i have a question...


New member
ok..I'm gonna help out here :p


[iNTERVIEWER] Does Joe Hahn have a split personality?

[MIKE] Absolutely. Joe Hahn keeps inventing new personalities daily. We're not sure how many he has, but at this point he's keeping us on our toes.

[bRAD] I think my favorite Mr. Hahn personality is the practical joking Mr. Hahn that probably doesn't have a name yet, but he's constantly inventing things in conversations with new fans who don't know us very well. He'll make up things about us that are totally untrue. So beware.

clear enough? :p

cause I got more where this came from...

Lol' date=' just a question collision course 777 why are you still promoting collision course?[/quote']
It's like Dark Collision said, it's just my username. I registered on this site right before Collision Course was released so I used that as my screen name.


New member
Norway is always the last one to get CD realises!!! Collision Course just came out here!! Screw this country!! I'm going to Hollywood:D!!!!LOL!

No I'm not going to Hollywood:(........ Wish I were going to meet LP!!!!!*Angry because I'm never going to se them live or meet them*


Dark Collision

New member
It's like Dark Collision said' date=' it's just my username. I registered on this site right before Collision Course was released so I used that as my screen name.[/quote']
I also registered on here before Collision Course was released. In fact, Collision Course was the exact reason why I joined this forum in the first place. I was going nuts searching through search engines to look for any downloadable songs or information about the new Collision Course album. I didn't want my name to actually be "Collision Course," so I just decided to make up Dark Collision for fun.
I also registered on here before Collision Course was released. In fact' date=' Collision Course was the exact reason why I joined this forum in the first place. I was going nuts searching through search engines to look for any downloadable songs or information about the new Collision Course album. I didn't want my name to actually be "Collision Course," so I just decided to make up Dark Collision for fun.[/quote']
Yeah, I thought your name had something to do with the album but i wasnt for sure. I didnt care about using the actual album name as long as i put my own little tag on it. Hence the 777 part. On every screen name i have on any site on the web, i put a 777 at the end. My email is like that. It's just my own little way of identifying myself from most others. Sounds stupid huh? yeah, i know, lol, but oh well, it's me. :p

Dark Collision

New member
Yeah' date=' I thought your name had something to do with the album but i wasnt for sure. I didnt care about using the actual album name as long as i put my own little tag on it. Hence the 777 part. On every screen name i have on any site on the web, i put a 777 at the end. My email is like that. It's just my own little way of identifying myself from most others. Sounds stupid huh? yeah, i know, lol, but oh well, it's me. :p [/quote']
No, it's not stupid. Lots of people do that. It's for identifying themselvse and seperating themselves from others so it's easier.
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