I hate Goths.

Whoever said "Goths run around saying how they love satan"....WTF?

I'm exTREMELY far from "Goth" or any other stereotype close to it for that matter, but I know a lot of them. They spend 50% of their time convincing people they ARE NOT satanists.

For the record, SATANISTS are the ones that run around talking about how much they love satan. ;)
cynthiaa89 said:
For the record, SATANISTS are the ones that run around talking about how much they love satan. ;)

I coughed and spewed a little beer out of my nose on that one. I don't know why, but I am still laughing my ass off over here.:D :D :D
Outlaw2747 said:
Goths were nowhere near as annoying and stupid as preps. Bunch of tight, stuck up, **** filled, sorry pieces of insect ****.

You pretty much said everything I wanted to say KVH so I cannot reiterate. I'd give you rep but I got to spread the bullshit. I owe ya.
I got you covered.
Lmao. Wow, something I said was taken as funny. I was just trying sarcasm out.;)

Anyways, I'll agree with the "preps" thing, but, at the same time preps are much harder to detect than goths. Goths make it pretty damn obcious that they're gothic, but preps...they are always undercover these days. You can tell by the whole self-righteous attitude once you actually meet one.

Either way it goes, both of the groups are too extreme for my taste....:cool:
Who even cares? High school is 4 years of your life. Albeit you should enjoy it, why waste your time concerning yourself with people you don't even like? Get over it, ignore it. They have no bearing on your wellbeing (unless they are TRULY idiotic), so you might as well just be glad you're not wasting your money on looking like someone that belongs in a circus. They litter my school, and I just laugh inwardly at how much they cling together with the means to be so "different."

On second thought, if you do hate them that much, feel free to come to Canada. Steal a car, run some over. I'm sure you won't get in trouble.
TheJenn88 said:
Who even cares? High school is 4 years of your life. Albeit you should enjoy it, why waste your time concerning yourself with people you don't even like? Get over it, ignore it. They have no bearing on your wellbeing (unless they are TRULY idiotic), so you might as well just be glad you're not wasting your money on looking like someone that belongs in a circus. They litter my school, and I just laugh inwardly at how much they cling together with the means to be so "different."

On second thought, if you do hate them that much, feel free to come to Canada. Steal a car, run some over. I'm sure you won't get in trouble.

I graduated with 16 people and hated every single one of them. 4 years over, I've never gone back. Sure, I was "friends" with some of them, but nothing life changing, nothing to miss now. High school should be about getting thru the painful years of puberty, learning who you are on the inside and moving on when it is over.
I know a few goths myself...wait, no, I don't. They THINK that they are goths, but they aren't. They pretend. So I laugh at them. :D
manicmonday said:
I graduated with 16 people and hated every single one of them. 4 years over, I've never gone back. Sure, I was "friends" with some of them, but nothing life changing, nothing to miss now. High school should be about getting thru the painful years of puberty, learning who you are on the inside and moving on when it is over.

Wow, 16 people in a class? You must've had a very small school.
I'm lucky that, while enduring some crappy stuff, I've still had a better high school experience than many have. Part of it comes from my initiative to be involved outside of the classroom. 75% (or more?) of the people at my school go home as soon as the bell rings. I don't know how they do it. So many opportunities opened up for me by joining clubs, bands (band geek!), and such. I've been able to travel, meet new people and learn new things. Without all this stuff, I'd have those "regular" 4 years of life that could just as well be forgotten.

had a happy high school experience

TheJenn88 said:
Wow, 16 people in a class? You must've had a very small school.
I'm lucky that, while enduring some crappy stuff, I've still had a better high school experience than many have. Part of it comes from my initiative to be involved outside of the classroom. 75% (or more?) of the people at my school go home as soon as the bell rings. I don't know how they do it. So many opportunities opened up for me by joining clubs, bands (band geek!), and such. I've been able to travel, meet new people and learn new things. Without all this stuff, I'd have those "regular" 4 years of life that could just as well be forgotten.

had a happy high school experience


I agree.

High School was much easier when I played baseball and marched in the band. Things like that lighten the load, it also put me in the ultra rare click "Band-nerd Jock".

I'll never live down that shame.