I_Love_Mike_Shinoda2's Journal


New member
I have it on my compy! I love the servant..the dude who loves feet *****

The second funniest guy is Eddie Murphy, I just saw deliriuos and it rox!

Heart_LP- Omg I should like fly out to where you live and watch 50 First Dates with you! Its ******* awesome and funny! And yes I do agree that Eddie Murphy is the second most funniest guy. Then third is Chris Rock :D

Friðbjörn- Yes, Adam Sandler IS a genious!

stupidsoul- Yea it is VERY cute

So today I went shopping with my mom.. PLEASE REMIND ME NEVER TO DO THAT AGAIN! First we go into ****'s sporting goods and she is like crawling on the ground looking for shoes.. then I wanted some shorts there and she said no. Then we went to Sam's Club and looked for shorts there and nothing was there. Then we went to Quizno's for some subs and we were fighting in there. Then went to Wal-Mart and got some stuff. Then went back to ****'s and she letted me buy my shorts I wanted. I dont like going to the store with her at all. Hopefully I wont need to for a while.



New member
Ehh.. sounds like a not-so-good experience, lol. I hate shopping with my parents too.. well, actually, I hate shopping period. Meh..

See you later :)



New member
lol running around but naked? lmao,,

i rather not do that :p

i hate shopping with my mom too..

she always chooses these stupid clothes..

that i don;t like.. arrgh..

well take care :)



New member
oh ***... y mom asked me if I wanted to go clothes shoopping with her today and I declined... lmao,, i hate it!...yeah, and my mom does that too...like, she wears my shoes and asks if she can wear my clothes... then she gives me her OLD retro clotehs that I hate.. :rolleyes: XD
Well lets see today. First I went to my sis's practice

It was really boring..

Then I went to mine

I had to catch for our 2 pitchers and my legs hurt like **** :(

I hit very good though

Then I went to Denny's with my gram and sis

It wasnt the best food but oh well..

We got some good milkshakes though

They were awesome

Well im out.. :D



New member
Sounds like an eventful day!

The funny thing is you have so much more to say than I do and you somehow manage to say it so much shorter than I would! It's a gift! *laughs* Hope you are well. I'm envious. Wish I could have a milkshake. *sobs* Oh well, no point crying over spilt... *groan*

Take care, TTYL,




New member
are you kidding, Rav? Its sooo fun to read your rants! I with I could do that :rolleyes:

anywas, back to the milkshakes, XD

I'm getting EIGHT teeth pulled like next week so I can have soup and milkshakes all the **** I want! lmao!



New member
wrong grammer

EIGHT teeth??????!!!! omg! twi, i think u r gonna spent a long time having milkshakes.

anyway, ILMS2, sorry abt your legs. hope everything's fine now!



New member
I knowwwwww, at first I was like WTF!? then I was like, sad, then I was like happy.. lmao, idk don't ask :rolleyes: (wow, I really like this smiley tonight)

being the ********* that I am, I might enjoy it. I'm having all 4 wisdom teeth pulled out so I have to be 'asleep' during the 'surgery'



New member
8 teeth 0.o woah twi.. poor you

sorry mel.. back to your journal :p

hope that your legs feeling better lol.. that sounds weird..

well take care :)

twi- Omfg! 8 teeth? Well I had 9 teeth pulled b4 so.. yea haha :D And yes, milkshakes ARE orgasmic

Rav- Haha thanks. I like reading yours though. Its like always about Rop and its funny haha.

Shahfire and Hybi- Thanks. My legs are feeling fine now. Btw Hybi, I love your new sig. Its sexy

Anyways, thanks for the comments and heres an update

So last night I was talking to my bfs brother Jay (who is like a brother to me) and my other friend Michael last night til 2 in the morning

But after they hung on me, I went to sleep and they called back and my dad answered and hung up cuz they are afraid of my dad :p

So then today I woke up at 11:30 and my dad said Im working out at 12:30

****.. I hated that

I walked from their house to mine which was 2 miles

So then I went to the mall and got Subway

**** was it good

Now Im ****** because I was going to go to the movies with Jeremy (my bf), Jay, Devan, her boy Charles, and Jays girl Alanea. But then Jeremy and Jay said they arent gonna waste 5 bucks so they are having a party right now and I cant go because I have no ride.. :(

So lets see

Today I went to the Doctor

And he fixed my knee :D

Then went to Science

And my friend was dressing like a hoe so I called her "Triple X hoe" haha :p

Uh.. the rest of the day was pretty much boring

Except in homeroom at the end of the day, my teacher gave us cake!

My friend Miranda bought cookies and this fat kid named Kenny stole one and like made a big mess and he was in BIG trouble

Then i went to a Fastpitch tournament

My old school was playing and they won 5-2 and they are in the Championship

Then my school played and lost 5-0 :(

But I went with my fastpitch team

I dont really like them that much, they dont accept me :(

But 2 girls named Ally and Ashley came over to me

Im kinda friends with both of them but now I think Ill friendship is permament

We like talked the whole time about everything

So Im kinda happy right now

So Ill leave you guys alone


Ok, I have to go to bed right now and I wont be here tomorrow so ehres an update!

We had a softball game today

We lost 7-3 :(

I got a hjit though :)

But today was more interesting

My dads car was acting retarded

And it wouldnt go into any of the gears, and if it did, it wouldnt work

So we put it in nutreal (or however you spell it) and i got to drive it backwards

It was so much fun!

We started getting it to work but it came stoppnig in the middle of the road!

So we pulled over and called a tow truck (btw my gram was with us)

We waited an hour :mad:

Finally it got here and it was awesome seenign it go on there

I loved today!

Oh and tomorrow we FINALLY get our yearbooks! WOOT!

Sorry if my writing looks like ****, I dont have my contacts in :p

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