How do you deal with stress?

I listen to LP or STP. If that goes to hell, I tap beats out on pots and pans (childish, I know) pretending I have drums. And if that doesn't work, take asprine and go to bed.
linkinparkfan_22 said:
Hey are you sexy? or are you not a guy? i love lp and i have a lot of stress too
i hope u r a sexy guy
lol what the hell is that about*raise eyebrow and lets out a big cough*
well i listen to music to deal w ith stress.. umm.. yer thats all, lol or play video games which stress me out more, lol ohh and eat.. and thats why im fat.. and come on lpf.. :thumbsup:
computer.......chattin wid friends....or wen im alone....i klose my eyes n dream abt da guy im luv.........or lod music.....screamin my guts out......dese r things dat really help
I sit alone in my room just listening to the music with the window open...even if its snowing. Strange my family actully causes the neighbors to become stressfull...LOL. And dancing in the rain is ver calming on my nerves....just dont do it during school, trust me.
How i deal with stress: Scream in a pillow
Stab Something
Listen to music
Light incense
Write Poetry
Take a bath, submerge myself under the water and look up
even tho its a pain in the eyes.
or i hurt myself :rolleyes: its a last resort
Usually I get my mind off of it. I like to sing.. so when nobody's home, I'll get my microphone and and guitar and play it and sing. yeah.

or when it's really nice outside, I like to take my bike down the road, maybe take a walk with my CD player...

but I also listen to my favorite bands really loud.

Now when my parents are home and I'm stressed, I just eat alot. Heh. still don't gain wait. sucks.
I listen to LP. And when no one is home and I just run around the house singing my lungs out.

Another way is I take it out on my friends. Like I would just say everything that is going on to them and eventually I would feel proud that they are my friend.

And my last way is taking it out on my dad. I just explain everything and in the end I just punch like crazy in the shoulder. But he doesnt care since Im in my "teen years"
I don't hardly get stressed lol. My friends know this, but sometimes it'll all just build up and it's all my fault lol. This is usually around examination time where I know I haven't studied as hard or as much as I should, and then I end up frustrated with myself and the stress of shovling everything into my head even though it all falls straight out ahh lol. It's enough to make me blow. Luckily it doesn't happen too often =D

Umm to deal with it... if it was emotional stress, like something bad happened, I cry to relieve it. It helps me and calms me down quite a bit lol.

There's always the sleep method. Stress is tiring lol, so a sleep, or a long hot bath before I go to sleep does wonders =D

Or there's the shouting, screaming and getting pissed off at every little thing until somebody realises it's not PMS kicking in and I'm really stressed ^.^
Yesterday I had so much homework for business to finish on time so I was stressed... I practically went psycho because I didn't have any more lined paper with the margins on the side... yup, and then my sister gave me a pad of her cheap paper and I started shouting about how cheap and gay it looks. Over paper lol. Point taken ^.^

Oh yeah, that and music lol. =)
When I get stressful I lock my self in my room and listen to music (mainly LP), Draw or do something creative in that respect or talk to someone (hardly do that tho, noone cares :() These usually help and I'm able to relax and get over things...although once it didn't and that was bad...cos me to scratch and No I'm scared of myself lol
When i get stressed out, I go into an entirely different... me. I become something far from the quiet, calm me. sometimes i do things in this state that I didn't even know I could do. I start shouting out loud, flame people, etc..

I guess the chorus to "Papercut" can be real helpful right now...
I'm surprised noone has said any kind of sport.
Sometimes when I'm stressed I'll pull out my hockey net, stick and puck and take slapshot after slapshot until I calm down.
Very therapeutic :thumbsup: