How do you deal with stress?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2004
Alberta, Canada
How do you deal with stress?

I usually either listen to LP (sometimes helps), write in my journal here on LPF, or if noones home, SCREAM and if I'm really stressed and pissed, punch the wall and leave a bruise on my hand :(

So what about you guys?
break things, making myself bleed while doing it, makes me focus on my injuries and not the stress, then i fix it lawl.

i also do math, i don't have OCD, i just love math, the defined structure keeps me... amused. i'm currently in a senior level math class as a sophomore. yeah, i'm an idiot tho lol..well, not really, but yeah, blah.

i also do photoshop, that's where my demented creation for the competition came from.

i also draw, hence the idea for that photoshop thing, and converting it to the comp.

work on computers - this one frustrates me..on a good level, and then i figure out a way thru it, it's beautiful.

music is prolly the last thing i do.. it just pumps me up, and all i want to do when i'm stressed is calm down.

never done any sort of drugs, other than Rx, and i didn't over do it either. drank alcohol once, but i'll never travel that path again. yeah..okay, yeah, i answered the question :thumbsup:

edit: i type a lot too. it's prolly why i can type 200+ wpm..cuz i stress out a lot.

i also write stories, with characters that have the same problems as me, only they're happier, cuz they end up okay.
twilightcrimson7 said:
impressive hyper!
omg, i HATE math, it has the opposite effect of claming me down.
its the only subject i suck at. >_<
I like to write too, it eases me, and lets me escape reality for a while.
Ocaisionally i like to bleed, but I try not to do that anymore

i tired not doing it.. but it ended up taking away one majorly needed thing lawl..
Any schoolwork just pisses me off more. Maybe that's why I don't get my homework done half of the time :rolleyes: lol

I enjoy tearing apart my computer and rebuilding it, but not really to relieve stress. I just find it kind of fun. God, that makes me seem like such a nerd, lol. But w/e, I enjoy it, so meh.

Edit: I've never self-harmed really (on purpose that is). I've always been curious though. Nothing has ever pushed me that far though.

Edit 2: I just noticed I sort of contradicted myself. I guess punching the wall can kind of count as self-harm. Don't really think of the fact that the wall is harder than my hand.. lol
I dont really get stress too often..... only time i do is at work... and that only last 5 minutes or so.... so i dont really have to deal with it...
twilightcrimson7 said:
I envy you.....................

u shouldn't i get the "Your a asshole" remark from alot of people. cause of my carefree attitude... im never mean to anyone.. they just dont like that fact that i can blow something off so easily... sad...
Im stressed a lot..I worry too much too, To calm me down i listen to music (coldplay seems to work very well besides LP), write, read, paint or sleep(but i usually cant fall asleep then) and when im completely out of it i cut myself, oww.. and pour my heart out at LP frums works too..

hmm.. ive got a lot of cures..but still stressed out..weird?!
First of all, I listen to LP and if I dont have there music there then I mumble the lyrics of their songs.
otherwise I try to make myself busy with something like book or tv or computer...
I would like to write how I feel in my journal but ppl just dont care so I let it be. *shrugs*
um..sometimes I just cant help the stress so I just sit down and ithink about it untill I get really pissed and then I just throw stuff and break them and I happen to be a self harmer too...
I don't think I can deal with my stress. I mean, I do lots of stuff like you guys already said (listen to music, draw... I also try to watch movies or anime, read something funny) but all of that only takes my mind off the stress for so long. When the music's over, or the movie's over, or I've already drawn enough, the stress comes back full strength. I can be a pretty stressfull person. Mostly because of college, it really gets to me. I try to deal with it the best that I can, but it's like permanent stress during school time. During the day I laugh things off and such, but in the end of the day when I get home, the weight of the day really settles in. My mother is scared that I'll have health problems from alway being so stressed out, but I can't help it :\ I hate the freaking stress, but it's stronger than me. It settles in and doesn't leave, the damn ******* U_U
i listen to music.....or read a book
if its sumthing that is realli realli stressing me out ill talk 2 my gf or a close friend.......
well when i get stressed i.... listen to LP of course. or depending what modd im in i will listen to music. I write poems. i will read a book to get my mind off it...but i never have time for that any more. somtimes i will bitch to a friend or my bf. and i use to drink to forget my problems and i use to cut myself. but im trying not to do that anymore.

oh and i eat lol. im an emotional eater. but i still only weigh 105 lbs. sucks that i cant gain wieght.
how do I deal with stress????
I don't,coz i don't have a daily stress,coz I don't care bout anything and I got notin' to worry bout