twi- Omfg! 8 teeth? Well I had 9 teeth pulled b4 so.. yea haha

And yes, milkshakes ARE orgasmic
Rav- Haha thanks. I like reading yours though. Its like always about Rop and its funny haha.
Shahfire and Hybi- Thanks. My legs are feeling fine now. Btw Hybi, I love your new sig. Its sexy
Anyways, thanks for the comments and heres an update
So last night I was talking to my bfs brother Jay (who is like a brother to me) and my other friend Michael last night til 2 in the morning
But after they hung on me, I went to sleep and they called back and my dad answered and hung up cuz they are afraid of my dad
So then today I woke up at 11:30 and my dad said Im working out at 12:30
****.. I hated that
I walked from their house to mine which was 2 miles
So then I went to the mall and got Subway
**** was it good
Now Im ****** because I was going to go to the movies with Jeremy (my bf), Jay, Devan, her boy Charles, and Jays girl Alanea. But then Jeremy and Jay said they arent gonna waste 5 bucks so they are having a party right now and I cant go because I have no ride..