Hunting. Right or wrong?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2005
I have debated this topic on other boards and it always seems to get mixed responces. Some people feel the need to kill animals for sport is inhumane and has outlived its purpose. I am an avid deer hunter and I catch alot of **** from folks who see no reason why hunting and gathering is still practiced in the U.S.
I'm not a vegitarien or a memebr of PETA or anything, i just don't agree with hunting. When chickens or livstock is reared, it is ment for eating; like growing fields of vegitables. but in the wild i appriciate animals living as they are, i thuink the free ones have that right and we've obviously no need to accually hunt for our food. Now i see what your saying that its a stress releaser for some folks and i can understand not wanting to give that up, but the prospect of taking an animals life so you can forget your electric bills seems rather unfair to me. It would be nice if you could relax in other ways (have some Tea and Skones or something :) .) I relaize the drinking tea for relaxsation wouldn't appeal to most hunters, but thats probably because you grew up with it and were told/seen it as a stress reliever. back to the tea thing, to you think the Brits accually had some chemicle NEED for tea? no, it was relieving because the society saw it as so and when brought into a culture like that you obviously are going to pick up on it. I enjoy Martial arts, reading and exercise as stress relievers because i was brought up by a Black-Belt/Fitness instructor/lieberian. When i'm doing these things i don't think about it but really, but it seems to much of a coincidence dosn't it? The same would apply to most hunsters i believe, its only relaxing because thats wht you were borught into, and therefore if we did want to end it we'd have to have some drastic societal reform. But really, i enjoy swinging around a set of Nunchucks or a Katana now and then but i realize the problems that would cause being around town, so i don't. (Plus its illeagal) Reconize the problems with hunting as well please. (Well i think they're problems)

The other guff i have with hunting is that it seems to breed folks with a cold attitude towards the treatment of other living things (Humans included) but maybe thats another debate, plus don't you think its funny that pretty much anyone who has a "Bomb the fukers!" attitude is also a hunter Nods at MRIH (Correct me if i'm worng, as i'm sure you may)
The only time hunting should be done is for food or population control where an animal has been taken out of its niche and we have to fill in for it. For example, in some areas, mountain lions and wolves have been wiped out and the deer and rabbit populations have skyrocketed. Humans have to cover down for their mistakes.
We Alasakans like to think of it as harvesting.
Nothing wrong with harvesting meat.
Killing something just for fun or wasting meat is wrong.
I mainly hunt for the skins.

Deer hunting is fun too, but I usually end up finding someone with a Bow and give them one of my tags to get the deer for me.

1. Its a cleaner kill
2. Deer season here is in the winter, and I hate the cold.

Coons on the otherhand, you can see them out of your car window and get out just to blow em out of the tree there in. No ****ing work involved, and you can get a box of .22 shells real easy at Wal-Mart's
I have no opinion either way. I have a problem with hunting something endangered or for the wrong reasons.

But to kill a deer, pheasant etc and take it home to use it properly (food, skins...etc)...I see no problem with it. My uncle hunted pheasants for years. The dead limp carcass he would bring home was gross that i didnt like to watch the process.

I have no desire to go hunt something

If someone has a problem for it (for doing it the right way...not hunting baby seals or elephants for their tusks) then simply comment on that t-bone they are eating, or the next time they take a little fishing trip. Should end that debate real quick.

Grab your gun and shootum up...I dont really care...till it becomes exessive and dangerous to a species survival....
When I was a kid, I went squirrel hunting with my granddad. We also hunted rabbits. The entire family ate the meat of the animals we killed. Wer hunted them only for food when rabbit or squirrel season were on. So, if PETA has a problem with that, they'd better get their own guns 'cause if they get in my face, they'll have to bring one thing, a good supply of body-bags!!! ;)
Deer in most states are overpopulated. The only thing that prevents rampant overpopulation in many areas is hunting. Here in Brown county Indiana the DNR has a special extending hunt for doe just to help control the numbers. Overpopulation leads to starvation, sickness, and inbreeding. During these special hunts, and even alot from regular season, thousands of pounds of venison are donated to Gleaners food bank to feed the hungary. I haven't bought ground beef in years because I keep 100 to 200 pounds of deer meat in a deep freeze. I hate it when ***** ass consumers have no issue with going to the store and buying beef that someone slaughtered for them, but they have issue with those who know how to harvest the land.
Always said I was thinking of moving to Indiana... another reason I'll keep it in mind..

Damn deer roast is awesome.

I made one for my wife and kids this last winter..

I cooked it in a crock pot with mushroom soup

I presoaked the meat overnight in just FRESH water and a little salt to draw out the blood/gamey taste.

But anyway, damn if that wasn't the best roast I have ever had in my life.

My wife was skeptical at first, and so weren't the kids, but after a few bites they had the entire roast almost finished off by the end of dinner, and had picked at leftover for the remainder of the day..

Damn, Bambi sounds good right about now...
Kryptonite Man said:
When I was a kid, I went squirrel hunting with my granddad. We also hunted rabbits. The entire family ate the meat of the animals we killed. Wer hunted them only for food when rabbit or squirrel season were on. So, if PETA has a problem with that, they'd better get their own guns 'cause if they get in my face, they'll have to bring one thing, a good supply of body-bags!!! ;)

Wait..back up for just a second...

Squirrel hunting.........Hunted them for only food..

You ate squirrel?
Vortex said:
Wait..back up for just a second...

Squirrel hunting.........Hunted them for only food..

You ate squirrel?

Squirrel tastes like greasy ****. I shoot them because I hate the little tree rats. I know what your thinking, is'nt that wasteful? The coyotes will eat them eventualy so don't feel bad. I like trying to shoot their tail off.
Jhony5 said:
Squirrel tastes like greasy ****. I shoot them because I hate the little tree rats. I know what your thinking, is'nt that wasteful? The coyotes will eat them eventualy so don't feel bad. I like trying to shoot their tail off. not shocked by anyone shooting pests...even tho i enjoy watching them at time to time (specially when they fight..thats fun)...

but eating a squiirel?!?!??! How back woods, George w Bush can you be?
Never ate a squirrel. But duck and shark are pretty damn good. That's as far as exotic as I'll get. When I was in Korea for two years I had a chance to eat dog...I just never went to the restaraunt to do it. Didn't sound too tasty. They have actual dog farms there and MAN do they smell!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
The little gray squirels are tender and good... It's the bigger red squirels that are greasy.

Really. I've eaten the fox (red) squirrel before, but have not tryed gray. Hmm...I'm getting hungary for squirrel fixin's.
I think hunting for sport and entertainment is wrong,but hunting for food is OK as long you're not wasteful.
Well done for eating squirells guys yuk!,although I wouldn't like them to be killed,but they are annoying.They are RATS WITH BUSHY TAILS.
I have this problem with seeing dead cute things. I could never, ever hunt. Little wabbits, deer and birdies are just sooooo cute.

But I can't say I'm morally opposed to hunting, eating, and salvaging other parts of the animal.
I am opposed to killing just to reap the cosmetic benefits, let's say, fur (and if any of you er...can find elephants to hunt in the forest near you), and tusks, par example.
Humans were meant to eat meat, and before we had slaughterhouses and breeding sheds, people hunted to EAT. I'm not going to say it's wrong, but for the sake of cuteness, don't kill them for sport and not use them :D
TheJenn88 said:
I have this problem with seeing dead cute things. I could never, ever hunt. Little wabbits, deer and birdies are just sooooo cute.

But I can't say I'm morally opposed to hunting, eating, and salvaging other parts of the animal.
I am opposed to killing just to reap the cosmetic benefits, let's say, fur (and if any of you er...can find elephants to hunt in the forest near you), and tusks, par example.
Humans were meant to eat meat, and before we had slaughterhouses and breeding sheds, people hunted to EAT. I'm not going to say it's wrong, but for the sake of cuteness, don't kill them for sport and not use them :D

If you think a baby rabbit is cute you should see how cute they look when you blow one of their legs off and its panicing trying to pull its body underneath a log to hide from you. Bunnies make the cutest sounds when they cry.
TheJenn88 said:
I have this problem with seeing dead cute things. I could never, ever hunt. Little wabbits, deer and birdies are just sooooo cute.

But I can't say I'm morally opposed to hunting, eating, and salvaging other parts of the animal.
I am opposed to killing just to reap the cosmetic benefits, let's say, fur (and if any of you er...can find elephants to hunt in the forest near you), and tusks, par example.
Humans were meant to eat meat, and before we had slaughterhouses and breeding sheds, people hunted to EAT. I'm not going to say it's wrong, but for the sake of cuteness, don't kill them for sport and not use them :D

Except squirells.I have been tempted to go on a hunting spree 'cause of them.
I hate the way they creep up behind you and suddenly jump out in front of you.And they are definately not cute,Hellllllllllooooooooo RATS IN DISGUISE!

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