I am a grandfather


Active Member
Aug 28, 2007
This morning at 4:45am my son (currently serving in California as a US Marine) had his first child ( a boy), making me a first time Grandfather.

I feel old and excited at the same time, interesting to say the least.
This morning at 4:45am my son (currently serving in California as a US Marine) had his first child ( a boy), making me a first time Grandfather.

I feel old and excited at the same time, interesting to say the least.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Congratulations, but how did your son get pregnant?
lol, funny joker.....thanks.

Thanks to you too Cloaked, it is pretty cool, I wish he was closer, I am making plans to fly out there but I don't want to take my daughter through the new patdowns and scanners, my boss has his own plane but so far he is resistent to my attempts to convince him he needs to fly to California, lol.

I might just drive.
Congrats, ya geezer!! How old are you, gramps?=)

Well, I hope I look too young to be a grandfather, lol. I am 45 ;)

If that pic on your profile really is you and is recent, yeah you do look too young to be a grandfather, and 45.

That pic is about 6 years old maybe, I don't really have pictures of myself, I am always the guy running the cameras, I just filmed a wedding in fact for my nephew. If I want in a picture I usually have to use the timer function and make everyone let me run to get in the picture, lol.
Cameras keep breaking every time you try getting in the pic, eh?

Poor kid, hopefully he looks like his mother and not your side.
In all seriousness though... you gonna post some pics?
Why, just so you can talk more sh!t about his looks and stuff?

Everyone else was nice, but you can't seem to put your need to flame me aside long enough to be decent so don't expect me to give you more ammo for your attacks B e n d e r..
Great.. another leech to suck on the teat of society.. f cking irresponsible vagina's..
This morning at 4:45am my son (currently serving in California as a US Marine) had his first child ( a boy), making me a first time Grandfather.

I feel old and excited at the same time, interesting to say the least.
Congrats Mr. Times :)