How Long Do you think LP will be around???

If you think about it Hahninator may be right. I mean nu-metal is dead. They may just last long enough to release and album, tour, release another one, final tour.....if they get to a 4th album....
misery said:
Care to give an explanation to why you feel this way?

They can't go on forever. There's no way.
LP's genre is going to die soon. They'll lose fans...

LP is going to release one more album, then tour for a couple of years, and then maybe 1 more album. That's it.
Hahninator said:
They can't go on forever. There's no way.
LP's genre is going to die soon. They'll lose fans...

LP is going to release one more album, then tour for a couple of years, and then maybe 1 more album. That's it.
They're obviously evolving and adapting, which is clear by Qwerty.

Meh, these are all just predictions anyways.. there's really no point in arguing over it, lol :p
lol please no more arguements.
dude though Qwerty is the same style as HT. It's nu-metal.

HT was the greatest **** ever, I freaking love it. However, Qwerty sucks compared to songs like Papercut, A Place for My Head, Runaway and Pushing Me Away.
I dunno, I found Qwerty closer to the style of like.. Slipknot. And they're doing pretty well for themselves, lol :p

But then again, can't really judge what the whole album is going to be like based on one song. I guess we'll see how everything 'goes down', haha.
I hope all the songs aren't done like qwerty, cause i never really liked it that much, i kinda hope they stick close to their old stuff, im really lookin forward to the new sound, but i hope its not so different that they wont even sound like LP
You'll never know when they will quit, it could be finished in 2 years, but it also can go one for another who knows how many years, *hoping for that last one* but we'll just have to wait and hope, that's all you can do :)
They'll put out 2 more studio CDs after the new one...I say they will be around for at least 7 more years...
I hope 3 more albums... That's max. Maybe a bit much. Because, they really take a long time to drop albums. And, what they do is great, so it's hard to recreate a new greatness everytime. it's sad, but we have to deal with it. I hope even after they finish making albums they'll still continue to tour around and have concerts and do autographs and sell stuff, things like that.