How well do you know your bf/gf?

Name: Stephanie
Country: USA
Fav bands: Anyting Rock im guessin havent really asked her yet
Nickname: Gir
Pair of clothing can't live without: Hoodie
Looks like :A girl who looks evil and cute.....if thats possible
Met him: School and Church School
Fav expression: Santa Where's My Dolly?
Name: Mallory
Country: USA
Fav bands: Linkin Park, Greenday.. and that's all she talks about..
Nickname: doesn't have one, or hasn't told me.
Pair of clothing can't live without: her sandles i think
Looks like: she really doesn't look like anyone I've known..
Met her: school... we talked all through sixth grade, then got together at the end of seventh.
Fav expression: "That's jiggy fresh" (just don't ask)