Definition: 1. privileged minority: a small group of people within a larger group who have more power, social standing, wealth, or talent than the rest of the group
Aka. A select few who have good quality posts, people who don't flame or start fights(we try to stop them). We think about the topics at hand and post what we think with reasons and examples. We just don't go around spamming serious threads with bullshit.
Elites are voted on by other elites, mods, and admins. Honestly, when i became an elite, i knew nothing about it til i saw the thread announcing it. It's not like it being Green is so spaztastic that you need to spaz about not being an elite. We are just members who care about what they say and where they say it and who is doing what where. The other perks of being an elite are kinda not as active as you might think, the Whole extra room isn't exactly active all the time, and it's not like we have any special threads in there.
So don't go asking to be an elite member of our beloved forums. We watch your posts and then decide who should be a new elite, then vote. Nothing you can say can do anything to make it a faster process or something of that, but if you spam in serious threads or flame over stupid things and make a LPF War like what happened last year, then you'd better believe that there wouldn't be any possible elites that were helping fuel the flames.
Thats my rant