i love him ... still


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2006
ok a) im 16 .. but please refrain from telling me i dont know what love is. because i have been in love. i know i have. and i still am. and b) i rant on but basically:

i split up with the guy about a year ago ... and i still love him. im still in love with him.

i thought i was over him, but i just am not. i was seeing another guy for about a month there ... and it just wasnt the same, i didnt give it much chance to be honest

a year on and still no spark with anyone else.

hes with someone else. they look happy. in love. and i miss him. i cant talk to anyone about it because of the circle of friends etc. only i know.

i dont know how to move on ... ive tried, i really have - but i cant. its so strange and i dont want to anymore, ive had enough, he doesnt want me and i cant help loving him.

he made me feel safe and he showed me love and affection id never had before. he didnt mind i was an extremely awkward person, who was - to be honest a geek and he was very popular.

i love him and it hurts so much.
clarity said:
ok a) im 16 .. but please refrain from telling me i dont know what love is. because i have been in love. i know i have. and i still am. and b) i rant on but basically:

i split up with the guy about a year ago ... and i still love him. im still in love with him.

i thought i was over him, but i just am not. i was seeing another guy for about a month there ... and it just wasnt the same, i didnt give it much chance to be honest

a year on and still no spark with anyone else.

hes with someone else. they look happy. in love. and i miss him. i cant talk to anyone about it because of the circle of friends etc. only i know.

i dont know how to move on ... ive tried, i really have - but i cant. its so strange and i dont want to anymore, ive had enough, he doesnt want me and i cant help loving him.

he made me feel safe and he showed me love and affection id never had before. he didnt mind i was an extremely awkward person, who was - to be honest a geek and he was very popular.

i love him and it hurts so much.

Life really sucks that way. But trust me you will get over him. Chalk it up to exprerince becuse unless you're extremely lucky, this won
clarity said:
ok a) im 16 .. but please refrain from telling me i dont know what love is. because i have been in love. i know i have. and i still am. and b) i rant on but basically:

i split up with the guy about a year ago ... and i still love him. im still in love with him.

i thought i was over him, but i just am not. i was seeing another guy for about a month there ... and it just wasnt the same, i didnt give it much chance to be honest

a year on and still no spark with anyone else.

hes with someone else. they look happy. in love. and i miss him. i cant talk to anyone about it because of the circle of friends etc. only i know.

i dont know how to move on ... ive tried, i really have - but i cant. its so strange and i dont want to anymore, ive had enough, he doesnt want me and i cant help loving him.

he made me feel safe and he showed me love and affection id never had before. he didnt mind i was an extremely awkward person, who was - to be honest a geek and he was very popular.

i love him and it hurts so much.
sorry sweetie, that sucks, some people you will love forever; nothing you can do to forget it, and would you really want to, that's how you know you're alive. You will love again, trust me!
clarity said:
i split up with the guy about a year ago ... and i still love him. im still in love with him.

he made me feel safe and he showed me love and affection id never had before. he didnt mind i was an extremely awkward person, who was - to be honest a geek and he was very popular.

I may be wrong but you imply that you broke up with him. If you weren't the one who broke up, then I will just tell you that it's gonna hurt like hell for a while, maybe even a long while, but it will get better. When it does you might find someone else.

If so, you are a typical stupid girl who didn't appreciate what you had when you had it. The old, "don't know what you've got till it's gone" ****. Now you see him with someone who does and you want it back. You ****ed up, move on. Proves my theory that chicks will never be happy, even if you give them everything they say they want they will always want what they can't have.
You are young and stupid. Deal with it and get over it. You aint seen nothin' yet. One day you'll grow up. Now get your ass over to the Nickleodeon site! Things will get better..
So go slit your ****ing wrists...

Do you know what your ****ing problem is ??

You are a ****ing crybaby !!

If you go stand outside right now, give yourself about 3 feet of space all around you, and think about this ****ing alleged love of your ****ing life and if your world has not broken apart around you, then you will ****ing live.

So tell us, what is so ****ing great about this ****ing one in a ****ing trillion individual that makes him the ****ing center of your all giving ****ing love and life force anyway ??

$10 says I could probably find someone else who would end up being equal to, or if anything, more valuable then the piece of **** you are moping about now.

People talk about issue with teens being ****ing suicidal all the time, teen depression, all this **** saying we should be helping them, guiding them through life..

Sure, I'll help... I'll keep it real...

Life ****ing sux, either join the club or shut the **** up and kill yourself..

Just make sure you do it right, and have someone inscribe on your tombstone that you died from a ****ing broken heart, that way I know who to laugh at when visiting those in the graveyard who died of a more serious cause.

Here's one for you..

A kid named Rob that I used to go to school with... Committed suicide because his girlfriend broke up with him...

While at a grave yard in Iowa paying my respects to my piece of **** father, I saw this ****s grave too..

I ****ing laughed at his ****ing bitch ass !!

And proudly proclaimed, hey ****er, it's been over 10 years that you have been dead, and your girl has ****ed many more worthy ****s then you anyway, what a complete ****wit you are for dying for *****.

Yeah... you still love him.... you keep thinking that princess..:rolleyes:
phreak wars .. thats pretty lame everything youve said. im the teenager here - grow up please. at no point did i say he was the centre of my universe ... nor did i say/imply half of the things uv said i have

a cry-baby? hmm ... not quite hit the nail on the head am afraid chump

Zukiman said:
You are young and stupid. Deal with it and get over it. You aint seen nothin' yet. One day you'll grow up. Now get your ass over to the Nickleodeon site! You are just young and dumb. Borderline retarted.

i may be young and stupid .. but thats part of growing up surely? and seen as i still have to grow up ... yes that day will come.
clarity said:
phreak wars .. thats pretty lame everything youve said. im the teenager here - grow up please.
Oh I'm sorry was I supposed to be more ****ing sensitive or something ??

at no point did i say he was the centre of my universe ... nor did i say/imply half of the things uv said i have
Then why tell us at all ??

a cry-baby? hmm ... not quite hit the nail on the head am afraid chump
Chump ?? OK so your a chump, I can accept that answer too.
i dont expect you to be sensitive ... i dont expect anything - thats half the point of this thing no? hearing others views opinions and thoughts ... not expecting anything other than a response.

and as for the quoting me about him being the centre of my universe ... why tell u what? that i love him? because its pissing me off loving him and i believe the sites: what pisses you off ...
Claire said:
i dont expect anything - thats half the point of this thing no?
Like, you don't expect a ****ing response from anybody...you just ****ing made the comment for viewing only, so that it might be ****ing archived on the ****ing Internet for all times sake, so you may ****ing look back on it daily and ponder what could have been with this **** that your so ****ing still in love with ?? Is this what you are saying ???

In the somewhat plagerized words of the ****ing "BREAKFAST CLUB", Just answer the ****ing question Claire' !!

hearing others views opinions and thoughts ... not expecting anything other than a response.
yet you bitch about the responses you are given ?? Why.. I think there is something you need to know, I tell this to every youth who happens to come along this site to "VENT" .... Real friends won't tell you what you want to hear, real friends will tell you what you NEED to hear.

and as for the quoting me about him being the centre of my universe ... why tell u what? that i love him? because its pissing me off loving him and i believe the sites: what pisses you off ...
OK now I am confused at what the **** it is you are trying to convey in this ****ing sentence... Are you saying your actually "MAD" that you love this asshole, or are you pissed off that nobody except you cares ??
I dated someone for a year and a half, 14 it started, 16 it ended. He was my first love. Took me well over a year to completely get over him. Then eventually realize that he was simply a complete and utter jackass.

At the risk of sounding cheezy, it ended for a reason, you'll eventually realize this and that you weren't suppose to be with him. You lacked something. Maybe try and figure out what it was, then go look for it in someone else.

And just a thought, sometimes we don't really keep loving someone, we just love the memory of what they were. Love can be all tricky and **** yes.
I just try to remind myself that I was doing fine before they came along, and I'll survive just fine without them again.

So many opportunities out there.
Sabella said:
I dated someone for a year and a half, 14 it started, 16 it ended. He was my first love. Took me well over a year to completely get over him. Then eventually realize that he was simply a complete and utter jackass.

At the risk of sounding cheezy, it ended for a reason, you'll eventually realize this and that you weren't suppose to be with him. You lacked something. Maybe try and figure out what it was, then go look for it in someone else.

And just a thought, sometimes we don't really keep loving someone, we just love the memory of what they were. Love can be all tricky and **** yes.
Are you a slut?
Clarity, he is probably not worth your concern...if he was all that, would'nt he be with you still??

Stop asking yourself what is wrong with you that made him leave and ask yourself what is wrong with him that he didn't recognize you for the worthy person you are...
phreakwars said:
I'm never one to let people down.
Like, you don't expect a ****ing response from anybody...you just ****ing made the comment for viewing only, so that it might be ****ing archived on the ****ing Internet for all times sake, so you may ****ing look back on it daily and ponder what could have been with this **** that your so ****ing still in love with ?? Is this what you are saying ???

In the somewhat plagerized words of the ****ing "BREAKFAST CLUB", Just answer the ****ing question Claire' !!

yet you bitch about the responses you are given ?? Why.. I think there is something you need to know, I tell this to every youth who happens to come along this site to "VENT" .... Real friends won't tell you what you want to hear, real friends will tell you what you NEED to hear.

OK now I am confused at what the **** it is you are trying to convey in this ****ing sentence... Are you saying your actually "MAD" that you love this asshole, or are you pissed off that nobody except you cares ??

my name isnt claire .... try clarity?