I look happy, don't I? Are you sure? Look inside of me...


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2005
In the Underground Dogtown
You know what's stupid? Everything. For some reason, every girl look at me like I'm different. Older people look at me and are disgusted. My friends look at me like I'm any other rebel. What am I? The girl I hate i dont really want to make fun of her coz bullying online is kinda stupid but everything still hurts me. boys look at me...well, some boys think i'm kewl...but it kinda hurts me inside coz this guy i like doesnt see wat i am. thank you ppl for trying to help me. sometimes i really like to write sad stories in writers corner. so if u want to read sumthin by me...check out Another Stupid Story that noone Would Read...its true. it is stupid coz its sad. so if u dont like that, then its ok coz then it would be real nice if you crush my heart. as i say...im giving you my heart...please dont break it.

Another example of bad grammar, spelling and vocabulary.

Regardless, you are being too hard on yourself, if no one was unique, we would all be the same, and if everyone was the same, we would get on each others nerves.

Jokingly, I scream: EMO!!!!!!!!!!
thats all right honey...i thought i was a complete freak until my bf come along and told me that im not fat and im not ugly.
u'll find someone who'll make you like that.
NOTE: Maj screaming EMO is not exactly comforting...HOW RUDE !!
You know, I very often feel the same way, of course from a guys POV tho. It's mostly the same things tho. Sometimes I just feel like ****. Don't know why. But still, there's a lot of things in my life that I like, and I really wouldn't like to be anyone else. I'm sure there's loads of things in your life that are something to be happy about, that works for me, and should for you too. :thumbsup:
Dark Slide, you just need to take it easy. You really shouldnt care how people see you as. Your you and if they dont like it then its thier problem not yours. Just chill out and dont take those kind of things too serious. And sadly I agree with "mk" you are being too emo. ( Sorry to label you ) But... All that **** your going through is apart of life. It'll all change when you get out of school. (I'm not saying to drop out) So just Stick it out and stay strong little one.

- Cristina <3
bam_bam_darkslide said:
okay...guess i am emo...no matter. i dont think i have good things in life...all there is, is thanking God for where i am. Thank you people who call me emo. i take it as a compliment even if it is a joke.....


Im sorry you feel that way.. theres nothing wrong with being 'Emo', its cool... it is hard to look on the postive sometimes but you'll get threw it sometime or another. Find something eles to focus on like write or draw. just dont do anything stupid. PM me if you wanna talk im always here.

No offence to anyone, but I got that feeling too, so I did an ip check, & from that, there was no matches between Darkslide 7 any of Lpp's accounts... Don't go on with any, "but IP's change!" I know that.
It's hard...if you lost your father to someone else

*one thing to say here...i cannot make a new e-mail coz of my mom's rules. i stay on only two e-mails and i cant log into one of it.*

ok. here is what i sometimes been made fun of. i dont have a dad. i used to. its kinda hard when you grow up and some ppl say im adopted. i still dont know. i met this lady and my mom and grandma knew her. my gran said the lady's daughter is my little sister. i dont understand. i live with my mom! the little girl cannot be my sister when i dont even know her! at school when its fathers day, i dont really make an effort into any art we do for our 'fathers'. its like we make this poem on how our 'father' is so great to us. but my dad left me when i was about two and went to another lady, then another, and another. probably the lady we met was one of my dad's 'misstress'. i dont like how my life ended up. here is the most weirdest and yet freaky story in my life, not really related to what i just talked about:
my friend j.t. lives with his dad and a divource with his mom. i live with my mom and a divource with my dad. j.t. likes linkin park, i do too, he likes anime, i do too, he likes the colour red, i do too. one of my other friends say we look alike. then j.t. asked why we like the same things. i was like, i dont know. then he said, "i am ur brother brat." he told me if my mom and his dad married each other, we would be like together all the time playing video games and stuff and bash our heads to some music. kinda weird....
it seems like he would be an oki kid to have as a brother

im sorry your life didnt turn out how you wanted it to
i know that if i would be picturing myself being where i am today i wouldnt of been able too..i thought i would of died years ago.

so what im trying to say is
we all have a **** life sometime or other
reguardless if you are the snot nosed rich kid or the kid from around the block

life is ONLY what YOU make it, no one else can help you with that.
Whats so bad with being treated "different," because normal is idiotic, different is awesome.

Also, you act similar to lpp, but lpp was alot more annoying, I have no reason to believe you are lpp, there are a few similarities here and there, but not enough to make a clear judgement.