i want to die...but then again i don't

Marmen Boy

Jan 16, 2005
in the dark corner of my room
noone is probably gonna read this but here it goes:
my life sux like hell! my mom's a hooker and my dad's a drugie. i live in a house with 6(soon to be 7) other kids. i'm not even sure if i'm my 'dad's' kid, but since i don't know, i'll call him 'the fat-*******' or 'FB' or somethin. i had to dumb my girlfriend cause if i was ever with her, my dad would beat me if he found out. i'm safe for the march break though, my oldest brother is home from university, he could easily beat the **** out of that stupid fat-*******. my mom cares what happens to me and my brothers but she's never home. she's the one who raised the money for my oldest bro to go to university. i don't really know where my future is headed. my grades in school are sliping fast, i just get distracted really easily, by fear most if the time. I was rapped when i was 8 by some-guy-who-i'm-not-allowed-to-mention, but he didn't even get accused for it, even though i told the cops. i see him around, he freaks the hell out off me, cause he stares. stupid gay-freak...i mean, really, perfect headline story for the paper 'gay freak rapes kid, police to busy stuffing their faces with donuts to believe the kid when he's tellin the truth!' the world has a conspiracy(misspelled?) against me, i know it. i know i'm a little paranoid, but wouldn't you be too? yes you would, trust me. well thankfully, even though i dumped my girlfrined she understood why (my dad hit me right in front of her, if she didn't understand she would have to be a dumbass) i remeber one day i got seriously pissed off, so i locked myself in the bathroom and started cuttin my wrists. she came over and came in the bathroom. the second she saw the razor, she took i out of my hand, accidentaly cuttin her hand in the proccess. i couldn't help but laugh a little, she was like 'owww, don't laught at me!' it was cute. she's cute. a while ago, she came to my house after my dad took a spaz, and i had blood on my face. she took a towel from the bathroom and sat on the couch with me for about a half hour trying to get the blood off my face. at least she cares about my well being. she stole my drugs from me, i'm pretty sure she just put them in the garbage, but when your as high as i was, your not exactly smart enough to look there. but she pretty much saved my life, and i obviously appreciate that.
well, sorry if i wasted your time.
Marmen Boy said:
noone is probably gonna read this but here it goes:
my life sux like hell! my mom's a hooker and my dad's a drugie. i live in a house with 6(soon to be 7) other kids. i'm not even sure if i'm my 'dad's' kid, but since i don't know, i'll call him 'the fat-*******' or 'FB' or somethin. i had to dumb my girlfriend cause if i was ever with her, my dad would beat me if he found out. i'm safe for the march break though, my oldest brother is home from university, he could easily beat the **** out of that stupid fat-*******. my mom cares what happens to me and my brothers but she's never home. she's the one who raised the money for my oldest bro to go to university. i don't really know where my future is headed. my grades in school are sliping fast, i just get distracted really easily, by fear most if the time. I was rapped when i was 8 by some-guy-who-i'm-not-allowed-to-mention, but he didn't even get accused for it, even though i told the cops. i see him around, he freaks the hell out off me, cause he stares. stupid gay-freak...i mean, really, perfect headline story for the paper 'gay freak rapes kid, police to busy stuffing their faces with donuts to believe the kid when he's tellin the truth!' the world has a conspiracy(misspelled?) against me, i know it. i know i'm a little paranoid, but wouldn't you be too? yes you would, trust me. well thankfully, even though i dumped my girlfrined she understood why (my dad hit me right in front of her, if she didn't understand she would have to be a dumbass) i remeber one day i got seriously pissed off, so i locked myself in the bathroom and started cuttin my wrists. she came over and came in the bathroom. the second she saw the razor, she took i out of my hand, accidentaly cuttin her hand in the proccess. i couldn't help but laugh a little, she was like 'owww, don't laught at me!' it was cute. she's cute. a while ago, she came to my house after my dad took a spaz, and i had blood on my face. she took a towel from the bathroom and sat on the couch with me for about a half hour trying to get the blood off my face. at least she cares about my well being. she stole my drugs from me, i'm pretty sure she just put them in the garbage, but when your as high as i was, your not exactly smart enough to look there. but she pretty much saved my life, and i obviously appreciate that.
well, sorry if i wasted your time.


u can pm me and we can tlk more k..

*give u a big ass hug*
My god that sucks, im so sorry..
but dont ever think about ending your life, if you get through it you will grow stronger

good luck too you
awww poor u thats a terrible thing to have happened

at least u no u have some1 in ur life who cares 4 u..and u have all of us...we'll all be here for u when eva u need a shoulder to cry on or and ear to moan to...


dont let the Fb get u down, stupid mother ****er will get his end...cant u go bck to the police...?
aww so sad... :( ...if you hate your family then why wont you just go to the social service place and tell them your problem about you dad and mom...see so you can live with some other people that will actaully care about you...and i thought that my life sucked like ****...
Seriously dude, don't, i really don't think its worth killing yourself. My life isn't great but i live with it. I know that isn't great advice, but really it is not worth it.

Sorry to here all about this man... :(
First off, no comment on the name.

Second of all, I must say. I feel so ****ing sorry for you. That girl of yours, she sounded so ****in nice and amazing. Very few girls would do that for you now'adays. I am sorry you had to dump her. It must have been hard to find someone who cares about you that much.
yup, no one deserves wot u went through, i hope ur life turns out how u should have it, lots of good luck and a hug from me
Oh my gosh =O I'm so sorry to hear all of that **** happen to you, seriously. Poor guy! It's ok, you can talk as much as you want here as long as it'll help you!
I really hope you don't consider killing yourself over this, you need to live! You sound strong emotionally for handling all of this by yourself!
I can't believe the police didn't believe you. Can you try appealing again? This guy shouldn't get away with stuff like that. He's a ****ed up crazy pedophilic peice of ****. He's a danger to the kids living around, and doesn't deserve to be let loose in the streets looking at you, or other kids. That's just freaky >.> Have you tried talking to your mum?

Your ex gf sounds like a wonderful person who cares for you. Maybe you can get back together! Whatever you do, I wish you the best of luck XxX Take care of yourself and if you ever have any other problems, remember people here will be there for you!
Marmen Boy said:
well, sorry if i wasted your time.
omfg ::hugs and doesnt let go:: awwwww u didnt waste my time ....omfg i dont know what to say but......im practiclly and angel and saving ppl from suicide so if you want my support im here for yea just IM me at
omg.. ok.. you can PM me or whatever.. i mean you shouldn't have to live like that.. *gives really big hug*..i dont' know really what to say but your not waisting our time dont' ever think that.. if you ever need to blow off steam or just talk IM me at
Pinkybabi01 or like PM or something ok..id really like to help the best that i can
Dude, wow. That is a hard life, and I extend my sympathy. But, this may sound ****ing new age, but you have to overcome all of it. If your brother is going to a university, then don't think you are worthless because of your surroundings. That girl, you need to keep her with you. It seems like she has set you straight more then once, and you owe her alot for it. Try and get out of that house. If you can't, just do your best and try to survive and get away. If you keep at it at school, you can really make something of yourself.
Either way, you need to keep the good influences in life close and perservere. You deserve better then what you have now - go get it.
wowz0rz...sorry bro, that really sux...

well, you have a computer, so learn a programming language...don't ****in say that you're stupid and you can't, just do it...that's what i did when my family went thru this huge trouble. locked myself in my room, and learned programming...it soothes you, and you try to debug stuff you ****ed up, instead of worrying about your ***** dad, i mean FB, anyways...you need to keep that girl with you...if i hadn't had my gf i wouldn't be here right now...

just like...get out of the house, and when you're home, don't talk to anyone, unless spoken to, and don't ask for any favors, if you don't give anyone a reason to be mad at you...they shouldn't be.
andy thats so sad, i could never picture her doing that!!but happy birth day!!(march 15)i hope ur life gets better!!and just to let u no (even though i have never met u) me and jenn and everyone here will be here 2 help u, even if we just listin!!
luv ya always!!
omg.. dude, and i though my life was ****.. i really do feel for you, even tho i probly have never been thro a thing that you have.. as for the guy who raped you he should die a horrible and painfull death for what he did to u and probly many others... try to keep positive(sp?) and try ur hardess to do better at school, that is the only way, you will be able to escape, learn -- get good grades -- get good job, i kno its not tha easy but plz try.. we are ALL here for you man...

good luck