I will tell you this man, its not your stuff there so you don't understand. This is a JOKE!! His customer service is so bad! Ok maybe he's getting swamped, think about it this way,,,All those people that are handing there stuff over to him are going to get this crappy but customer service like me and 450 here, and a few other people I know, and guess what There going to go and tell other people how there experience was with him intern he starts loseing all theses potential customers .....Must be doing a great job. Swamped with work. That is great in this economy
:nutkick: :rotflmao:Two things I love in life.. ******* & haters, this thread has both
You hit that dead on the head man!Believe me when I say I never thought I would be posting stuff like this about Demon. I really liked the guy from what I could tell on forums, but now it's to the point where I don't know if his company went belly up or what. The guy cannot be reached at all!
If he is sooo busy to let his customers in the dark for so long then That tells me he bit off way more than he can chew. (or we've been scammed :S)
Imagine waiting 6 months+ for parts and then there is a screw up... how long do you think it would take for it to be resolved?
Some small time racers/riders just can't afford to be jerked around like this. I hope he straightens his stuff out before his customer service drags his building reputation down the toilet too.
there are lots of people on here that know morgan personally and that support his business. So, they will do what they do on the org and try to help morgan and make him look good as if there is no real issue with the CUSTOMERS here! These guys have been waiting and waiting and can't even reach Demon at all. There's no excuse for that. So, let's not back up morgan juts because you know him. This isn't the org. alan, you're not in the same boat as these guys so when you say business must be good, phhhfffftttt, not if you're a customer!
to the other guy who hates ******* and haters. are you misunderstanding that this guy hasn't heard from the builder at all? there is a point to this thread and that is to share his own personal experience and right now it's nto good.
morgan has been over rated by these dune guys for years. they whine over on the org about why he got banned. now over here he runs the show, yet his business practices are not up to par apparently. sure maybe he can build the most powerful drag duner, but he obviously can't keep up with the work load, or else he is just having problems trying to run the business, either way, i'll send mine to the local guy.