How Most Left Wing Liberals Sound


New member
No he's got a point. America doesn't know her. And they don't know Obama either. Obama has pandered to every side conceivable. But Sarah has made a point to be explicit in her views. Just listen to her. She is right on target with energy, tax reform, government reform and most of all the sanity and security of our Nation. We got some 50 days and a few debates coming up. Lets see who dodges the issues and who has convictions.
That's my point, Damon came out in support of Obama for President, before Obama announced candidacy. When he said he felt Obama should be President was on December 19, 2006. Obama had less than two years in the Senate at that time. Isn't Damon's big argument that Palin has less than two years as Governor of Alaska, and then a bunch of DNC skewed points.

Obama is qualified, according to Damon with less than two years in the Senate, but Palin isn't qualified because she has less than two years as Governor. Sounds a bit contradictory if you ask me, especially since being a Senator is nothing like being President, and being a Governor is the closest thing to it without actually being VP or President.



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Since writing the book, William Powell has converted to Christianity and in 2000 attempted to have the book removed from circulation.[1] However, Powell noted that when the book was published, the copyright was taken out in the publisher's name, not his, and the current publisher has no desire to remove the book from print.
I'm not sure but I don't think the link I gave is not in it's entirety but it's been a real long time since I seen an actual copy back in the 70's. It was illegal to have at the time I believe.



New member
What exactly is a "feminazi"?
It's a term for the Gloria Steinem type of femanist who claims to be for the advancement of women, but actually is only on the side of liberal, professional type women and regularly put down women who choose a more traditional life, by being a stay at home mom, or have conservative views. They really only support you if you have the same beliefs as they do.



Active Members
It's a term for the Gloria Steinem type of femanist who claims to be for the advancement of women, but actually is only on the side of liberal, professional type women and regularly put down women who choose a more traditional life, by being a stay at home mom, or have conservative views. They really only support you if you have the same beliefs as they do.
And this is why I am co critical of Liberals.

They are so two faced when it comes to their party. If your one of them you deserve all these rights and people should support you but if your not one of them, your a step backward for all women if you get elected as the VP.

Everybody knows Palin is more than qualified, so they try to tear her apart with these personal attacks and unfounded claims to muddy the waters and keep the people from seeing the truth of her qualifications.



New member
So, you guys are saying even though he was a state legislator in the senate from 1997-2004, he has less experience? Or do you conveniently forget this fact?





Active Members
So, you guys are saying even though he was a state legislator in the senate from 1997-2004, he has less experience? Or do you conveniently forget this fact? .

How many times did he vote 'present' on those issues?

I seems to remember over a hundred times, clearly his time there was not very well spent if he could never take sides on sensative issues.

Clearly he was grooming himself for future offices and not doing his job at the State level as he should.

Anyway, his responsibilities were nothing compared to a town Mayor as Palin was so if you think Obama sitting in a possition without really doing your job for a few years accounts for his experience to be President, then clearly Palin has ten times that level of experience just using her Mayor executive experience, when we add in her time as Govenor, she completely blows Obama away.



New member
And what exactly is Mayor Executive privilege here? I wanna know, because I am now thinking of endorsing the mayor of my town as President in 2012. Obviosly ANYBODY can be President if they were a mayor... Hmm, wonder if I should instead endorse that 18 year old kid who ran for mayor and I guess I'll have to wait till he's 35.. but still. I wanna know more about this EXECUTIVE PRIVLEDGE thing and how it plays into it.

School me.





Active Members
And what exactly is Mayor Executive privilege here? I wanna know, because I am now thinking of endorsing the mayor of my town as President in 2012. Obviosly ANYBODY can be President if they were a mayor... Hmm, wonder if I should instead endorse that 18 year old kid who ran for mayor and I guess I'll have to wait till he's 35.. but still. I wanna know more about this EXECUTIVE PRIVLEDGE thing and how it plays into it.
School me.


Fist of all I have no idea where your getting the "privledge" thing from. This seems to be a common theme with Liberals to insert things into other people's comments so they can act outraged.

I guess we need to discuss this like we are talking to a three year old so the Liberals can understand it.

We were comparing experience and how that related to an executive job like the Presidency.

Comparing Palin to Obama for their early careers, we have both involved in their local communities but only Palin was dealing with budgets, city employees, police/fire department needs, roads, all the little things that make a local city function.

Obama did some community work and some State level work but his voting record proves he accomplished close to nothing and never during any of that time did he ever run anything more complicated than a couple office staff.

So, early careers, Palin has lots of executive experience, Obama has none.

Now, more recently Palin is running an entire State budget, employees, etc. She is fighting big oil and other "pet projects" that directly puts her in opposition with her own party members. She is the very definition of an executive as it is meant to be.

Obama's recent record is as a brand new federal politician who has spent most of his time running for office, not doing his job. Obama claims his experience running his campaign is executive experience but when we look closer we see he has several campaign managers running the executive side of things. On top of that Obama has run up one of the most Liberal straight down the line voting records and has earned a very poor rating from independant watchdog groups for very heavy earmark abuses.

So again we see a pattern, recent careers show Palin with lots of executive experience in running an entire State, Obama has no executive experience.

Nobody ever said being a Mayor was Palin's only experience, it was offered as 'part' of her experience but even if that was all she had, it would still be ten times more experience than Obama has. Obama has been a follower his entire life, now suddenly people want to believe a guy who has had problems even making tough votes at the State level can suddenly be an executive of the highest order?

I keep going back to what Biden himself said:

Aug. 2007 on Obama's experience: "I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."

Aug. 2007 on Obama's threat to go into Pakistan after Al Qaeda: "The way to deal with it is not to announce it, it's to do it. . . . The last thing you want to do is telegraph to the folks in Pakistan that we're about to violate . . . their sovereignty."

Aug. 2007 on Obama's pledge to meet with leaders of rogue nations: "Would I make a blanket commitment to meet unconditionally with the leaders of each of those countries within the first year I was president? Absolutely, positively no."

Sept. 2007 on Obama's Iraq plan: "My impression is he thinks that if we leave, somehow the Iraqis are going to have an epiphany. I've seen zero evidence of that."

Just a few short months ago his own running mate was saying Obama is not ready to be President, what has changed?

Would Microsoft put a complete novice in charge of their company?


America is a million times more complex than Microsoft, why put a complete novice like Obama in charge of that? Don't make much sense does it.



New member
Look at that reply, totally off track and irrelevant to the question... which was.. tell me about this executive privilege thing.

You only touched on it here:

only Palin was dealing with budgets, city employees, police/fire department needs, roads, all the little things that make a local city function.
Which is FALSE.. She never handled those things. Her, like my own home town mayor, hired an ADMINISTRATOR to handle this.
Same thing with her governor stint. She has advisers telling her what to do. Executive privledge doesn't mean JACK. It's just another candy coated spin title the GOP tossed our way to make it sound like she did something important.





New member
Look at that reply, totally off track and irrelevant to the question... which was.. tell me about this executive privilege thing.
You only touched on it here:

Which is FALSE.. She never handled those things. Her, like my own home town mayor, hired an ADMINISTRATOR to handle this.

Same thing with her governor stint. She has advisers telling her what to do. Executive privledge doesn't mean JACK. It's just another candy coated spin title the GOP tossed our way to make it sound like she did something important.



Nope sorry but your wrong. A governor has to approve anything that has to do with the state. Although they probably use advisors they don't have Administrators pulling the strings. The buck stops on the Governors desk.



New member
Nope sorry but your wrong. A governor has to approve anything that has to do with the state. Although they probably use advisors they don't have Administrators pulling the strings. The buck stops on the Governors desk.
Ah, so then you don't deny the advisers she had as Mayor? Which leaves this woman with less then 2 years experience as a governor. Again, like I said before... apologists going with the herd..




New member
Ah, so then you don't deny the advisers she had as Mayor? Which leaves this woman with less then 2 years experience as a governor. Again, like I said before... apologists going with the herd..

every exectutive has advisors. That's pretty much what the cabinet is. It's done in business and government, but ultimately the decision is the responsibility of the executive head/CEO.



Active Members
Look at that reply, totally off track and irrelevant to the question...
Just because you don't like what I said that does not make it irrelivant. Everythign I posted was clear and 100% accurate, if you would like to rebut and offer some examples of Obama managing things in an executive capacity I would gladly ***** new info but so far you seem desperate to discout real and hard facts proving Palin has experience of an executive nature but refuse to admit Obama has none.

No matter how you slice it, the more you say she is not qualified, the more you bury Obama because he is less qualified than she is.

Which is FALSE.. She never handled those things. Her, like my own home town mayor, hired an ADMINISTRATOR to handle this.

Wrong again, small town mayors do not have the big budgets larger towns have. While there may be some part time advisors on a limited basis, the Mayor and staff directly do their own budget crunching. They also face the direct reaction fo their budget like many small town mayors having to deal with the gas price increases doubling their budgets without having the funds ready. There small town Mayors have to be jacks of all trades to a certain degree.

Even if you were right, how does that matter? She is still dealing with difficult executive decisions every day just managing the city workers and such. Her executive experience is long and filled with success.

Instead of trying to bring down Sarah Palin's great accomplishments, why not instead tell us about Obama's executive accomplishments, that is if he has any.

Is that your motive?

You know Obama is not qualified so now you Liberals are busy trying to bring her down to your level?



New member
Holy sheep , you can't stay focused on one thing for one **** post without diverting the subject to someone else, can you?

The original question was about how "executive experience" comes into play, and you outright CONVINCED YOURSELF of this:

small town mayors do not have the big budgets larger towns have. While there may be some part time advisors on a limited basis, the Mayor and staff directly do their own budget crunching. They also face the direct reaction fo their budget like many small town mayors having to deal with the gas price increases doubling their budgets without having the funds ready. There small town Mayors have to be jacks of all trades to a certain degree.
That might be true... except in the case of Wasilla Alaska, where the small town mayor simply couldn't handle the budget and had to hire someone to do it for her... Coincidently, she left the town with a $20 million dollar debt... or was that the administrators fault?

The question was about executive privilege and what that actually brings to the Presidency. I see you wanna run yet another GOP tactic on me, the one McCain has been playing... hit em with the truth, and get back the "I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I" grade school rebuttal, and go OBAMA THIS, OBAMA THAT.

Your totally unphased because you live in a state of denial.





New member
Holy sheep , you can't stay focused on one thing for one **** post without diverting the subject to someone else, can you?
The original question was about how "executive experience" comes into play, and you outright CONVINCED YOURSELF of this:

That might be true... except in the case of Wasilla Alaska, where the small town mayor simply couldn't handle the budget and had to hire someone to do it for her... Coincidently, she left the town with a $20 million dollar debt... or was that the administrators fault?

The question was about executive privilege and what that actually brings to the Presidency. I see you wanna run yet another GOP tactic on me, the one McCain has been playing... hit em with the truth, and get back the "I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I" grade school rebuttal, and go OBAMA THIS, OBAMA THAT.

Your totally unphased because you live in a state of denial.


Can you help us out and post where your getting your information.

Palin left office with a 4 million dollar surplus.

As Mayor of Wasilla, Palin Cut Own Duties, Left Trail of Bad Blood

You know of course Alaska dosn't even have a state tax don't you?

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