Hyper's [JouRnaL] v2

So now I really don't know what to do. I've had a rough day. It's just been long, tough, it sucked. So I was talkin to Felicia, and she asked me to come over. So I did.

Now here's where I was a dumbass. She's supposed to be grounded. And her dad wasn't home. So we watched T.V. then we went out back to talk, it was nice and windy out, great weather.

Well, her dad got home early. He came out, said Felicia, in the house, get yoru God damn boyfriend out of here. He was pissed. So I was stunned, she went inside. So I went to just walk out the back gate, my car was right there anyways.

Her dad came up and opened the gate, askin me if I gotta be that much of a damn ***** that I have to sneak around. I was losing it, but I kept it cool. Said I wasn't sneakin around, if I was I would have parked around the corner, and then jumped the fence as soon as he got home.

He kept screamin at me. Tellin me I lost myself a girlfriend blah blah blah. That I'm not allowed to go back there ever again. Not to call her. Not to see her.

Then he said the magic words. "You have no ****in respect for her." That's bull ****ing ****. I respect her the most out of anybody I know. I told him that. He didnt' believe me. His arrogance and want-to-be-good-fatherness blinded him to that. He kept sayin that if I had any respect for her that I would have heeded his rules. The rules that aren't even fair in the first place. The rules that have the love of my life on a short ****ing leash.

Then he started screamin at her to get into the house. I.. I had to give it my all not to punch him. Nobody should ever disrespect my girl like that. Or any girl for that matter. This jackass is goin on about how I am the one with no respect. When he's the one who's screaming at a seventeen year old girl.

Guys.. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm shaking right now. ****ing shaking.. I don't want to lose her.. but he can make it to where she can never see me again. Sure, she can run away, but I don't want that to happen. I don't want her to get in more trouble as it is.

What should I do? I'm not going to sit by and watch as she's taken from me. No ****in way. But.. I don't want to intrude to the point where he gets a restraining order on me, or something like that..

So.. ya, I really have no idea what I'm going to do..
Somebody talk to me?
That's ****ed up. I don't understand how some people can be so.. dense when it comes to stuff like that.

My best advice is to go back in a couple of days once everything has settled down and have a nice, calm talk with her father and explain yourself. As long as you remain calm and understanding when (if) you do decide to go back and talk to him, I think he'll hear you out a bit better.. I think alot of this anger and yelling was heat of the moment, and I'm sure he'll listen if you go back in a while once everything has cooled down.

Hope I helped :) Good luck.
So Felicia and I are still together [it'll get better in a sec] even tho her Dad doesn't want us together. I go see her every day during her lunch break [I get out of school early] and yeah. We usually go chill.

But ladies and gentlemen. Sir Isaac is no longer a virgin. I know I know, teen sex blah blah, but it felt right. So we did it, and ya, I'll spare you the details [hehe] but yeah. We've pretty much commited to each other for the rest of our lives :thumbsup:
First time checking out this journal.. Pretty nice compared to the other journals I've seen. You and Stenners are the best at it.

Her father told you not to see her but I guess doing the complete opposite wouldn't hurt. =p
Lol, she gave me the option to not see her. I mean, in all honesty, her father will not be with her through her entire life, she's almost eighteen, and he needs to cut his little grip on her. But ya, she gave me the option, and of course I said to hell with that. And now things are goin great :thumbsup:
rawr; so i've pretty much been gone for a month. kinda nice, lol. no internet forum drama, just a lot of life.

to catch you guys up on what you've missed

I got invited to play football for my school's varsity team. They needed a big guy to play Defensive End. Sooooo, I said okay [hence my ease of not coming here] Season's been going pretty well, we're undefeated [7-0] we play our biggest game in two weeks.

Um, Felicia and I are still together. Still going strong. Still planning on getting married.

My mom found out about Felicia and I. She was okay with it, which was a lot of weight off my shoulders.

Andddd, I'm better at Counter-Strike than before.

So, I don't know if this is going to be a comeback, so for now we'll call it an update :thumbsup:!
You don't need this.

The Original Ocean’s Eleven has been viewed as an excuse for The Rat Pack to get together and make a movie of theme drinking together and goofing off. Which is exactly what I got from it. The movie stars such actors as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Joey Bishop, Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford. These notable Rat Pack members star in this comedy.
Theme – comedy
Danny Ocean: Why waste those cute little tricks that the Army taught us just because it's sort of peaceful now.
Danny Ocean: [Answering the phone] Hello, this is a recording, you've dialed the right number, now hang up and don't do it again.
Jimmy Foster: [speaking on the 'phone] Speaking of finances. Could you let me have some more?
Mrs. Restes: More? More what?
Jimmy Foster: Money. M-O-N-Y.
Sam Harmon: "E"
Jimmy Foster: M-O-N-*E*-Y
Danny Ocean: Going down.
Lift attendant: Going down.
Danny Ocean: Where they serve the drinks.
Lift attendant: To the bar.
Setting – Las Vegas, Nevada
Mood – the movie has a lighthearted mood about it. All the characters are casually drinking and smoking. Getting drunk every chance they get.
Protagonist – Danny Ocean (Sinatra) who gathers his army buddies to rob the banks.
Make up – Done well. Most of the stars actually had shows in Vegas they did at night. So they filmed early morning, slept during the day, woke up afternoon, make up, more filming, and then their show, followed by more early morning filming.
Music and Sound – The most noticeable and best use of music in this was when Anthony "Tony" Bergdorf [Richard Conte] has a heart attack in the middle of the Las Vegas Strip. The music is very somber and almost depressing.
Costumes – All the guys are in slick suits. They get the classy look, which is definitely not what they are. They drink too much.
it's definitely my english homework. i just needed a way to get it from my house to my school.

but to actually tell you guys something about my life recently

i was in a rollover accident on sunday. i'm okay. gf's okay. gf's sister's okay. gf's sister's friend's okay. just scratched n bruized.
Hyper said:
it's definitely my english homework. i just needed a way to get it from my house to my school.

but to actually tell you guys something about my life recently

i was in a rollover accident on sunday. i'm okay. gf's okay. gf's sister's okay. gf's sister's friend's okay. just scratched n bruized.
I'm glad that you all are ok after that accident....
Ya so are we.
So I just wanted to announce I am back.
I bet nobody reads this anymore, but it's no biggie to me.
I needed to get my act together, which I have.
So you can expect some lovely postings for your favorite member with the name 'Hyper' =]

In light of my return. I decided to make a new sig. Sure it's my avvy with my name. But it's hella sick son.