How Do I Become...


New member
Definition: 1. privileged minority: a small group of people within a larger group who have more power, social standing, wealth, or talent than the rest of the group

Aka. A select few who have good quality posts, people who don't flame or start fights(we try to stop them). We think about the topics at hand and post what we think with reasons and examples. We just don't go around spamming serious threads with bullshit.

Elites are voted on by other elites, mods, and admins. Honestly, when i became an elite, i knew nothing about it til i saw the thread announcing it. It's not like it being Green is so spaztastic that you need to spaz about not being an elite. We are just members who care about what they say and where they say it and who is doing what where. The other perks of being an elite are kinda not as active as you might think, the Whole extra room isn't exactly active all the time, and it's not like we have any special threads in there.

So don't go asking to be an elite member of our beloved forums. We watch your posts and then decide who should be a new elite, then vote. Nothing you can say can do anything to make it a faster process or something of that, but if you spam in serious threads or flame over stupid things and make a LPF War like what happened last year, then you'd better believe that there wouldn't be any possible elites that were helping fuel the flames.

Thats my rant


I completely agree with your rant! If you need to ask,you probably won't get it!

Definition: 1. privileged minority: a small group of people within a larger group who have more power, social standing, wealth, or talent than the rest of the group

Aka. A select few who have good quality posts, people who don't flame or start fights(we try to stop them). We think about the topics at hand and post what we think with reasons and examples. We just don't go around spamming serious threads with bullshit.

Elites are voted on by other elites, mods, and admins. Honestly, when i became an elite, i knew nothing about it til i saw the thread announcing it. It's not like it being Green is so spaztastic that you need to spaz about not being an elite. We are just members who care about what they say and where they say it and who is doing what where. The other perks of being an elite are kinda not as active as you might think, the Whole extra room isn't exactly active all the time, and it's not like we have any special threads in there.

So don't go asking to be an elite member of our beloved forums. We watch your posts and then decide who should be a new elite, then vote. Nothing you can say can do anything to make it a faster process or something of that, but if you spam in serious threads or flame over stupid things and make a LPF War like what happened last year, then you'd better believe that there wouldn't be any possible elites that were helping fuel the flames.

Thats my rant


Yeah I agree, but I just want my username to be green haha :p I guess it will be 1 day... :(


New member
I don't think post count or join date is the issue. And sometimes people rep each other for no good apparent reason (lol). It's how helpful you have been since you've joined LPF, and how much respect your posts will be given to by others. If you have the integrity and helpfulness, you will eventually be an elite. There are a lot of elites who don't even visit the site anymore, not that I think they should be stripped of their greeness, but I think new selections should be made. I see a lot of people these days who have great potential as Elites. :D
I don't think post count or join date is the issue. And sometimes people rep each other for no good apparent reason (lol). It's how helpful you have been since you've joined LPF, and how much respect your posts will be given to by others. If you have the integrity and helpfulness, you will eventually be an elite. There are a lot of elites who don't even visit the site anymore, not that I think they should be stripped of their greeness, but I think new selections should be made. I see a lot of people these days who have great potential as Elites. :D
Am I 1 of them hehe? :p :p


New member
hmmmmm like i said dont make threads like this again...

and dont ask like foxx said

i have never asked but there are other members that I feel should be ellite

but lets leave it there

elite or not i think this place rox

thats all there is to it

yay to LPF

hmmmmm like i said dont make threads like this again...and dont ask like foxx said

i have never asked but there are other members that I feel should be ellite

but lets leave it there

elite or not i think this place rox

thats all there is to it

yay to LPF
Yeah I agree, Elite or not I'm still a life member! :p


New member

<~DarkShadow~> :05-07-2007

4everLP_Shinoda :Today

aussiegal123 :05-20-2005

AutumnRayn :09-26-2005

azemkamikaze03 :Today

Brkng_Th_Hbt :04-29-2007

Chestersbabi7 :11-10-2006

Chester_Chaz00 :04-01-2007

Clogz :04-02-2007

cmlp :04-26-2007

Crawling :05-08-2006

Dark Collision :04-26-2007

FadedBlue :03-31-2007

GhostX :11-02-2006 (Last post was on that date)

Greyfoxx :Today

Hybrid Soldier :Today

immortal89 :11-15-2005

imTHEoneCONFUSED :11-23-2005

ImTheOneThatFalls :Today

invisiblekiller :01-03-2007

jomama10691 :09-19-2006

KillMeImIrish :03-10-2007

linkinpark-1 :04-03-2007

linkinparkbabe87 :04-07-2007

LP186 :Today

LPF4lyfe :04-05-2007

Mad4lp :05-10-2007

majinkamahl :Today

Minzara :03-18-2007

misery :Today

o0SugaxNxSpice0o :05-08-2007

Pheonix791989 :04-07-2007

pirra :03-06-2007

Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever :05-11-2007

salmanlp :Today

shirakawa_otori :01-29-2007

SparkleDeveel :08-01-2005

spike91232004 :02-19-2006

Stenners :Today

stupidsoul1 :05-01-2007

sum1 :04-24-2007

twilightcrimson7 :05-11-2007

wildchild :08-06-2005

XrockinfreakX :Today

[LP]GotLinkinPark? :06-15-2006


Hahninator :Today

ShinodaBear :Yesterday

Suicide King :03-29-2007

Victim :Today

ok this took me half an hour :D

ok as you can see it username and last login

i didnt add admins...

OK so it was fun to see how many spammers and members with >10 posts we have :>

ok so this is what my story is:

our admins arnt active post wise but they do their job by being here so good job there

our mods are the same but we have active mods like hailey who are also awesome to talk to

so good job there mods!!!!

now fo the alite as you can see there are ALOT of them, and many of em join every now and then to make a odd post and some are lost and some are active

this was just something i wanted to do

and it was fun

peace out

(btw this has nothing to do with someone getting elite or losing it and like i said it was something i wanted to do)



New member
Wow, lots of time huh? lmao

There's a handful of Elites who haven't visited in more than a year, but I just noticed how MANY elites there actually are.



New member
lol maby if you swear less :p ya very true

but like i said inactive admins...
i dont swear to much! :'(


why dont they get rid of the elite system bc i mean they're not mods, so whats the point of them even being here? its unfair to other member that they get all these privaliges just because they're bumchums of people at the top.

instead of a LPF war, there should be a LPF Bolsheviek revolution!!!



New member
i dont swear to much! :'(

why dont they get rid of the elite system bc i mean they're not mods, so whats the point of them even being here? its unfair to other member that they get all these privaliges just because they're bumchums of people at the top.

instead of a LPF war, there should be a LPF Bolsheviek revolution!!!
We don't need anymore hostlities here!



New member
Elites:<~DarkShadow~> :05-07-2007

4everLP_Shinoda :Today

aussiegal123 :05-20-2005

AutumnRayn :09-26-2005

azemkamikaze03 :Today

Brkng_Th_Hbt :04-29-2007

Chestersbabi7 :11-10-2006

Chester_Chaz00 :04-01-2007

Clogz :04-02-2007

cmlp :04-26-2007

Crawling :05-08-2006

Dark Collision :04-26-2007

FadedBlue :03-31-2007

GhostX :11-02-2006 (Last post was on that date)

Greyfoxx :Today

Hybrid Soldier :Today

immortal89 :11-15-2005

imTHEoneCONFUSED :11-23-2005

ImTheOneThatFalls :Today

invisiblekiller :01-03-2007

jomama10691 :09-19-2006

KillMeImIrish :03-10-2007

linkinpark-1 :04-03-2007

linkinparkbabe87 :04-07-2007

LP186 :Today

LPF4lyfe :04-05-2007

Mad4lp :05-10-2007

majinkamahl :Today

Minzara :03-18-2007

misery :Today

o0SugaxNxSpice0o :05-08-2007

Pheonix791989 :04-07-2007

pirra :03-06-2007

Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever :05-11-2007

salmanlp :Today

shirakawa_otori :01-29-2007

SparkleDeveel :08-01-2005

spike91232004 :02-19-2006

Stenners :Today

stupidsoul1 :05-01-2007

sum1 :04-24-2007

twilightcrimson7 :05-11-2007

wildchild :08-06-2005

XrockinfreakX :Today

[LP]GotLinkinPark? :06-15-2006
Honestly, in my opinion, i think the members who are Green, or any member for that fact, should have their accounts deactivated after a certain amount of time. That way we can keep the number of Elites and stuff down, and members who dont do anything for like a year shouldn't be allowed to keep their account.

Just my thoughts

Don't rush it, things come gradually. You have to prove your abilities and helpfulness on LPF.
Exactly. I was on here a year or so before I became Elite, and that was only after i proved how good of posts i put up and things like that. If you join then suddenly say I WANT TO BE ELITE!!!! It wont happen. We have to see how helpful you are on the forums and things like that

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New member
I don't think their accounts should be deactivated.. there is no benefit to that.

I do think, however, that inactive elites should be "demoted," so to speak, to regular members.



New member
I don't think their accounts should be deactivated.. there is no benefit to that.
I do think, however, that inactive elites should be "demoted," so to speak, to regular members.
I only said Deactivate them as an "For Instance". Demoted them could be just as useful.



Active Members
This is my stand point as a member, and not as a mod.. I speak for my self and not for the staff:

I believe the elite system should be done away with.. IT has created problems in the past and is boung to create problems in the future.. and, the fact is, it has been along time since we have even promoted any one to the elite status.. and even if you do get promoted to such a thing it takes awhile. I don't like the elite system, and it is not needed.. But, we do need to either update it, or get ride of it..

Just my 2 cents.



New member
i dont swear to much! :'(

why dont they get rid of the elite system bc i mean they're not mods, so whats the point of them even being here? its unfair to other member that they get all these privaliges just because they're bumchums of people at the top.

instead of a LPF war, there should be a LPF Bolsheviek revolution!!!

This is my stand point as a member, and not as a mod.. I speak for my self and not for the staff:
I believe the elite system should be done away with.. IT has created problems in the past and is boung to create problems in the future.. and, the fact is, it has been along time since we have even promoted any one to the elite status.. and even if you do get promoted to such a thing it takes awhile. I don't like the elite system, and it is not needed.. But, we do need to either update it, or get ride of it..

Just my 2 cents.

I agree with the two of you.

And my .2 dollars are that any class distinction beyond staff vs. regular members is more than unnecessary. Not to mention how a few elites, whose names I won't mention, have taken their status as a pedestal and talked down to other members.

I'm just one voice out of many but I say boot it.

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