I_Love_Mike_Shinoda2's Journal


New member
he was trying to rip of your shirt?

i would have hate that when someone tries to do that :p

so you had a great time.. to bad that you can't go to LP :(

Well today I found out our best pitcher Stephanie and Ill best girl at everything Ashley cant play in tonights game (possibly for any of the games this week!)

Stephanie has a knee injury and Ashely sprained her ankle

Oh and I almost blew up a hotdog in the microwave :D

Well Stephanie did play in the game yesterday, just didnt pitch

We won 21-0

I got a triple and walked 3 times

Then I watched some of my sister's game. They won 14-1

Then after my mom and sister left, we hanged out for a bit and then me and dad went to the car

We didnt have any keys for it AND the doors were locked!!!!!

So we stayed up there til about 10:30 and my mom gave us the keys

So thats it! I got a game tonight too at 6:30 and we are playing a sucky team so we are gonna win!

Thanks :D

But last night we lost 4-0

Oh well!

Im mad at my friend right now because i wanted to go over her house and do some stuff but she totally bailed out on my at the last second :mad:



New member
heyyy! we haven't chatted in a while!

but I'm back on 'n' stuff, ^_^

sorry you didn't win :(

ahh, bailing sucks *shakes fist at ur friends* lolbye bye hun!

Thanks for the comments people :thumbsup:

Well yesterday we had another game

We lost 5-4.. it was sooooo close!

When then today we had a double header

We won the first game 15-0 and the second we won 17-5

The other team SUCKED!

Well I think thats it... :D

I am sorry. I know how that feels. Tis not fun. :/

Also, I don't think I've been around the corner of the journals forums, so, hello. ^^

Now, I must take my leave, I got places to see & people to do. XD

Love & Peace,




New member
ahw that sucks..

i also have touble with going to sleep when i'm sleeping at my friends place,

and it's even worse when they don't have airco and it's hot 0_o

well i hope you get to sleep a little

take care

Haha.. I know HOE that is... haha.. nice typo twi!

Anyways, I did get some sleep last night.. very happy about that

When we went to chruch, we were watching the little 3 year olds

Then I came home and lied to my dad that I walked 3 miles today

He actually believed me too

So i didnt have to kill myself while doing cardio when I was working out today

I got basketball camp this week from 12:30-3:00 Monday-Thrusday

Im not going on Thrusday cuz Im going to Kennywood! WOOT!

Yea so i guess thats it! :D

Woah havent been here in a while..

Monday I started basketball camp.. its kinda fun

I also had another double header.. we beat them twice

Yesterday we were suppose to have another game but it got rained out :(

Well that its, Im gonna be leaving for basketball camp in about 20 minutes..



New member
LMAO i have good typos :D I was like...opps...but decided to leave it :p

anyways...you're quite the athlete :p

lmao i don't [play that menat sports in 5 years XDD\gooood luckies *wave*

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