i think i am pregnant...


Jan 15, 2005
I got really drunk at a friend's party. I sorta ****ed a guy... now I think I may be pregnant... the guy was a lot older than me... and I was talking to him and we sort of got closer...

Please someone give me some advice... he was really cute but he was older than me... :(
Hmm..sounds like ur in a bit of a pickle. Well, you could always go to the farmasist and buy the pills. They have been proven to work (my best friend had to use them and everything turned out ok) so thats one option. you could talk to ur parents about it, but then again that might not be the best solution, unless ur parents are really really understanding lol. If there are other people you know and can talk to, older people, friends, they might be able to help. All I know is that for the pill, you dont need a prescription. you can just walk in and buy them. well i hope this helps. good lick to ya
omg... I was almost in that situation lol.. I mean I was so drunk at one party, but my friends bailed me out :D as always...

The only advice I can give you is a test..
oh, and what LP_Soldier sayd..

I hope it all turnes out well...
welcome to the forums, btw..
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! :)
Do you want to have the baby, or do you don't want the baby? If you keep your baby, you should tell the father. If you're not keeping the baby, you must get the morning after pill really quickly, or else, it won't work anymore. Good luck!
Dude that sucks!! That is exactly why you dont go to a party and get wasted.... Well I hope everything turns out good and you are not Pregnant. So yeah how old are you anyway?
Viktorova said:
I got really drunk at a friend's party. I sorta ****ed a guy... now I think I may be pregnant... the guy was a lot older than me... and I was talking to him and we sort of got closer...

Please someone give me some advice... he was really cute but he was older than me... :(

Two choices for ya: 1. Abort your pregnancy
2. Take care of your child, be a good motha
Viktorova said:
i am thirteen... but i will take all your advice... it was really silly of me...

OMG this is serious...you are almost a child.....well Look I'm seventeen and one of my friends suffered your trouble too. I had to advise her and Well she finally had the baby...but first of all make sure you really are pregnant then tell your parents...and your boy. He must take care of your baby too, he is the most responsable cuz he was older AND HE TOOK ADVANTAGE THAT YOUR WERE DRUNK.
thats just wrong....you should either get an abortion or take that pill right away...you are way too young to support a baby. Why the **** didn't you use a condom?!?!??!?!??!?
<~DarkShadow~> said:
thats just wrong....you should either get an abortion or take that pill right away...you are way too young to support a baby. Why the **** didn't you use a condom?!?!??!?!??!?

that's not the first thing that pops into your mind in that situation when you're drunk
Ok you are like in a big bind right now. Please tell me you wont do drugs or steal next......

You are as old as me. You are definitally not old enough too take care of a child!!!
the guy was 16 and he asked me and i was drunk so i said yes. he was so nice, he just kept on chatting to me and smiling... i still remember his face... he was so cute and i was so drunk... he told me that he had a crush on me as well and i was so blushed and then he kissed me... then things happened... he said it was a good idea if i had sex with him... he said that he would hate me if i didn't...
The guy was 16 you were 13..... See the age balance? That is kind of Molesting. Well if you were 12 and not even a Teenager I am pretty sure it would be considered Child Molestation even if you said yes.

Does your mom know about any of this? Going to a party, smoking, drinking, getting drunk, having a 16 year old having a crush on you, having sex, and all that?