How many of you downloaders kept your promise?


New member
No what I said is, if your supporting LP by buying just their albums your actually supporting Warner.....

EPs are often avalible online but I am aware LP dont release EP's as they are mainstream, mainstream bands dont put out EP's as the is no need or market for them.



New member
Well, to some what go against what stenners said record sales are what keeps a mainstream band alive essentially if their poor sales generally that means they are starting to fall out of the limelight. Record Sales in a sense are like a way of showing if there is still people who like LP enough to buy their stuff or not.

With that said WB obviously whores up the money and buying just the cds really wont keep LP up on the money side of things. If u wanna suppourt them Like stenners said buy band merch, go to shows, (if they have EP's) get em, lol if LP was a smaller local band id say donate but yea lol.

I havent been able to go to a show, cuz its always a little to far from where im at. but ive gotten friends to buy a hoodie, and like 4 shirts from their shows near by before.

Back in May, when MTM leaked a few days before its release, my friend downloaded it (as did serveral of you) and she said she'd promise to go out and buy it when it was released, she only downloaded it cause she just couldnt wait.
I was talking to her last night, and i asked if she had actually bought it, to which she said "lol, nope, still not got around to getting it yet"

hehe, so its now August, 3months after the release, and i was wondering how many of you who downloaded it and said they'd buy it when it came out, actually kept your promise? :)
Yup, got the dvd edition too.:thumbsup:



New member
i can understand buying 2 copies, one for yourself and one to keep clean/unscratched and packaged incase its worth something in 50years time. but FIVE? that just a bit of a waste of time and money in my opinion. :)


New member

just 2 clean and 3 unclean version..

and other 3 normal ed are unclean version..

i dun care abt any warner..

just can get to LP music i will love to buy more..



New member
ahaha..just 2 clean and 3 unclean version..

and other 3 normal ed are unclean version..

i dun care abt any warner..

just can get to LP music i will love to buy more..
Yeah I can understand your love for LP, but you never listen to 5 the same cd's, right?



New member
I bought a copy of CD/DVD

Also usually major record companies still get most profit from EPs as should know that Stenners :p ...



New member
I bought it. My friend who downloaded as well said he was going to buy it, and still hasn't 'gotten around to it' yet :S


New member
i downloaded the leaks cos cant WAIT!

and i kept my promise to buy all 3 version..

but got 2 version only..

BandMerch did not SHIP TO SG! T_T

5 SE and 3 NE



New member
I bought a copy of CD/DVD
Also usually major record companies still get most profit from EPs as should know that Stenners :p ...
Depends if they release the EP's threw the same record label, often EP's are tour EPs and are done from the bands pocket. But of course this again dont apply to mainstream bands but the bands I follow make nice lil money out of it and the EPs have a very home made feel to them & therefor will be worth more in the future if they do make it big :D


crazy robster

New member
Of course I kept my promise. I DID buy the album and I would also buy the DVD if it was available here. Well, it might be available in a few months so I will buy it then. And I do it, not because I wanna make Warner richer, it's not all about money in this world... I do it because the band know what the actual sales of the album are and I guess when the sales increase they will feel gratified and proud to know that all their hard work has actually paid off. It's my way of showing them I appreciate them and also my thanks to them for busting their ***** in the studio for so many months in order to give us great music.
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