i have q please

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New member

listen guys i was just wanna give help and i will not be alone that ill need your help 2

and about my age yeah iam on 17 years old and iam website and forums designer and iam a computer and internet hacker and iam work on all sound programs , and about the sites that i work on it ok take it : http://www.iraqiforever.darkbb.com

http://www.justiraq.darkbb.com - http://www.reallove.ej.am/vb - http://www.fnrtop.com/vb - http://www.usonline.lolbb.com its new site i open it yeasterday - http://www.3atlat.com - http://www.7deaq.com - http://www.iraqfact.com - and there is many forums 2 , and i wanna to tell you that your forum sucrity is too bad and there is no spechil ranks in ur forumand plus for that u use now vBulletin Version 3.0.7 and now iam work on vBulletin Version 3.6 and 3.5 u must update and i hope your vBulletin Version is allow from vBulletin co. and there is many wrongs in ur forum and do you know , is to esey now to ping ur site and close it so take care from that and make ur seucrity on hight , and be sure from ur stting in the forums is correct and your way to save the data base be sure it on safe and like i say in the first i dont wanna any thing i just was wanna help to be the best site oh i forget to tell you that i can put ur name site in all my sites then u gonna take more mebers anyways that back for you

and you need more slides in the forum for administration

so plz think on it agian

I say again.

Your grammer is horrible. And we're just fine. We don't need outside help. Thanks for telling us your a hacker by the way, that made yourself look really good... Especially if something happens to the forum after you get denied.



New member
hey listen guys i was just wanna give help and i will not be alone that ill need your help 2

and about my age yeah iam on 17 years old and iam website and forums designer and iam a computer and internet hacker and iam work on all sound programs , and about the sites that i work on it ok take it : http://www.iraqiforever.darkbb.com

http://www.justiraq.darkbb.com - http://www.reallove.ej.am/vb - http://www.fnrtop.com/vb - http://www.usonline.lolbb.com its new site i open it yeasterday - http://www.3atlat.com - http://www.7deaq.com - http://www.iraqfact.com - and there is many forums 2 , and i wanna to tell you that your forum sucrity is too bad and there is no spechil ranks in ur forumand plus for that u use now vBulletin Version 3.0.7 and now iam work on vBulletin Version 3.6 and 3.5 u must update and i hope your vBulletin Version is allow from vBulletin co. and there is many wrongs in ur forum and do you know , is to esey now to ping ur site and close it so take care from that and make ur seucrity on hight , and be sure from ur stting in the forums is correct and your way to save the data base be sure it on safe and like i say in the first i dont wanna any thing i just was wanna help to be the best site oh i forget to tell you that i can put ur name site in all my sites then u gonna take more mebers anyways that back for you

and you need more slides in the forum for administration

so plz think on it agian

So I now understand why you speak such broken English. But understand this, not all of those links you posted work. And not all the ones that work are forums. The ones that are are all in a foreign language [i'm being PC here] and so it is pretty much impossible for you to prove you have admin on those forums. And the one forum that is in English, that you can prove anything on, has nothing on it. Zero posts, Zero members, it's brand new.



New member
I say again.Your grammer is horrible. And we're just fine. We don't need outside help. Thanks for telling us your a hacker by the way, that made yourself look really good... Especially if something happens to the forum after you get denied.
Agian, i agree. We are fine here without outside help. If something goes wrong, thanks for letting us know you might be behind it all.



New member
I say again.Your grammer is horrible. And we're just fine. We don't need outside help. Thanks for telling us your a hacker by the way, that made yourself look really good... Especially if something happens to the forum after you get denied.
True, but not all hackers are bad. If I learned to hack, Id try to hack the forums to find holes in the security and then report them so they would get fixed. *shrug*

I also think we are just fine... but who knows...



New member
listen iam not a bad hacker if iam bad i can hack all the forum in 30min only its so esey to me to stop your site by hack it and there is many ports open this site so it esey to hack it , and about the website all that website that iam admin on it you can cheak it by this names : Ahmed-Alzubady and A.J Administrator - MCP A.J - ahmedalzbedy - and there is many names oh try X.D it me 2 and idont care if iam admin here or not cuz as you can see i have many websites and i have co. to make my sites so i dont care for this old forum what da **** of that guys its vb 3.0.7 do you think if iam here admin that i can work on this **** **** no ill work on 3.6 or 3.5 not 3.0.7 its 2 old and bad and so slow oh and if any one here say he is verey good in computer and internet and hacker just add me in ur list friends in ur yahoo massenger my id is : a.jonline@yahoo.com to see who is the best me or that one oh i forget to tell you that many of your Posts is not the real post you can control on it from the vb admin so i g2g right nw cuz i hv many work to do iam just spending my time here

i wanna tell you some thing if you wanna to give me a band i wanna tell you dont do it cuz my ip change in every 8 or 7 min just for you




New member
Thank you Vash, I was about to close this and then saw you already had... its going nowhere.

We appreciate your offer of help AJ but at this time we are happy with the way our forum is. If the admin comes back and wants help, I an sure he will talk to you. Until then please dont stir up trouble. Thank you.

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