ieDissLPHaters (Funny Stuff!)


New Member
Aug 11, 2005
I found this funny stuff on LPC that this guy wrote about LP Haters. This one is my favorite. If you like this one here is his journal to read more he did:


Episode 3 is a diss on lpsuxmajorballzz. It's all about flaming poo! Greatest Hit

Read this while listening to Slayer: Here Comes the Pain

[Outside of Joes House]

Chester: Dude, you have to see this...
Mike: What?
Chester: SHHH...
Mike: whisper...whisper...what...
Chester: Look in the window...
Mike: ...
Mike looks through the window

Mike sees Joe Head Banging with Mr. Froggy to Slayer in his underwear

Mike: ...
Chester: ...
Chester: LOL!!!
Mike: ...
Chester: ...
Chester: Dude, look at him...
Mike: I knew it!
Chester: ...
Mike: I knew he head bangs to Slayer!
Chester: I know, hes right there...
Mike: I know, but he says he doesn't...
Chester: ...Oh...
Chester: ...
Chester: LOL!!!!!
Mike: ...
Chester: ...
Chester: LOL!!!!!
Chester: Dude, lets put flaming poo on his front door...
Mike: Dude, I'm not going to act like Billy Madison...
Chester: Come on, he'll come out wondering who it is in his underwear...
Mike: Ok, we need dog ****...
Chester: Who says it has to be dog ****...
Mike: ...
Mike: what?
Chester: It can be my **** too!
Mike: Who cares just put **** in a bag...
Chester: Ok...
Chester finds some poop on Joes lawn and put it in a bag
Chester: Dude, I got some...
Mike: Ewwwwww... that stuff reaks...
Chester: This is great dog poo...

Joe still rocking out to Slayer

Chester: Ok, give me the lighta
Mike: ...
Chester sets it on fire
Mike: Put it on there before it goes out!
Chester: Ok...
Chester puts it onto his front door...
Chester: I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!
Mike: Knock you idiot!
Chester knocks on the front door
Chester runs into the bushes
Chester: ...
Mike: ...
Chester: He didn't answer...
Mike: Ring the door bell...
Chester: Ok...
Chester: walks up to the door quietly and rings the door bell...
Chester: DING DONG!
Mike: Get into the bushes before he answers!
Chester: ..
Chester: WHAT!
Chester: ..
Chester: WHAT!!!!!!!
Mike: GET INT...
Joe: ...
Chester: ...
Chester jumps into the bush...
Joe: Chester, I know its you so get out!!
Chester: ...
Chester: Do you think he saw me...?
Mike: ...

[Ouside of Joes House Night 2]

Chester: Ok, were going to put flaming poo on Joes front door if its the last thing we do..
Mike: ...
Mike: Dude, it's not that important...
Chester: Dude, don't mock the poo...
Chester: Ok, lets go...
Mike: ...
Chester and Mike walk into the bushes quietly...
Chester: Ok, On the count of 3, I'll grab him and you push...
Mike: ...
Mike: What the hell are you talking about!?
Mike: Hes In..side!
Chester: ...
Chester: ...
Mike: WHERE!?
A bunch of girls flash Chester and Mike on the back of a truck
Joe: Kick ass!
Chester Mike and Joe looks at each other
Mike: DAMNIT!!!

[Ouside of Joes House Night 3]
Chester: Ok, We ARE going to this if its the last thing we do that Linkin Park Code
Mike: ...
Chester: Ok, this time we got reinforcements
Brad: ...
Phoenix: ...
Rob: ...
Phoenix: Chester, what are we doing...?
Chester: Were going to put poo on Joes front door...
Phoenix: It's 12:00 Midnight...
Brad: LOL...

Chester, Mike, Brad, Phoenix and Rob walk quietly into the bushes
Chester: Dude, look through the window...
Mike, Brad, Phoenix and Rob look through the window
Brad: What the hell is Joe doing...?
Chester: Hes head banging to Slayer...
Brad: ...
Brad: LOL!!!
Mike: Shut up or he'll hear us...!
Chester goes finds some poo and bags it
Chester: I got the poo..
Brad: Cool
Chester: Ok, give me the lighta...
Brad gives Chester the lighter
Chester sets it on fire...
Mike: Wait! Let Brad put it on the doorstep...
Brad: Ok
Brad walks quietly to the door and puts the flaming poo on the doorstep...
Brad rings the door
Brad runs into the bushes
Brad: Ok...Ok..Shut up...
Joe answers the door while in his underwear

Chester: (snort)...LOL
Mike: LOL
Brad: (snort)...LOL
Phoenix: LOL
Rob: LOL

Joe: What the..?
Joe gives a retarted look to the bag

Chester: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe: ...
Joe drops Mr. Froggy into the flaming poo bag
Joe: MR FROGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe runs to get some shoes and starts steping on it to put out the fire

Chester: LOL!!!!!!!! oh my god, this is too funny
Chester, Mike, Brad, Phoenix, Rob start rolling laughter

Joe: Goddamnit Chester!!!
Chester: LOL!!!!!!!!!
Joe: Yeah... Well... your Stupid!

Chester: Hey, Joe if it make you feel better let go put some poo on someone elses door step!
Joe: OK, Sweet!

[lpsuxmajorballzz House]

Chester: Lets do this house
Mike: Yeah!
Chester, Mike, Brad, Phoenix, Rob and Joe run into the bushes
Chester: Mr. Froggy smells like poo...
Joe: Well you put **** on him..
Chester: Your the one who droped Mr. Froggy into the ****
Brad: Dude look..
Chester: what..?
Chester looks into the window
Chester: !
Chester: Dude, hes ****ing a chick!
Chester: Hey, Joe, I dare you to chuck **** right at them...
Joe: You do it, your the one who like **** so much..
Chester: You do it!
Mike: Would you shut up! He'll hear us...
Brad: you mean "they"...LOL
Joe opens the window
Joe get ready to aim...
lpsuxmajorballzz: Hey! What the ****!
Joe looks scared
Joe: ...
Chester: ...
Mike: ...
Brad: ...
Phoenix: ...
Rob: ...
Joe: Eat ****!
Joe throws the poo at lpsuxmajorballzz
Chester: LOL!!!
Mike: LOL!!!
Brad: LOL!!!
Phoenix: LOL!!!
Rob: LOL!!!
lpsuxmajorballzz: You little dick
Chester: LOL!!!
Mike: LOL!!!
Brad: LOL!!!
Phoenix: LOL!!!
Rob: LOL!!!
lpsuxmajorballzz jumps out the window naked
Joe starts running away in his underwear
Joe: MR FROGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lpsuxmajorballzz: I'm gonna kick your ass!!!
Chester: Hey Joe! throw more poo at him!
Joe starts throwing poo at lpsuxmajorballzz
The sprinklers start going off
Chester: We better get out of here
Brad: Right
Chester: Joe, lets get out of here!
Joe: MR. FROGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chester, Mike, Brad, Phoenix, Rob and Joe start running
lpsuxmajorballzz: Get back here!!!
yo!!!! i remember this guy!!!!!! omg- he worked w/cloud33 as well didn't he???? this is amazing **** - if you haven't seen this guy's nj, go read it and laugh your ass off!!!!!