If I could summarize all my thinking about Islam


New member
old cartoony joke. instead of just sigh Pepe le Pew said Le Sigh *** bless the little french stinker.
Yes... I got it. I've watched Warner Bros. Cartoons since I was knee high to a grasshopper.

Pointing out the painfully obvious, still does nothing to redeem yourself.

I'm sorry, but she is quoting cartoons, how did your babysitting software let you in here??Is that your Mother I hear calling you?
Pfft, I always say that. besides as a mother you should know kids watch the shittiest cartoons these days. Nothing as classic as the looney toons. That's only for us old folks.
Yes... I got it. I've watched Warner Bros. Cartoons since I was knee high to a grasshopper.
Pointing out the painfully obvious, still does nothing to redeem yourself.
and who said I wanted to redeem myself??? I'll be back in the AM. Mommy is calling me for beddy bye time. Nighty night. ;)



New member
old cartoony joke. instead of just sigh Pepe le Pew said Le Sigh *** bless the little french stinker.

First off I'm am a strong supporter of using le sigh , good work.

Secondly, I can understand your viewpoint (atleast the one I'm getting) Of a more relaxed and formal debate style, which I myself try to use. BUT the is GF and folks 'round here present their arguments in mnay different ways, a fair number of which include direct insults, one liners and general teasing of their 'oppoents'. Thats the fun of the site.

Its definatly worth staying, even though they're insulting as **** thoe folks here aren't 'meanies' and pretty much kick ***. Just give it some time, on the boards you'll make enemies but thats just conflicting opinion. Stay cool, stay sharp and don't get arrogent.

Keep at her and you'll see the coolness of this little community.



New member
and who said I wanted to redeem myself??? I'll be back in the AM. Mommy is calling me for beddy bye time. Nighty night. ;)
Ten days is a long time to spend in the box. You sure that you don't want to redeem yourself even a little bit?



New member
First off I'm am a strong supporter of using le sigh , good work.
Secondly, I can understand your viewpoint (atleast the one I'm getting) Of a more relaxed and formal debate style, which I myself try to use. BUT the is GF and folks 'round here present their arguments in mnay different ways, a fair number of which include direct insults, one liners and general teasing of their 'oppoents'. Thats the fun of the site.

Its definatly worth staying, even though they're insulting as **** thoe folks here aren't 'meanies' and pretty much kick ***. Just give it some time, on the boards you'll make enemies but thats just conflicting opinion. Stay cool, stay sharp and don't get arrogent.

Keep at her and you'll see the coolness of this little community.
You need to read her ALL her posts in this thread before you go defending her. Then add to that she is a sub teacher, forming the minds of our youth. If one my daughters teachers said some of this **** I would have her out of that classroom so fast.



New member
You need to read her ALL her posts in this thread before you go defending her. Then add to that she is a sub teacher, forming the minds of our youth. If one my daughters teachers said some of this **** I would have her out of that classroom so fast.

Ok I've now done that, and I agree with about 99% of what she has said. (Mainly about the accual topic, the rest is just frivolous BS on both sides)

My support holds. She is making completely reasonable arguments where as the rest seem to be based in short sighted thought, generalizations, panicy emotion and are simply without evidence. Since the 'opposition' to Hamza here is left with the burdon of proof, facts must be provided or they have no grouds for argument other then "I don't think so...". I've yet to read anything that holds.

Her points stand and I look forward to hearing more of them.

And Hamza, even though I dispise religion in general, you are being most rational and have my support.



New member
Ok I've now done that, and I agree with about 99% of what she has said. (Mainly about the accual topic, the rest is just frivolous BS on both sides)
My support holds. She is making completely reasonable arguments where as the rest seem to be based in short sighted thought and panicy emotion and are simply false and without evidence. Since the 'opposition' to Hamza here is left with the burdon of proof facts must be provided or they have no grouds other then "I don't think so..."

Her points stand and I look forward to hearing more of them.
Sounds like someone is trying to get in her pants.



New member
How clever, would the same be said were it a new 'guy' posting? I think not. Sorry I'm feeling quite humourless tonight.

Maybe I'll start refering to all of you in 'they' and 'it' form.



New member
you are apparently addicted to lying, So who is James Copp?
just like YOU, Hamza! the truth is ... Islam is a violent a twisted ideology, but you spread lies about it, You are the worst kind of hypocrit, Hamza!


Islam is the religion of lies, so what makes me think you'd ever speak the truth? NOTHING!

The odds are quite good, most Westerners have their heads in the sand when it comes to the constant incursion of islam.

You don't even know what I do, you self-righteous and evil hypocritical follower of the pedophile prophet(may **** be upon him)

The only lies being spread about islam is coming from you! Peaceful sack O'**** religion indeed!
What have I ever lied about in my religion? You yourself live with Muslims in the US, Approximately 7 Million of them with a US citizenshup. If Islam is just so evil as you put it then why don't you think these Muslims haven't done anything evil ??

You really like to make bold claims about me, and I have seen you do it about AIG, we simply defend Islam. I don't defend terrorists. Yet I have never seen you directly scold a terrorist. I am a person that works for the good of everyone, yet you prefer to call me a liar...

You ask me to name which religion has caused more terrorist attacks... Tell me something, how many people living in the Middle East, have ever died due to occupation of foreign countries and then compare that number to how many have died in terrorist attacks!

I have told you constantly, about what the Prophet said. Read my first post in this topic. You think he hated people of other religions?? WRONG, he persuaded Muslims to Honor them. He was even allies with some Jewish tribes. Know your history MRIH, your accusations just don't cut it anymore and I am ashamed to argue with someone so profoundly dedicated to the worse of a faith like YOU.

James Kopp

Thje alleged killer of an abortion provider in Buffalo, N.Y.


Leslie, nobody in my community is a terrorist, or are thinking of becoming a terrorist. They're your average people. They just want to live life and provide for their family.



New member
you have never said my neighbor down the road or my uncle or whomever is a terorist, please arrest him.Thats what I'm talking about.

Understand we don't care to learn about Islam, at least from what I am reading here people don't seem to and I know I don't. Why would we??

All we care about is stopping more terrorist attacks and I think people who are peaceful Islamics would feel the same way.

So raise your hand, drive down the police dept and start turning people in who make threats who sympathize with the terrorists..FULL STOP !!!

That is the only thing that will rescue from you being branded as one of them.
I understand what you mean! But in such a little community like mine the odds of a terrorist here are so slim... Infact at the local mosque the Imam regularly has anti-terror speeches so people will understand.

Ten days is a long time to spend in the box. You sure that you don't want to redeem yourself even a little bit?
Why redeem myself to you? Do I owe you some sort if alleigence? No, I don't think so. I refuse to bow down before the Mods. It isn't my style. I'll wear my "**** Yellow" name as if it were a badge of honor. :cool: Viva La Resistance.



New member
Why redeem myself to you? Do I owe you some sort if alleigence? No, I don't think so. I refuse to bow down before the Mods. It isn't my style. I'll wear my "**** Yellow" name as if it were a badge of honor. :cool: Viva La Resistance.
Aaaah, the meek shall inherit the Earth. :p

But on GF, the meek shall be trodden mercilessly under jack boots and sent to that foul-smelling rectangular receptacle of misery, for the express purpose of pondering their idiocy.

Welcome mat extended.

My problem with the way that American's - not all but enough to cause a stink, deal with Islam is that they really make it seem as though we have something to proove. Yes, what was done and is being done by terrorist groups is a horible thing... But lets not be two faced about it. The United States has been war mongering for a long time before the 9-11 attacks or any of the attrocities commited. If you need examples, just look at our history. A ****** past that is full of prejudice, pretentiousnous, lies, theft, and welll... War Mongering.

Druing World War Two Japan bombed Pearl Harbour right? A military base. What was the reaction of the U.S.? We bombed thier civilians. Now, while I am sure as glad as everyone else that ti ended the war... Lets look at it rationally. How much power do We as Americans have over the military decisions of our government? How much power did the Japanese public have? So we have been invading the Middle East for decades, ripping it apart, placing new people in power and then deciding we don't want the one put in power there anymore, so we rip it down and staert over. How long did you think they were going to put up with it before they fought back? Don't you all think that they had a right to ******? Sure, they could have handled it peacefully, but would we have listened? I doubt it. It takes a really LOUD bomb-explosion-catastrophe to get our attention.

As far as the religious angle, lets look at it this way. Christianity was responsible for the Spanish Inquisition. How many innocents died in the name of that fiasco? And did Christianity DIE. No, it thrived. Despite the fact that it was "Cleansing" the world of Jews, Muslims, and any other religion it deemed "AntiChristian" which was well... Pretty much every religion. So where is the difference between what Christianity did, and what the Muslim Extremeists are doing? And yet, we don't blame the Christians solely because it was a Political Move on part of the Spanish regime. Do we say that ALL Christians were to blame then? No, because they weren't. And yet, how many of them stood up to defend what they thought was right? Not very many I assure you. They didn't want to be hanged or left to die in a prison.

One more thing... In the United States court system the burden of proof is left to the hands of the prosecution. (As was aforementioned in this post by another member) How can the "prosecution" in this argument continue to prosecute when it has closed its' ears to truth and instead relied on the "Hype" and proaganda to proove its' point? With attitudes of - and this is not a DIRECT quote "I don't need to know anymore about Islam" how can you possibly commit to the burden of proof?
Why redeem myself to you? Do I owe you some sort if alleigence? No, I don't think so. I refuse to bow down before the Mods. It isn't my style. I'll wear my "**** Yellow" name as if it were a badge of honor. :cool: Viva La Resistance.
Being an idiot is no way to resist! Try putting some meaning an logic into your scattered posts. That will not only provide a better resistance, it will probably get you a reprieve from the idiot box as well.

Being an idiot is no way to resist! Try putting some meaning an logic into your scattered posts. That will not only provide a better resistance, it will probably get you a reprieve from the idiot box as well.
If meaning and logic means agreeing with everything the majority has to say... No. This another problem with the "American Mind Set" If it goes against the grain it must be bad. I don't share the opinions of most people, and I like it that way. If you or anyonje else thinks that makes em an "Idiot" that's just too **** bad. I'm not going to change my opinions or views just because you think I should, or just because some Mod colored in my name, And drew a box around my practically nonexistent reputation.

My problem with the way that American's - not all but enough to cause a stink, deal with Islam is that they really make it seem as though we have something to proove.
Everyone, everything, every group, every country, etc. have something to prove. Prove it already and go on!

Yes, what was done and is being done by terrorist groups is a horible thing... But
I am really sick of the appologists, I'm sick of the but attached to every single logical observation made about that pig-**** religion. The religion itself calls for the murder of appostates. It teaches hate, death and destruction. So... but noithing! It's high time the pig-**** religion was irradicated already.

lets not be two faced about it.
Two faced? Like the one face of islam in constant jihad against the west and anything else non-islamic, and thge other face telling us it's really peaceful?

The United States has been war mongering for a long time before the 9-11 attacks or any of the attrocities commited.
Blanket statements are superfulous. Back up your rhetoric with some facts, even oppinions must be based on some kind of fact.

and If you need examples, just look at our history. A ****** past that is full of prejudice, pretentiousnous, lies, theft, and welll... War Mongering.
So we should just lay down and die? What kind of nincompoop are you?

Druing World War Two Japan bombed Pearl Harbour right? A military base. What was the reaction of the U.S.? We bombed thier civilians.
Bombing civilians was nessessary in WWII. They (the civilians) were very much part of the war machine in Japan, the US, England, Germany, Italy and Russia. The allies bombed the living **** out of all the industrial complexes it possibly could, killing many, many civilians. This is military science 101, "Destroying the enemy's ability to make war." That is about the stupidest example I have ever seen.

Now, while I am sure as glad as everyone else that ti ended the war...
somehow, I doubt this statement. You seem to be one of those retarded liberals that believe the US should have saccrificed 1 million plus US servicemen invading the Japanease mainland rather than killl 160,000 japanease civilians with atomic bombs (even though at the time, they were enemy combatants... face it, as long as you are building the war machine, you are a combatant!)

Lets look at it rationally.
I also doubt you can look at anything rationally...

How much power do We as Americans have over the military decisions of our government?
None! and thank *** for it, by the time a crucial decision got out of committe (especially with a bleeding heart idiot like you on it) the war would be lost ages ago.

How much power did the Japanese public have?
War is ****, but I'm not going to lay down my life or liberty because I'm worried about an enemy combatant! **** for that matter, The japanease soldiers had zero say in the military decisions of Japan... Should we have just thrown down our arms because of it? Grow up!

So we have been invading the Middle East for decades,
Horeshit! We have never "invaded" any part of the middle east prior to 2002. We have never "invaded" unprovoked.

ripping it apart,
WTF??? You're going loony!

placing new people in power and then deciding we don't want the one put in power there anymore, so we rip it down and staert over.
The US does not (it is physically impossible) to just set up any one in power they want to, If they did they wouldn't put a guy named "Mohammed", "Moamar", or "Sadaam" in power.. They'd put guys named "Bill", "Paul" or "John".

What they do is manipulate already established political factions. The one deemed more peaceful and pro-west is the guy who gets the support. So when guy A is a blood-thirsty canibal who hates the US and has sworn an oath to produce a dirty bomb and detonate it in times square somehow, and guy B is a blood thirsty canibal who really doesn't give a **** about the west.. The US will train, fund and help guy B.

Years later, vermin like you will point their fingers at the US and say "The US put a blood-thirsty canibal in power in country X" When Guy B starts spouting the same anti west slogans and guy C comes along later who is pro west and despises human flesh... guy C starts getting support.

Don't be so naive!

How long did you think they were going to put up with it before they fought back?
Put up with what? All of the "military invasions", if we were invading, the time to fight would be then, not years later in the form of terrorism

Don't you all think that they had a right to ******?
Absolutely NOT! ****** about what? Sadaam wasn't alowed to keep Kuwait? ****** because Israel didn't let Egypt wipe them out?

Sure, they could have handled it peacefully, but would we have listened? I doubt it. It takes a really LOUD bomb-explosion-catastrophe to get our attention.
Here you go excusing their actions with your "but". ... they should have just kept on ******* their camels.

As far as the religious angle, lets look at it this way. Christianity was responsible for the Spanish Inquisition. How many innocents died in the name of that fiasco? And did Christianity DIE. No, it thrived. Despite the fact that it was "Cleansing" the world of Jews, Muslims, and any other religion it deemed "AntiChristian" which was well... Pretty much every religion. So where is the difference between what Christianity did, and what the Muslim Extremeists are doing? And yet, we don't blame the Christians solely because it was a Political Move on part of the Spanish regime. Do we say that ALL Christians were to blame then? No, because they weren't. And yet, how many of them stood up to defend what they thought was right? Not very many I assure you. They didn't want to be hanged or left to die in a prison.
Apples and Oranges, If the Spanish inquisition was going on today, I'd listen to this argument.. It is NOT...
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