Idiots are everywhere

RobertY7 said:
Ok ms. temper. I wasn't trying to offend you, like i said in my other post it's personal preference. You may be happy being knee deep in cow pies all day and no traffic, no problems basically right? cuz the country is perfect!! AHH!! lovely...

Alright, for you this is the life... Here is what i like in life. Not making just enough to get by, driving a jaguar to the train station every morning (theres no traffic on the train tracks in our town), working for a large company that offers benefits, way better than 10 an fact so good that it's not hourly, it's yearly salary. I get company picnics, galas, charity auctions, free lunches, a blackberry etc... I can't describe all the perks because there are so many.

It's nice that you are a hard working, decent, honest person making their living (not a drug dealer, pimp or welfare collector...the latter is the worst of all) I very, very highly regard people that make a living with their hands. Im a little bit of a carpentry and landscaping buff myself.. But I need money. I want as much money as I can get before i retire at the ripe old age of 50!

I want to be able to pay for all my childrens educations, put some trust funds in action for them... nowhere else, unless you own your own company, can you make as much money as you can in the BIG CITY.

I sit on a trading floor surrounded by as much money within 50 metres of me as the GDP of Albania (i dont really know what the number is, but there is a fair chunk of cash on the desk).

I am kind of waiting for someone to come back on this thread and rip off the fact that I am a materialistic piece of crap...I AM!! so much so it's scary.

I don't think there is anyone honestly, who doesn't want to make as much money as possible doing what they do.

Maybe I don't "love my job" but I don't think anyone does...that's why it's called a job. I just looked for a job that paid me enough money so that I can retire and keep myself firmly planted in the city..
maybe even move a little farther in! And above and beyond all, as long as I am working here, I can afford to go anywhere and do anything I want. In fact... Maybe i'll fly to New York and enjoy some of your fine beef products!

okay so I am not gonna bash ya about being materialistic...but hey man...get a clue...some of the wealthiest people around are ranchers!!! and $10 an hour out here damn sure aint gonna make me a millionaire, but considerin that my cost of living is almost nil compared to what it would be in the city...I do quite well!!! I aint gonna bitch...and on another the country ISNT perfect, but you sure can meet a much better breed of folk around here...the kind that lend ya a hand with anything!!! I dont do without much around here. Hell I even got DSL lol....
lilmizztemper said:

FORD DONT MAKE HEMI!!! Yes darlin...PowerStroke is a reference to Ford engine...not something you do when lookin at nudie pix on the net late at night!!! I said it was a F-350 (big ****in difference)!!!


What the HELL do city folks need 4WD SUV's for??? do them paved city streets get a little muddy for ya??? PANSIES!! Half of ya even know how to control the damn things...and end up rolling em when driving on ice cuz ya think 4WD drives can drive 75 on a 65mph road covered with ice.

ALSO....I HAVE lived in Colorado Springs for a year...hated it...Grocery store was a supposed 5 minute drive but STILL took 20 minutes in the heavy carazy traffic!!! I would just as soon drive 20 minutes of nothing than sit in bumper to bumper traffic getting cut off all the damned time!

One more thing to add...I aint a farmer idiot!!! Im a rancher...we dont grow anything BUT feed for our cattle and we DAMNED sure dont use chemicals...that would kill the cattle. You city people would be **** out of luck tryin to raise yer OWN damned beef and crops...yeah some could get away with it but most of ya just run down to the nearest fast food joint to grab a burger and fries...but OH ****!!! where did that beef come from for yer burger??? and the taters fer yer damned fries?????

The preacher man says its the end of time
and the Mississippi River she's a going dry.
The interest is up and the stock markets down
and you only get mugged if you go downtown.
I live back in the woods you see,
my woman, and the kids and the dogs and me.
I got a shotgun and a rifle and a four wheel drive
and a country boy can survive. Country folks can survive.

I can plow a field all day long,
I can catch catfish from dusk till dawn.
Make our own whiskey and our own smoke too
ain't to many things these boys can't do.
We grow good old tomatoes and homemade wine
and country boy can survive, country folk can survive.

Because you can't stomp us out and you can't make us run,
cause we're them ole boys raised on shotguns.
We say grace and we say mam
and if you ain't into that we don't give a damn.
We came from the West Virginia coal mine's
and the Rocky Mountains and the Western skies
and we can skin a buck, we can run a trout line
and a country boy can survive, country folks can survive.

I had a good friend in New York City
he never called me by my name just hillbilly.
My Grandpa taught me how to live off the land
and his taught him to be a business man
He used to send me pictures of the Broadway Nights
and I would send him some homemade wine
but he was killed by a man with a switchblade knife,
for forty three dollars my friend lost his life.
I'd love to spit some beechnut in that dudes eyes
and shoot him with my ole forty-five
cause a country boy can survive, country folks can survive.

'Cause you can't stomp us out and you can't make us run,
and we're them ole boys raised on shotgun.
We say grace, we say mam,
if you ain't into that we don't give a damn.
We're from North California and South Alabam'
and little towns all around this land.
We can skin a buck, and run a trout line
and a country boy can survive,
country folks can survive,
country boy can survive,
country folks can survive.
How many times have you been to a city? How many cities have you been to? Have you ever visited a Sub-urban town?

You apparently don't havea clue because most of the wealthiest people around are oil executives and bank chairs. You should go and talk to some of the ranchers and ask them if they did something different before they started ranching, or if their parents did something besides ranching. I know 2 ranchers, one is my dad's boss, the other is his boss... They aren't wealthy off ranching, they ranch because they are wealthy.

About the cost of living thing... it's all relative... Your 10 an hour makes you able to get by in the country, but not the city. My Bankers salary allows me to live pretty well wherever I want in the city, but the country removes my ability to make a bankers salary, so i can't live anywhere in the country that doesnt have an airport, highway, or railway to the city for work ;).

It's just relative, that's all. Don't think I am insulting you or throwing "disses" to the country folk. My family were a bunch of potatoe and cattle farm/ranchers many years ago. If you know of New Brunswick (Canadian province, Fredericton more specifically, the capital city) and the UNB (university) that used to be all owned by the family. They sold the land off almost 250 years ago, and we just sold the old farm house from the middle of their campus for a hefty chunk...a shame, it was a nice place (a little old albeit).

Please though, don't assume that because people you know will help you with a little thing here and there that it's the country breed in them. There are sooo many people in the city who will give you a hand with things... just have to address them differently. Its all relative like i said... If you know how the city works it is a very very convenient easy to use place.
RobertY7 said:
How many times have you been to a city? How many cities have you been to? Have you ever visited a Sub-urban town?

More times than I care to admit.....and I have been to plenty of cities...I have lots of family who lives in suburb towns and have visited them often!!!
RobertY7 said:
You apparently don't havea clue because most of the wealthiest people around are oil executives and bank chairs. You should go and talk to some of the ranchers and ask them if they did something different before they started ranching, or if their parents did something besides ranching. I know 2 ranchers, one is my dad's boss, the other is his boss... They aren't wealthy off ranching, they ranch because they are wealthy.

ummmm I didnt say that ranchers WERE THE wealthiest, they just up there on the totem pole pretty high...and let me clarify...I meant GOOD ranchers!!!

About the cost of living thing... it's all relative... Your 10 an hour makes you able to get by in the country, but not the city. My Bankers salary allows me to live pretty well wherever I want in the city, but the country removes my ability to make a bankers salary, so i can't live anywhere in the country that doesnt have an airport, highway, or railway to the city for work ;).

Since when do we NOT have banks out here in BFE??? where the hell you think we put OUR money??? damn sure NOT the city!!!

Please though, don't assume that because people you know will help you with a little thing here and there that it's the country breed in them. There are sooo many people in the city who will give you a hand with things... just have to address them differently. Its all relative like i said... If you know how the city works it is a very very convenient easy to use place.

yeah...they give ya a hand with yer purse!!! I guess ya gotta say "Yo home boy...fukin help me unload my glock on that nigga ova there!" Excuse me but most city folk Ive met are just plain rude...and very well educated without a lick of damn sense!!
So you just don't want to give it a chance.. I see.

Every city/suburb is different though I can assure you. If you came to the one I live in now you would say that we are sheltered and shut-in from problems other cities have...but trust me, money covers up alot of ****ed-ass **** that goes on in our town.

I had a friend get drunk and stab his brother to death over a beer... in their kitchen...
Turns out he was on ecstacy as well, don't know for sure how/if that added tot he problem butttt...

I guess that the whole where you live thing really is 100% personal preference...A very long drawn-out process of refining said preferences.
RobertY7 said:
So you just don't want to give it a chance.. I see.

Every city/suburb is different though I can assure you. If you came to the one I live in now you would say that we are sheltered and shut-in from problems other cities have...but trust me, money covers up alot of ****ed-ass **** that goes on in our town.

I had a friend get drunk and stab his brother to death over a beer... in their kitchen...
Turns out he was on ecstacy as well, don't know for sure how/if that added tot he problem butttt...

I guess that the whole where you live thing really is 100% personal preference...A very long drawn-out process of refining said preferences.

I have lived in two different cities...smaller ones at that...and I wont EVER do it again!!!