I hate cops

I give alot of cops their props. Like a former poster has put it, they do some serious crap that none of us have to deal with for the most part. They gotta deal with society AT ITS WORST. Working long hours, stand in like one place on a street for a long time, paperwork on every tiny thing that happens, not to mention having their family constantly worry about them. There are bad cops, bad soldiers, bad businessmen, bad people period. They are just doing their job, some better than others. But I feel it is time we stop shitting on these guys so damn much and instead of blantantly accusing every single cop of being the scum of the earth, DO SOMETHING to rid the force of the bad eggs so we can at least TRY to live in some sort of stability here.
King_Jimmy_The_Stoned said:
Cops suck, my mom got arrested becouse a cop thought she was drunk drivin...She blew a 0.0 and got off.I ****in wanna cap em all!

Your too stupid to know what's wrong with that? That's BS... If your mom blew a 0.0, than a cop would never...repeat...NEVER take her in! He would risk his or her own job... Do ya think maybe mommy is a drunk and just told that story so people would think she wasn't caught? It's pretty common actually... Blame anyone but yourself for your problems... It happens alot...
I have no problem with serious cops.

It's the ****ing retarded traffic cops that give me headache.

that and good ole profiling R us cops. Just coming up to you for no ****ing reason.
King_Jimmy_The_Stoned said:
Cops suck, my mom got arrested becouse a cop thought she was drunk drivin...She blew a 0.0 and got off.I ****in wanna cap em all!

lol, your mom isn't liked by the cops around here jimmy, BTW (since were talking about cops and such) did the school drop the charges on you to?
I think social retards like tupac and (insert deviant here) have made it uncool to repect the police, or any authority for that matter... We need to raise our children better... Politeness is the hallmark of civilized society... and I've see it go completely downhill since the 90's...
I like cops. I have NEVER had any problems or seen them do anything stupid. I have heard stories from my friends, but it was when we were younger and I am SURE the stories were a bit exaggerated.
Got busted when I was 17 for tresspassing on state property (abandoned buildings at a mental hospital I grew up near.) Cop pretended he didn't see me in the building and asked me to leave.
I've been pulled over twice-no tickets. Second time, cop REALLY could've screwed me-no license wallet stolen the night before , expired insurance card never bothered to put new one in glove box and doing 47 in a 30 zone.
Got off with a written warning. I am always VERY respectful to cops, and find that I tend to get the same respect back. If I see a cop, I'm glad that they are there doing their job. They don't harass me, I don't break the law (In front of them) and we are all happy.
I am sure there are bad cops out there. But the majority are just trying to do their job.
You know, maybe if we treated them with a BIT more respect instead of feeling so "violated" when they make a mistake, or you think you should get away with something stupid, they'd be more inclined to treat us well? I know some are on power trips, I'm not going to deny it. Especially the ones who work in prisons.

However, live by these, and you're less likely to have problems
- DON'T do something stupid, and then bitch when you're caught if they don't let you off
- You can complain alll you want about being harrassed when arrested or in jail, but I guarantee you (for the most part), if you didn't do it, you wouldn't be getting harassed. If you act like an idiot, you deserve to be treated like one.
- Respect the authorities if you get caught. They'll treat you better, and you may get less of a sentencing.

Also, you should be THANKFUL that people who blow 0.0 get pulled over. What if they were just driving like ****? How can a cop TELL looking at the car? It's not as if the cop can smell alcohol just by seeing it. I don't think cops just say, "oh hey look, there's a GREAT driver, but I'm just going to pull them over because I can." I really doubt that's what happens. Maybe someone's having a bad day and is swerving a little, or is going too fast, whatever. But don't be stupid about it just because they were wrong. We'd all do the same thing if we were a cop and we saw a bad driver.

I'm not denying that cops can be on power trips, and you may see them in a bad mood, but everyone has bad days, etc. But don't get your pants in a knot when they may a mistake because it SEEMED like someone was doing something wrong. and ESPECIALLY dont get your panties in a knot if you DID do something wrong, and are just pissed that you got caught and weren't let off easily enough.
Happy Feller said:
how come the cops have to make us limit how we drink in public ?

Well, maybe because when people get totally trashed, they a) act stupid towards public property b) act stupidly towards others c) puke everywhere, and it's gross

oh, and d) it's not safe to over-drink.


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Deputies in my town think they are the judge, jury and executioner. They think they are higher than life and that their **** doesn't stink. Most of them were probably picked on in school and want to take out their agression on others. I have met one good cop in this town, and I don't think he is a deputy any longer.

-Marilize Legajuana