I am really depressed


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2004
I feel like killing myself. No one likes me. my friends ditched me. i dispise everything i see... I wanna die
it will make me sad :( isn't that enough? i have no friends atm except for the ones on here, cause all my friends ****ed me and stold everything i owned, and i havent decided to kill myself. Why kill yourself for other peoples opinions? the opinion of yourself is the only thing that matters
ummm... take it from someone who has been through the wanting to kill yourself life.

Don't do it.. Especially for anyone other than yourself. If you think deep down about it. You really do NOT want to die. You just feel bad. Make new friends, ignore your old ones. This can be hard at times. Listen to music, watch tv. Get outside. Do not feel this way. Been there, done that.. WAYYYY too many times.

Good Luck :thumbsup:
i agree with ghost, i've been there as well, and as much as you may feel like you want to do it, you really don't... lifes on a bit of a down, it'll look up, and sometimes you have to give it a boost, go make some new friends, get a hobby, something that gives you something to do, and hopefully improve your thoughts on your life
*think happy*... u should never have a reason to kill yourself.. its just not natural... i mean yea.. im sure there is a time we have all thought about it.. alot or a little.. but we are still here.. RIGHT!?.. not everyone can hate you.. and killing yourself won't make anything better... killing urself is just a permenant solution to a temporary problem.. im sure that your friends will come back and everything will be ok again.. just give it time.. what ever you don't give in.. just stick up.. be strong and u will progress thru all this mess... just don't give in cuz if you kill yourself.. everyone will miss you.... i kno i will... ne who.. just don't do it
Yay others are suisidal....I mean "Oh no." Somebody said killing your self make others sad. Pft people hurt Mike is mine and I dont see how bad it is to be suisidal. Its just a "phase" or atleast thats what my so called therapist tell me.
Mike_is_mine said:
I feel like killing myself. No one likes me. my friends ditched me. i dispise everything i see... I wanna die
Dont. Your gonna look back on this moment sometime in your life and feel very, very fortunate that you didnt. Belive me.
workout, lift weights, listen to linkin park, come to my house so i can beat the suicide outa your ass, i dont know. I want you to live though. dont die on me, please!
and i know wat you mean about your school. i know a lot of gay kids at my school too.
i think some people that are gay, might take that as a insult, but thats my opinion, but i also say it, but i think thats what he was getting at lol