Hybrid-Heart sig request

Well, I dont think I've ever had a sig made for me, but I will this time:

i want the colors #090909 and #ff8c00.
and id like it to have the FM logo, and a pic of mike, with the words "Remember the name" under my name
I know its not completely specific, but i have a feeling you can come up with something awesome

thanks in advance
ok i will work on it ;)

mel i finished your sig:


link: http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/ab46b863cff9fffbe4bdb906af478272.png


link: http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/7774/melfgavy8ic.png

hope you like them

and it may take a little longer before your sigs will be finished..
cause my parents have new internet rules =_= if you know what i mean.
sorry for that
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Hybrid Soldier said:
Well, I dont think I've ever had a sig made for me, but I will this time:

i want the colors #090909 and #ff8c00.
and id like it to have the FM logo, and a pic of mike, with the words "Remember the name" under my name
I know its not completely specific, but i have a feeling you can come up with something awesome

thanks in advance

this maybe sounds stupid but can you give me the normal colour names and not the codes?
cause i dunno which colours you mean right now..
cause somehow i can't add them and look which colour it is. =S
so can you please tell me which colours?
hybi, have i ever told you i love you? rofl. anyways, yeah, due to my recent.. slipknot fetish, and lasting.. photoshop.. boycott, i'm requesting another sig XD.

mmk, what i'd like on it is Jim Root (slipknot rhythm guitar) yeah, his mask, or him in his mask idk, long as the mask is there, and then Mick Thompson (slipknot noise guy XD) mask or him as well rofl, and then 'Hyper' and then a seperate one with the name 'JettisoN'.

as far as colors, don't really matter, ooh, maybe orange, or black with bloody red [shrug]. and then mm, quote/subtext -

"What have you got to lose
Except your soul"


"If I have to give my life you can have it"

matching avy as well (Jim) thxxxx
Hey I love your work. It some awesome stuff you got there. I was wondering if you could make me a sig?

with these pictures...http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v356/meteora500/chesterhasglasseslikeme.jpg and http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v356/meteora500/RODSUPERHOTTTT.jpg

with the lyrics Everything has to end,You'll soon find we're out of time left, To watch it all unwind....but if those are too long then The darkness holding me tightly, Until the sun rises up

Colors- black, and green, with a sort of grunge-ish look if thats possible

and meteora500 as well.

also, an avatar, preferably with the picture of chester. Thanks!

linkinpark91393 - no it isn't confusing at all ;)
i'll be working on it

Hybrid Soldier - :) You're welcome

Hyper - o_0,, no you never told me that :p lmao
i have one question.. you want the name Jim on your avater?
or do you mean something else with it? :p

meteora500 - thnx :)
and sure i'll be working on it..

but i maybe have one problem.. cause psp is a little shitty at the moment..
so it may take a little longer than normal..
i love you. XD. um, what imeant by jim is like, with the matching avy, preferably have jim's mask, doens't matter tho, i just realized you make sexy avy's anyways, so whatever you want, XD. and on the avatar, just the 2 seperate ones with JettisoN and Hyper
thnx people for your comments..
and Chester i don't think i can at the moment..

sorry you guys but i have a major problem..
my psp won't work anymore..
i dunno how that could happen..
so i can't make any sigs at the moment.
i'm trying to fix it.. and i'll let you know when i can make sigs again.

i'm so sorry!..please don't kill me T_T
*runs and hides*