How do you deal w/ death ??

Lethalfind said:
I had one yesterday. My neighbors cat died in January, I helped her take it to the vets office as she was dying, I held her the whole way there and comforting her owner at the same time. My neighbor has been out of town and I have been going over to water her lawn and plants etc. I have been there everyday...yesterday out of the corner of my eye I saw Tiffany. Its not like I spend much time at her house so I would be expecting to see her, but there she was. I was surprised and turned quickly thinking another animal had gotten in the house when I was on the back porch watering plants but she was gone when I looked straight at the spot.

That just proves you're ****in' nuts. That is no surprise.
I guess that since I was exposed to the idea of death at a young age, and fairly regularly after that, I just accept it as a part of life. My father died, in a work related accident, when I was 5. I had some great aunts and uncles die over the next 6 years and my grandfather, who I cared for more than about any other family member after my mother, died when I was 12. I had a friend of mine commit suicide when we were 15 years old, another friend died when I was 16 from pneumonia because his immune system was low because he had just overcome a battle with leukemia (this one really made me question my faith. I mean the kid just beat cancer and dies of pneumonia. Didn't seem right). I then had another friend die just before his 18th birthday from an undiagnosed heart condition that was aggravated by an infection.

I supposed it's like anything else, the more exposure you have to death and at an early age, the less it bothers you.
You allow yourself to go through all of the emotions that losing a loved one brings....and then gradually, you move on. Time will ease the sadness.
Lethalfind said:
When people in my life pass away, I have dreams that they are still alive and we are just doing normal things and then in the first few seconds of when I wake up I have forgotten they are dead and then it all comes rushing back too me. That went on for at least a year after my Father died. When I was out running errands or whatever in the town where we lived, I would often think I saw him or his car (you know someone who looked like him) and I would think "oh theres Dad" and then realize it couldn't be him because he was dead. The town we lived in was small and it was not unusual for me to see him when I was out.
There have been times that I thought I heard his voice or saw him out of the corner of my eye. Some people say that your mind fills in what it expects to see, some say that our loved ones visit us after they have passed away...

I have experienced all of the above. It seems to me that the loved one is in your thoughts. Then you forget the nasty bit - they are dead. Then you see someone who looks a little bit like them and instantly, you think its them out for a walk. Then you are hit with the numbing gnawing knowledge that it cannot be them because they are dead.
In my family, if a member of the fold passes or if a friend very close to the clan dies, we sit around and drink to his/her life. Then we talk about them...

On a personal level, I deal with the grief of death as anyone else. I try to think of only the good times and not the bad.

Of course when my uncle Dickie died in '99, everyone rejoiced. Even me... go figure.
RoyalOrleans said:
In my family, if a member of the fold passes or if a friend very close to the clan dies, we sit around and drink to his/her life. Then we talk about them...

My dad and mother's sides of the family are polar opposite. If someone on my dad's side dies, hell. Let there be cake, booze (and sex if there's a lot of strangers at the reception). We laugh, hug, do some crying, talk, remember. It's a celebration of the good memories and the good person that had once existed.

On my mom's side, they're all bitter, angry, curse jesus, cry, and slobber on your shoulder if you let them. Then some of them smack you, or try and beat you up, talking in a foreign language all the while - all in an effort to blame you for their death. God damn foreigners :rolleyes:
We have a rule in our family. Whenever someone is about to croak they announce they are going to enter a monastary. We pay Ikbu $1 a month to email us pretending they are the monastarian. Eliminates a lot of grief.
Lethalfind said:
Some people think its the person's spirit visiting their loved ones, of course others think its your subconscience working through the fact your loved one is dead. What do you think it is?

I honestly don't know, however my heart and my mind interprets it as "everything is okay, and he's in peace".
Hamza123 said:
I honestly don't know, however my heart and my mind interprets it as "everything is okay, and he's in peace".

He is drinking beer in paradise.
TheJenn88 said:
My dad and mother's sides of the family are polar opposite. If someone on my dad's side dies, hell. Let there be cake, booze (and sex if there's a lot of strangers at the reception). We laugh, hug, do some crying, talk, remember. It's a celebration of the good memories and the good person that had once existed.

On my mom's side, they're all bitter, angry, curse jesus, cry, and slobber on your shoulder if you let them. Then some of them smack you, or try and beat you up, talking in a foreign language all the while - all in an effort to blame you for their death. God damn foreigners :rolleyes:

"and sex if there's alot of strangers?" MAN, I knew I was missing out on something up there in Canada...