i think i am pregnant...

spike91232004 said:
The guy was 16 you were 13..... See the age balance? That is kind of Molesting. Well if you were 12 and not even a Teenager I am pretty sure it would be considered Child Molestation even if you said yes.

Does your mom know about any of this? Going to a party, smoking, drinking, getting drunk, having a 16 year old having a crush on you, having sex, and all that?

It is not molesting. It would be closer to statutory rape, but it is neither.

There really is not any legal stand-point in this rather than this gentleman having sex with a consentual drunk and this little girl entering the realm of her OWN DUMB FAULT. I apologize, but if a guy uses the excuse "if you do not, I will hate you" and you fall for it, you CLEARLY are not ready to have sex.
FadedBlue said:

Sorry,kids make mistakes all the time..*cries*

Tell your mum,mothers always help!
If you wanna get abortion,your choice,if not,keep the baby..

Im not a good advise person,im sorry..

I'm not a good advise person either
majinkamahl said:
It is not molesting. It would be closer to statutory rape, but it is neither.

There really is not any legal stand-point in this rather than this gentleman having sex with a consentual drunk and this little girl entering the realm of her OWN DUMB FAULT. I apologize, but if a guy uses the excuse "if you do not, I will hate you" and you fall for it, you CLEARLY are not ready to have sex.

I agree.
and btw cuz ur sooo young and still growing ur self i dont think ur body would be able to give birth to it.. so u'd have to get the baby cuty out of u... and ss1 is rite go to the doctors to see if ur pergnet(sp?) and see it u have any kind of STD, cuz it u got 1 whhooo tha would be fuked up...
....didnt u already post a thread about this? lol, I remember seeing the thread Smoking at 13.......i am pretty sure that since ure 13...u cant have that baby. u need a secarian section....Ure body ISNT fully devolped yet so i dont think u can have a baby...all ureself...WAIT, u sed u THINK ure pregnant, so u might not be. but still, i really think that u made a baaad choice for so young. oh well, ttyl bibi
XrockinfreakX said:
that will be really really really bad if u got an STD cauz some of them can be very harmfull

I agree with you XrockinfreakX....

Here is a thought WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING HAVING SEX AT 13? you should be concerntation on your studie's and having sex at that age has to be harmful...
Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever said:
Well you guys are all living in the past its STI's now (sexually transmitten infections) ohh I said a naughty word.
lol ok rusu i didnt kno they were called tha now :p :eek: