guy out and i guess he said he heard some bs from my ex about me.....but hes still thinking about so im hoping...
sexy_LP_fan said:
i asked this guy out and i guess he said he heard some bs from my ex about me.....but hes still thinking about so im hoping...
well i hope things will end up going youre way! :thumbsup:

my day kinda started up bad as well, and it ended just as bad if not worst.
too much work, too little time, too little intrest...
my ex-girlfreind keeps on giving me evil looks every time i pass her up in the hallway,
and to top the whole day off,
after school, i had band practice!!!!! :mad: :mad:
ya, you heard me, BAND PRACTICE!!!!! :mad:
beleive it or not, it is some of the hardest crap to do...
the physical labor there is UNFREAKING-BELEIVABLE!!!!
but other than that, it was a decent day! :D lmao!
^ not talking in school can be so fun. it's actually really relaxing and stuff. not having to worry about saying something wrong or inappropriate. i wish i could do that, but then people start getting worried and blabla. *rolls eyes*

today was okay i guess...i think i've had worse days. sorry for the two of you :( looks like your day kinda (kinda) sucked. sucky days suck. :p
i woke up with a migraine... took my meds, went back to sleep for two hours, got up, got dressed and all the shizy, went to the eye doctor ( i woke last thursday with a blind spot in my right eye and they still don't know why) got my field vison tested, now they are saying that it's related to my migraine's, then my dad and i went to taco bell, and saw homeless people ordering like 8 taco's at a time, lol, then i went home did my cpu stuff then i went to my EMDR counsiler and they are trying to diagonse me with PTSD (Post Tramatic Stress Disorder) because of what i went through in may, then we went to fred meyers to get dinner, then we went home, cooked, ate, and here i am now....
so kinda a bad day, but ok
well today was a bad day for me also, i was put in In School Suspension(ISS) just because i was wearing my sunglasses and was on my cell phone in the school
Pyro_Storm said:
but when someone asks me something its either option A: nod my head or B: (my favorite) look at them like their crazy.
^ that also works to get out of situations...i tried it :D haha day sucked, because school sucks and when school sucks, my day sucks. period. ^_^