I hate all my teachers except for 3rd, 6th and 7th period...
Math teacher doesn't give a **** if we need help or don't understand something, she just ignores our questions.
Gym teacher is a ****** *******...wrote me up for doin what i was supposed to do...(wtf..?)
Keyboarding teacher is pretty cool, nothin to complain about there
Science teacher...******* ***** First year teaching at my highschool, and whoever the **** hired her made a mistake. She doesn't give a **** about the students needs...she rearranged the desks in the room, and there's literally no room to move around, and I can get claustrophobic...then today some people were talking, then I laughed at what someone said, and she told me to stay 10 minutes after class, which would be during my lunch...I'm not ****** doin that...I didn't eat breakfast, I was starving, and if I stayed, I wouldn't have been able to eat...so I just left, and she wrote me up.
Spanish teacher doesn't know what the **** shes teaching. We have an irish lady teaching spanish...nothing against irish people, I just think that SPANISH teachers should be HISPANIC...and shes a ***** anyway...
Social Studies teacher is ****** hot..haha (dont worry shes 22....not too old) and she can be cool, but if you **** her off, watch out..
English teacher is ****** awesome. He pulls jokes on people and **** in class, and me and him are kinda cool with eachother, like he'll let me come to his room during lunch if I just need to have some time to myself, or let me stay afterschool to talk or somethin..he's really cool....
And now about my school in general....IT ****** SUCKS.....the rules are so ****** gay....my friend got an afterschool detention because he wasnt wearing his ID, when it was in his pocket, and he was just coming out of gym...and then one of the administrators is trying to make the rec. center across the street "school property" so we can't go over there and smoke afterschool.....its AFTER school, and across the street in city property.....not school property....and he's talkin about puttin up cameras to catch people smokin over there....its ****** gay....I don't smoke anymore, but sometimes I will if I just need a break to relax from all the bullshit drama of highschool....but yeah...i ****** hate school.