How Most Left Wing Liberals Sound


New member
Take it away Diddy...

[ame=]YouTube - P. Diddy: McCain Should've Picked Michelle Obama as V.P.! o_O [/ame]



New member
lol, I saw this on CNN last night, and immediately thought a few things:

#1- why does Diddy think I give a rats *** what he thinks,

#2- why doesn't Diddy know that there are at least 25,000 black people in Alaska?

#3- did he just learn how to pronouce the word "Alaska"?



New member
lol, I saw this on CNN last night, and immediately thought a few things:
#1- why does Diddy think I give a rats *** what he thinks,

#2- why doesn't Diddy know that there are at least 25,000 black people in Alaska?

#3- did he just learn how to pronouce the word "Alaska"?
My biggest question was, why does Diddy think that a Governor of Alaska, with an 80% approval rating, have less political experience than Michelle Obama?

It must be because she's black. No racism or bias in Obama's celebrity supporters. Uh, uhh. :rolleyes:



New member
Go twist another one and shut the **** up Ditty. Why do some people insist on showing there ignorance?


Go twist another one and shut the **** up Ditty. Why do some people insist on showing there ignorance?
it is the unfortunate hallmark of black subculture... Pride in ignorance... it is one of the points that separates black people from the dreaded N-word...




I wonder if the jerk has his pants round his knees. That has to be the dumbest "fashion" I ever saw.


it really is such a shame that the left has so many ignorant people that voluteer themselves as spokespersons...


Active Members
it really is such a shame that the left has so many ignorant people that voluteer themselves as spokespersons...
Well you know what they say, birds of a feather........

Being as most of the Liberal leadership are saying things like Palin being elected would be a step backward for women, or that Obama is comparable to Jesus, there is plenty of ignorance to go around in their party.



Well you know what they say, birds of a feather........
Being as most of the Liberal leadership are saying things like Palin being elected would be a step backward for women, or that Obama is comparable to Jesus, there is plenty of ignorance to go around in their party.
Not sure what happened to my last post... lost in the matrix I suppose... I will repost...

... I am pretty sure what they mean to say is, 'Palin's election would be a step back for feminazi women'...

I have, and will continue to ignore most of everything I hear or read from botht he left and the right untill the election is over... Both sides have suspended good sense and even taste. Both sided have see the desparation they will need to win and have ran with reckless abandonment into the dreaded two-minute drill... The crazies have taken over the bus!



Active Members
Both sided have see the desparation they will need to win and have ran with reckless abandonment into the dreaded two-minute drill... The crazies have taken over the bus!

True, both are crazy sometimes but there are degrees of crazy in my opinion.

The Republicans have not tried to claim Obama being elected would be a step backward for Blacks and nobody has claimd McCain is similar to Jesus either.



True, both are crazy sometimes but there are degrees of crazy in my opinion.
The Republicans have not tried to claim Obama being elected would be a step backward for Blacks and nobody has claimd McCain is similar to Jesus either.
Absolutely true... every word... but I didn't see McCain's camp putting out the fire that the media made about the Lipstick comment... EVERYONE know's that he wasn't calling her a pig... He probably has behind closed doors, and I'm almost sure George Soros called her that a few times under his breath. But alas..

I will definately agree with you 100% if what you are trying to say is that the Left seems to have cornered the market on fookin crazy... I'm pretty sure that thier crazyness is born of frustration... the same frustration I see on the faces of Lunatic-leftists when I shoot holes in thier self-centered logic, and refuse to vote for the wonder negro...

one of my best friends is VERY liberal... and the worst kind too... He's only a liberal because his 'white-guilt-ometer' hasn't hit E yet... :mad:

We Argue endlessly! It's actually pretty entertaining for me... Kinda like when Wez and I argued... eventually, lefties get frustrated and start verbally punching in the dark! ;)

it should be an olympic sport...



Active Members
Ya, Chi did the same thing the last couple days. When I pointed out her attacks were unfounded, she somehow felt I needed to be destroyed for daring to point it out. There is somethign wrong with a mindset that knows they are wrong, but needs to cover that wrong up with topic changing personal attacks so they don't have to admit it.

No, I do not believe Obama was calling Palin a pig but I don't believe the lipstick remark was an accident either, he is too perfect a speaker for that. I still believe he was playing up on her lipstick comment but saying she was McCain's lipstick.

They both use distortions, but I thought Obama has been running on promises to be different. If everything he does not is the same old **** we have always seen, what makes anyone think he will be different after the election?


Anna Perenna

New member
Here's how most right-wing conservatives sound ....

Rah rah rah liberals this liberals that ..... rah rah rah liberals this liberals that.

It's so incredibly boring.



New member
More support for the ignorant left...

[ame=]YouTube - "Good Will" (Matt Damon) Hunting... Sarah Palin[/ame]



New member
Here's how most right-wing conservatives sound ....
Rah rah rah liberals this liberals that ..... rah rah rah liberals this liberals that.

It's so incredibly boring.
No no no, it's rah rah ree, kick'em in the knee. Ras ras ras kick'em in the..... other knee. :D



New member
No he's got a point. America doesn't know her. And they don't know Obama either. Obama has pandered to every side conceivable. But Sarah has made a point to be explicit in her views. Just listen to her. She is right on target with energy, tax reform, government reform and most of all the sanity and security of our Nation. We got some 50 days and a few debates coming up. Lets see who dodges the issues and who has convictions.

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