I am proud of Britney Spears.

wolvesslasher said:
It's called jealousy. The successful hot girls with self esteem are always hated by ugly people who can't stand the fact the there are hot people who are in excellent shape and don't feel the need to hide their body.

You must be referring to the other Brittney who didn't **** out two screaming whelps.
Jhony5 said:
Her life is no more perfect then yours or mine. Imagine if every move you made, every mistake you committed, was broadcast and mass printed to entertain every loser with nothing better to do than judge a complete stranger.

Shaving her head was a way for her to say "**** YOU" to the paparazzi and every piece of shat that gets off on reading exaggerated accounts of her supposed "downfall". Probably also a manner of washing away her pop-star image.

Shes going through a divorce and watching her family get ripped apart. Add to that her world-wide fame and fortune, and its easy to say that none of you have the slightest clue what its like being her.

How can anyone say her antics are any worse than the same **** y'all pulled when you were her age?

**** you people....a lot of young women run around with their friends drinking beer and smoking grass, all while wearing no panties. A lot of people have kids whom have an accident and get a bump on their head.

Britney worked hard as a coal miner on her first two albums, all while trying to be a teenager. Six to seven day weeks that stretched on for many months. Recording, performing and attending publicity events. When she was off work she has been stalked night and day by throngs of paparazzi with fully zoomed cameras, just waiting for her to bend over to get her morning paper and show some ass. Then they can have their headline....:"Wild Britney shows skin in public":

Next time you hear a **** scandal report doggin Mrs. Spears and you think to yourself how trashy she is. Just remember, she could buy and sell your poor ass.

If you could see my thumb and index finger rubbing together, I would say to you, "You know what this is? This is the world's smallest ****ing violin playing just for Britney Spears.". Since you can't see my miming tiny violin ****ing impression, I will say this; Waahhh! Boo-****ing-hoo!

She chose a ****ing career path that would put her in the ****ing limelight. If you can't take the heat then get your bald ass out of the kitchen. She's ****ed in the head. I have no sympathy for her, the she's gotten herself in to, and I certainly could give a **** hair what the bitch does from here on out.
RoyalOrleans said:
You must be referring to the other Brittney who didn't **** out two screaming whelps.

Thats so cute. How people compare her current looks to her looks at the age of 17.

Shes not the hottie teen that she once was, but I still wouldn't kick her outta bed for eating crackers. Anna Nicole, yuuuuck! She made her fortune by literaly whoring herself out in everyway. Britney should be respected.
Jhony5 said:
Thats so cute. How people compare her current looks to her looks at the age of 17.

Shes not the hottie teen that she once was, but I still wouldn't kick her outta bed for eating crackers. Anna Nicole, yuuuuck! She made her fortune by literaly whoring herself out in everyway. Britney should be respected.

Haha... cute. Britney was an ugly teen with a fake blonde-do destined to show her actual tawny roots like she is showing her white trash roots now.

At the very least, Anna won't be able to embarass herself anymore.
R.O. said:
She chose a ****ing career path that would put her in the ****ing limelight.
I think she was what....9 years old when she began her career. She made the choice to pursue her career when she wasn't old enough to understand the dark side of fame.
Don't get me wrong. I don't "feel sorry" for her. I feel angry toward the masses of tabloid news consumers that think they know her. People that think what shes done is worse than what millions of Americans do with their lives. Ya shes making bad choices. But don't we all at some point?

If you can't take the heat then get your bald ass out of the kitchen.
She did. Didn't matter. The fact remains that people are far more enthralled and entertained with the failure of successful people, than they are with their continued success. Especially when your talking about "beautiful people".

She's ****ed in the head.
You don't know her, at all. Perhaps she just wanted to shave her head and get some tatts for shits and giggles. The media wants to sell this event as a crazed act of a depraved fallen star. That sells papers. That will garnish ratings. You wanna tell me its crazy for some random bitch that neither you nor I know, too shave her head. I think its crazy for people to act like you know a celebrity because you watch and believe sensationalized news.
Jhony5 said:
I think she was what....9 years old when she began her career. She made the choice to pursue her career when she wasn't old enough to understand the dark side of fame.
Don't get me wrong. I don't "feel sorry" for her. I feel angry toward the masses of tabloid news consumers that think they know her. People that think what shes done is worse than what millions of Americans do with their lives. Ya shes making bad choices. But don't we all at some point?

I reckon if Britney was black, you wouldn't make such a fuss about it.

Ohh.. I've made some bad choices, but the difference is, I am not famous. I am not out there in the limelight whoring attention (wanted or unwanted). My bad choices are kept in a smaller, tighter circle than her bad choices.

Jhony5 said:
She did. Didn't matter. The fact remains that people are far more enthralled and entertained with the failure of successful people, than they are with their continued success. Especially when your talking about "beautiful people".

Now you make some sense. People can't see the good for all the **** ups.

Jhony5 said:
You don't know her, at all. Perhaps she just wanted to shave her head and get some tatts for shits and giggles. The media wants to sell this event as a crazed act of a depraved fallen star. That sells papers. That will garnish ratings. You wanna tell me its crazy for some random bitch that neither you nor I know, too shave her head. I think its crazy for people to act like you know a celebrity because you watch and believe sensationalized news.

I never said I "knew" her intimately! Christ, man! Stop beating it.

I only know what I am force fed everytime I turn on the news... I'll give you that. However, but I do know her type. I never opine short of certainty and I lose patience with a **** who's lot has improved.
I wish people would stop making excuses for "beautiful" women making stupid decisions and mistakes. I bet if she was an ugly fat slob no one would give a **** or have sympathy. But since she's this "sexy blonde" we should feel sorry for her and lay off of her. She's performing all of the stupidity. No one told her to show her ***** to the photographers. No one told her to get drunk off her ass and pass out at a party in front of a ton of folks. And no one told her to shave her head bald to avoid a drug test or grab attention nor did anyone tell her to attack someone's car.

It is all on her, and she knows the paparazzi are around so why act like a total fool? She should not be a role model for women ANYWHERE. She did the bullshit and now there are consequences and she has to take them. **** her.
Outlaw said:
No one told her to show her ***** to the photographers.
I imagine she didn't ask for 20-30 photographers to shove a cam up her dress. Fact is, even if she had panties on those pics woulda been all over the net.

No one told her to get drunk off her ass and pass out at a party in front of a ton of folks.
ohhhh **** that man. Like you never did this?

R.O. said:
I reckon if Britney was black, you wouldn't make such a fuss about it.
Whaaaaa? Explain?

R.O. said:
Ohh.. I've made some bad choices, but the difference is, I am not famous. I am not out there in the limelight whoring attention (wanted or unwanted). My bad choices are kept in a smaller, tighter circle than her bad choices.
I wish people could just think about the follies of their own lives, especially in their younger years, and take that into consideration before dumping on celebs that they know nothing about except what they are told via the lying sensationalist media.

I think she should be admired for her hard work and fortune, no matter her skin color or her good looks. Her recent troubles are most likely going to serve her well down the road as learning experiences.
Of all the reported issues shes had lately, I'd say her biggest ****-up was trying to play house with Federline. She handled fame very well. The same cannot be said for the way she handled family.

Drama ****ing queens....all of you. Go back and read some of these words y'all speak of her. "Crazy...maniac...suicidal..." She shaved her head, got drunk, wore no panties, strapped her kid in a carseat incorrectly. Ya shes an out of control maniac. Eat it up, people.

And BTW Phreak....her "15 minutes of fame" lasted about ten years and made her unbelieveably rich as ****. Shes prolly sittin there in her mansion right now with her bald head eating lobster and wiping her ass clean with $100 bills.

H A T E R S !!!!
I personally things she hot as hell! I get a boner just thinking about her. And she sings pretty good too. But when you are a star such as her you take on responsibilities. She is a roll module to a lot of young girls. That comes with the stardom. Jhony do you want your daughter to emulate her? What do you think might happen if your daughter passes out at a party with no panties on? And no bodyguards? Should this be the norm?
Jhony5 said:
I imagine she didn't ask for 20-30 photographers to shove a cam up her dress. Fact is, even if she had panties on those pics woulda been all over the net.

Sources say she lifted it up to expose it. Oh and I don't think they would be as crazy about it if it was just panties. America wants JUICIER.

Jhony5 said:
ohhhh **** that man. Like you never did this?

I. Don't. Drink.
snafu said:
I personally things she hot as hell! I get a boner just thinking about her. And she sings pretty good too. But when you are a star such as her you take on responsibilities. She is a roll module to a lot of young girls. That comes with the stardom. Jhony do you want your daughter to emulate her? What do you think might happen if your daughter passes out at a party with no panties on? And no bodyguards? Should this be the norm?

Sanfu make Jhony very very angry with this!!!! LOL just kiddin.

Seriously shut the **** up about my kid yo. lol. I kid I kid. But seriously man.......don't do that.

Actually, my daughter loved Britney until about the age of 6. Then she moved on to Hanna Montana and that Lizzie McGuire girl, much to my approval. When Britney went from wholesome teenie to over-sexed woman, my daughter kinda tuned out. Mostly because I disallowed her from buying Brits new CD's. Unlike most parents these days, I don't buy my kid just anything she wants without checking the content. I told her Britney new album was to grown-up and had bad words so she couldn't listen to her new stuff. She took it well.

Unlike most folks, I don't think its the celebs responsibility to act as an appropriate roll model for the youngest of demographics. Its the parents responsibility to fulfill the slot of role-model for their kids. This can be done with the proper tact. A little attention and time and you can steer your kids away from material thats not intended for their age group.
Outlaw2747 said:
Sources say she lifted it up to expose it. Oh and I don't think they would be as crazy about it if it was just panties. America wants JUICIER.

I. Don't. Drink.

Sources also said that George Bush blew up the towers to steal oil from the Arabs.

And my apologies for asserting that you've gotten pissed and and passed out in public. I did this in a Subway restaurant once and was dragged out of there by my friends before the cops showed. Then again I am certified white trash. Probably why I like Britney so much.
Never said I was classy.
Jhony5 said:
Sources also said that George Bush blew up the towers to steal oil from the Arabs.

Ha, that's still up for debate. I don't think anyone but the gov't knows what the deal is. (gotta play Captain Obvious sometime)

Jhony5 said:
And my apologies for asserting that you've gotten pissed and and passed out in public. I did this in a Subway restaurant once and was dragged out of there by my friends before the cops showed. Then again I am certified white trash. Probably why I like Britney so much.
Never said I was classy.

No problem. And yes people do it all the time. Most of those folks aren't exactly the most pleasant people either. It just so happens that this chick who is also a mother and a controversial human being altogether has a bunch of cameras following her and catches her in the act. To be honest, up until now (or maybe I am wrong) she doesn't mind the mass attention she is getting.

In my own opinion I just think she's a glorified skank who needs to sit the hell down and take care of her kids as opposed to floating around like an assclown.
Outlaw said:
In my own opinion I just think she's a glorified skank who needs to sit the hell down and take care of her kids as opposed to floating around like an assclown.
I will concede that she made a terrible err in judgement by starting a family while obviously being to young and wild to properly fill the roll.

However, I think her recent publicity has been taken into the realm of tunnel vision. If you look for the bad in people, its often easy to find. Thats seriously magnified when you can't walk into your own back yard without a privately contracted helicopter hovering above you with a photographer snapping photos of your every move.

I'm not keen to all these hateful words like "skank...whore...trash....slut....maniac" etc being used when really they don't fit. No evidence whatsoever that shes been promiscuous. No sex tapes with random men or anything of that sort.
Jhony5 said:
I'm not keen to all these hateful words like "skank...whore...trash....slut....maniac" etc being used when really they don't fit. No evidence whatsoever that shes been promiscuous. No sex tapes with random men or anything of that sort.

Dressing like a two dollar whore and singing songs with blatent sexual overtones (while her fans are little girls), Running around partying and going in and out of rehab every day (while she has two babies)....I'd say that's pretty trashy behavior and not to mention ACTING like a whore/slut
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Dressing like a two dollar whore and singing songs with blatent sexual overtones (while her fans are little girls), Running around partying and going in and out of rehab every day (while she has two babies)....I'd say that's pretty trashy behavior and not to mention ACTING like a whore/slut

Celebrities don't choose their fans, their fans choose them. If Britney wants to sing about getting ****ed at a party, than by all means she may do so. It says more about our society as a whole that little girls comprise such a large slice of her fan-base demographic, than it says about Mrs. Spears character.

She hasn't been "going in and out of rehab everyday". You nor I have any flippin idea what she was doing in that rehab as it is all unsubstantiated rumor at this point.

Basic psychology and known history has taught us that celebs that have been robbed of a large part of their youth, often take steps later in life to relive their lost youth. What you see in her recent behavior is simply a manifestation of such.

It will pass. She will be on top again. Guarenteed.
Jhony5 said:
Whaaaaa? Explain?

Just a slanted observation...

If Britney were black and popular in the black community, this would not be news worthy. In fact, we'd barely know who she was. Like Mary J. Blige... who the **** is she?

Jhony5 said:
I wish people could just think about the follies of their own lives, especially in their younger years, and take that into consideration before dumping on celebs that they know nothing about except what they are told via the lying sensationalist media.

The media may focus on sensationalish, a circumstance that I can not argue, but pictures tell the tale. I draw my own conclusions from what I see or read, however I can't be held responsible for agreeing with over half my fellow GF members. The girl is in trouble, she needs help, but her cries are manifesting into attention whoring.

I like whores, however.

Jhony5 said:
I think she should be admired for her hard work and fortune, no matter her skin color or her good looks. Her recent troubles are most likely going to serve her well down the road as learning experiences.
Of all the reported issues shes had lately, I'd say her biggest ****-up was trying to play house with Federline. She handled fame very well. The same cannot be said for the way she handled family.

Prior to ****ing up his own intervals, Federline was a whigger. At last check, he was still assuming himself to be a ****** of the black race.

Jhony5 said:
Drama ****ing queens....all of you. Go back and read some of these words y'all speak of her. "Crazy...maniac...suicidal..." She shaved her head, got drunk, wore no panties, strapped her kid in a carseat incorrectly. Ya shes an out of control maniac. Eat it up, people.

I eat it up and spit it back out. Celebrities, pop idols, etc have absolutely no bearing on my day to day life. However, if I ever feel like watching the evening news or CNN or FoxNews or read an article; I have to sift through the mindless bullshit to get to it.
Jhony5 said:
She hasn't been "going in and out of rehab everyday". You nor I have any flippin idea what she was doing in that rehab as it is all unsubstantiated rumor at this point.

obviously she wasn't doing a damn thing.

Basic psychology and known history has taught us that celebs that have been robbed of a large part of their youth, often take steps later in life to relive their lost youth. What you see in her recent behavior is simply a manifestation of such.

She's a millionaire and can buy anything that money can buy

She's a celebrity/attention whore so she has all the fame/admiration one could ask for

What more does she need?

It will pass. She will be on top again. Guarenteed.

She's all but a has-been