How do you like your SPAM ???

Another good alternative in SPAM is dicing it up in cubes and baking it with your AuGratin Potatoes, or scalloped potatoes.... yum..

Your way sounds good too... I'll have to try that.

Why not ??

SPAM is Hawaii's staple food. Maybe you just haven't had it prepared correctly, yes there are BAD SPAM nightmare dishes, but SPAM is the wonder MEAT of the world !!!

You can't go wrong with SPAM
Minnesota is spam country ....hmm oddly it isnt in any menu up here that i have seen....but i never travel outside of minneapolis....(rarely to st paul)....Im originally from the entertainment capital of the world....Omaha nebraska :D...

Maybe its more of a small town thing here..who knows...

and the sight of it makes me want to vomit......

oh wait thats not going up north to Silver Bay next week to go...gulp, Camping for my 2nd time i guess i have been to the smaller towns....
I associate SPAM with field training in the Army, I would always pack a few tins in my A bag to mix with the old C-rats along with hot sauce, German hot mustard, cookies and candy.

You guys have some good serving ideas and I'll have to try em.

The old farmers in WV would always pack potted meat spread and crackers for lunch when fixing fence or clearing brush. And, it always made me sick after I asked the old guy what the stuff is made of and he said, guess it's the dicks, balls and **** all ground up... So, to this day I walk quickly past the potted meat spread and it is right beside SPAM.