I_Love_Mike_Shinoda2's Journal

Ok so the movies sucked. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory sucked ass!
Plus it was worst since Jeremy didnt go because he had to go to his dads
But being with my friends was fun!
So today I woke up at 5 AM and left around 6 for a softball tournament
We tied the first game 1-1, won the second 13-3, and lost the third 6-1
So overall we did pretty good
WEll I have to go, Im doing something for a friend
I found my journal! lol. and since I'm back, Im gonna start this up again =)

Since school is slowing down a bit, Ive become lazy.. woot woot lol. Ive made the softball team and thats been bunches of fun. For some odd reason i dont play much but oh well, I love being on the team. We had our Invitional yesterday. We came in 2nd and got medals! I got sunburn though =( thats not cool. On Friday I went over my friend Jarrett's house with Kevin and Trista. It was tons of fun.

I read some parts of my journal, and I dont go out with that Jeremy kid anymore. I realized hes a big asshole lol. I havent been hanging with a lot of my Wash High friends anymore, just a lot of my Trinity friends. (Wash High is my old school). I went out with a kid named Andy for a while, from Octobor to January and now we dont even speak anymore. Yea he was one of those asshole too. And since Im stupid, I even dated his older brother too.. yea a few regrets went on there too. Well Im done for the moment.. peace