i want to die...but then again i don't

Wow i'm really sorry,i can see you have it tough!!
but hang in there we are all here for u man,as for your
girlfriend she sounds wonderfull and incredibly sweet to you
out of everything bad in your life she sounds like a blessing.
Well i hope you feel beter,if not don't hesitate to pm me
or someone,because like i said we are all here for you. :thumbsup:

Hang tight :)
Well, whenever you feel depressed, I have to tell you to think about the good things. Remember that, trust me, it helps. Just thinking about one person you love or that loves you can completely change your mood from good to bad. Also, listen to happy music, i suggest akon, anything akon would help, even lonely. I'm making suggestions based on personal experiences, even though I can gurantee ive never been as depressed as you have, I have been depressed.
dont kill yourself !!i also had other friends who tried to commite suicide!! but dont i dont think theres a point in killing youself when u have many choices in life n u could just make it better!!! well w/ my friends i would help hang out n see that its fun being w/ friends n stuff!!!!n he now regrets even of thinking it!!!n were good friends!!