i love him ... still

clarity said:
ok a) im 16 .. but please refrain from telling me i dont know what love is. because i have been in love. i know i have. and i still am. and b) i rant on but basically:

i split up with the guy about a year ago ... and i still love him. im still in love with him.

i thought i was over him, but i just am not. i was seeing another guy for about a month there ... and it just wasnt the same, i didnt give it much chance to be honest

a year on and still no spark with anyone else.

hes with someone else. they look happy. in love. and i miss him. i cant talk to anyone about it because of the circle of friends etc. only i know.

i dont know how to move on ... ive tried, i really have - but i cant. its so strange and i dont want to anymore, ive had enough, he doesnt want me and i cant help loving him.

he made me feel safe and he showed me love and affection id never had before. he didnt mind i was an extremely awkward person, who was - to be honest a geek and he was very popular.

i love him and it hurts so much.

Kill him, Preserve his body, make sure to freeze his dick so that it is nice and hard, and then you can **** him and talk to him whenever you want. That's
the only way you're going to be with him.
If there is one thing I learned after highschool its was this: Although I grew up fast enough to be smarter than the MTV poptarts that made up my peers, I was still an idiot.

Never forget that 90% of your thoughts and feelings are ugly and wrong, than you can just let go. :p

Note: Seriously, builder has it right here; You could function before tham and you and function after them "Sisters are doin' it for themselves".
Que sera, sera.

Give it time. You're 16.. you've got almost a bazillion years ahead of you. This was just a learning curve, and experience that you'll be able to take into your next and maybe more serious relationship. Don't be so down about it, the only person you can ever count on for your own happiness and success is yourself. Any other person is just an added bonus, and many more will come and go from your life.
I would flame this girl (productively) for being utterly oblivious and naive but I had enough "fun" doing that in the MySpace forums and of course with teenage girls, this is the norm.
Outlaw2747 said:
I would flame this girl (productively) for being utterly oblivious and naive but I had enough "fun" doing that in the MySpace forums and of course with teenage girls, this is the norm.

Just so you don't end up on Dateline, I guess it's alright.
Van Morrison Brown eyed Girl

Hey, where did we go
Days when the rains came ?
Down in the hollow
Playing a new game,
Laughing and a-running, hey, hey,
Skipping and a-jumping
In the misty morning fog with
Our, our hearts a-thumping
And you, my brown-eyed girl,
You, my brown-eyed girl.

Whatever happened
To Tuesday and so slow
Going down to the old mine with a
Transistor radio.
Standing in the sunlight laughing
Hide behind a rainbow's wall,
Slipping and a-sliding
All along the waterfall
With you, my brown-eyed girl,
You, my brown-eyed girl.

Do you remember when we used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la dee dah
Just like that
Sha la la la la la la la la la la dee dah
La dee dah.

So hard to find my way
Now that I'm all on my own.
I saw you just the other day,
My, how you have grown!
Cast my memory back there, Lord,
Sometime I'm overcome thinking about
Making love in the green grass
Behind the stadium
With you, my brown-eyed girl,
You, my brown-eyed girl.

Do you remember when we used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la dee dah
Laying in the green grass
Sha la la la la la la la la la la dee dah
Dee dah dee dah dee dah dee dah dee dah dee
Sha la la la la la la la la la la la la
Dee dah la dee dah la dee dah la
Hello, Clarity (and board).
You all know me as ParasiteGod. I think you all know that I'm 17.
As a fellow teenager of Clarity's, I would just like to say that in my ever-so-humble opinion, teenagers are ****ing retarded.
Clarity, you came on here, posted that, and then you got upset when Phreak pretty much called your post for what it was. ...wtf.

Outlaw said:
...of course with teenage girls, this is the norm.
That is disturbing on so many levels. Seriously.

Parents need to beat their kids.

....Yeah I'm late in the thread. Screw you.
clarity said:
......hes with someone else. they look happy. in love.

Doesn't match with

....he made me feel safe

....he showed me love and affection id never had before.

.....he didnt mind i was an extremely awkward person, who was - to be honest a geek and he was very popular.

And, hon,

i love him and it hurts so much.

Read this.... Print it out... Put it in your pocket and carry it with you every where you go. Take it out and read it each and every time you feel like you just cant ever love anyone but some guy who doesn't love you.

There is NO "I love him"... there is only "We love each other". If you do not have two people equally invested.. you do not have LOVE. You have CO-DEPENDENCY... You have "Come here - Go away" syndrome.

All of the "I love you so much I will kill my self if you leave me... how can I live without you" songs you hear on the radio.. they sound so romantic but they are all bullshit. They are NOT about love. They are about unhealthy self-destructive relationships created by the approval-seeking emotions that grow out of someone with low self esteem searching for someone else to make them feel worthy of love.

Chances are... if he REALLY loved you the way you deserve to be loved... you would not want him. You would push him away because you would not recognize it as love... because to you love is supposed to create this aching and longing and painful feeling any time you are apart. And because of that you would also not realize if you loved someone who does love you in a healthy way... a way that does not hurt.

REAL love.

Real love DOES NOT hurt. Real love frees you from pain, promotes growth and peace, heals, refreshes, causes you to grow and give you opportunities to learn.

"Unrequited Love" is NOT LOVE. It's POISON. It will cause you to hate your self. it will cause you to blame your self and compare yourself to every girl he dates, and no matter what the reality is, you will always find yourself to be LESSER than they are because he is with THEM and not YOU. It will lead you to resent him for not loving you and it will cause you to treat him harshly because of that resentment, leading him to resent you as well.

It is not him that you are having a hard time getting past. In fact... I would venture to say you ARE over him. YOU are having a hard time with the feeling that, if he doesn't love you then NO ONE loves you. And you will only get past that when YOU love yourself. Once that happens... you won't NEED him to love you any more.

There is a book you should read. It's called "He's Just Not that In To You". I recommend it to every teenage girl I know and I have purchased it for a few of them.


Love YOU as much as you think you love him....

And get on with your damn life. You are TOO young to be wasting your "pretty" sitting around mourning over some guy who isn't worth your time.

Gee, that almost brought a tear to my eye... I would have simplified it by saying: If you can stand to be in the same bathroom with that person while they are shitting, then it might be true love.

I personally believe that this is the reason so many women become lesbians... They go to the bathroom together and smell each others poop and start to like it.

Yeah... absolutely follow my good advice on the feces factor of love.
clarity said:
ok a) im 16 .. but please refrain from telling me i dont know what love is. because i have been in love. i know i have. and i still am. and b) i rant on but basically:

i split up with the guy about a year ago ... and i still love him. im still in love with him.

i thought i was over him, but i just am not. i was seeing another guy for about a month there ... and it just wasnt the same, i didnt give it much chance to be honest

a year on and still no spark with anyone else.

hes with someone else. they look happy. in love. and i miss him. i cant talk to anyone about it because of the circle of friends etc. only i know.

i dont know how to move on ... ive tried, i really have - but i cant. its so strange and i dont want to anymore, ive had enough, he doesnt want me and i cant help loving him.

he made me feel safe and he showed me love and affection id never had before. he didnt mind i was an extremely awkward person, who was - to be honest a geek and he was very popular.

i love him and it hurts so much.

trust me hun, you'll move on. I've gone through this faze before then I met BUILDER.:D
trust me hun, you'll move on. I've gone through this faze before then I met BUILDER.:D

Yeah then he dumped you. So I guess you do got a lot of experience in this subject.
At 16, you can't know what real love is. You don't have the life experience to back up the feelings. REAL love is standing by someone through the good times and bad, being there when the chips are down, pulling strength from one another when the furnace blows up, the mortgage is late and you think the dog might have eaten your wedding ring all in the same day. The fluttery little feelings you are experiencing is lust or "puppy love", not REAL love which stands the test of time and erosion.

Guys are like buses...another one is always going to come along. Until then, work on yourself. Until you love yourself, you can never truly love another.

And do yourself a favor and buy a book called "Obsessive Love". My friend bought it when she was pining away for some loser and it seemed to help.