How old to hunt ??


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
I know the first time I went, I was 15, it was with a .22 and I shot a racoon. I'm just curious as to what others think should be the appropriate age to let someone handle a firearm/bow/trap...etc.. Or to even introduce them into the world of hunting.
Interesting question. I started shooting when I was 5 (bb gun) and hunting probably around 7. Squirrels and pheasants mostly, would shoot at clay pigeons. Started fishing around that age, too.
I doubt I would let my kids hunt at that age, seems a bit inappropriate, but I always had a good time. I'd say early teens. But if there are going to be guns in the house, then gun safety should be taught at an early age (as well as ammo being locked away seperately).
The first time I went hunting I think I was 5 or 6. I went rabbit hunting with my dad and brothers. We used .22
I think you should be 16 before hunting alone. But if your with your parent or a gaurdian over 18 then i'd say eight years. It seems to me that you would have to have some grasp of mortality before handling weapons that can kill. In my opinion, kids that are knowledgeble about weapons are far less likely to accidently shoot themselves or others. Kids that screw around with guns and point them at their freinds playing cop-n-robbers probably have never experienced the explosion of a firearm.

Gun season opens here in a week and i've got my eye on a 12 pointer that we've been tracking in monroe county. Been seeing this stud for the last two seasons but he won't get close enough. Saw the ****er last year when I had my muzzleloader at about 200 yards but then some jacksass came through the field on his ATV and spooked it.
No one should go hunting alone.

I showed my son gun safety about the time he could pick one up. I continue to show him just in case he forgot. He knows to assume they are allways loaded, keep your finger off the trigger, don
I spent several years teaching gun handling and gun safety with my son, starting at about age 5 with a bb gun.

At about age 7 I started taking him along with me when I go hunting (upland game) so he can just observe how it's done and not have to be concerned with actually shooting the birds. I let him bring the bb gun with him so I can reinforce any issues with muzzle control and how he carrys the gun. I it's easier for kids to remember the rules while practice/target shooting in a controlled environment and they are more likely to let their mind wander about safety in the field.

This year (he's 9 years old now) and for the next couple of years I am going to let him carry an unloaded .410 so he gets used to carrying something heavyer and I can still safely monitor his gun safety while in the field.

I haven't decided yet, depends on observations but I was figuring letting him carry a loaded gun and participate at around age 12.
For me thats an almost imposible question. I mean there are parents out there that are responsible and would be a good teacher for their children. Then there are those that take their toddlers with them hunting so the kid can bring him beer...
It doesn't seen that you should have to wait until 16 to drive a car but be able to have a fun and operate it alone.
I went for the first time when I was 16, and I bagged a squirrel with a .12 gauge. Shot at some magpies after that. Never went again after that -- because the person I was with thought I was always too eager to blast the hell out of everything.
a friend of mine got his licence when he was 13. supposidly a good hunter too.
Depends on 2 things:
- the mental preparedness of the kid.
- safety issues.

I think most kids would be ok around 8-10 years of age to understand the concept of hunting. Wait any longer and they might pick up ideas from their lefty vegan schoolteachers, and not want to give it a try.

Safety is really up to the skill and responsibility of the person teaching them, and the maturity of the kid also. For this reason I think you're looking at early-mid teens depending on the kid.

It really is a case-by-case sort of decision depending on the personality, intelligence, maturity and responsibility of the kid concerned. Some people should never be given guns at any age.
cybacaT said:
I think most kids would be ok around 8-10 years of age to understand the concept of hunting. Wait any longer and they might pick up ideas from their lefty vegan schoolteachers, and not want to give it a try.
Hehehe...speaking of lefty vegan teachers....reminds me of a funny story.
When I was in first grade, we had to make pictures of turkeys at home and bring them in for Thanksgiving.
We had gone hunting that weekend, so I had my dad cut the legs off the pheasant, and I put them on my picture of the turkey. ****in' grossed out my teacher, it was hilarious!