If you look at the amount of female rulers and leader that ever existed, a larger percentage of them per person were actually quite tyrannical and hostile in nature. ****, they even made a book on the most evil women. Sure they didn't kill several million Jews but they sure did treat EVERYONE like lower lifeforms.
I have no opposition of women ruling the world but do you seriously think the world would be better if women ruled the world? I really couldn't tell you...until it happens it is quite hard to tell. But IMO, at least in the USA, men would be heavily oppressed. Feminism is no longer about woman equality. It is all about being SUPERIOR to them. And unless we have a "sensitive" woman out there with actual leadership qualities, there would be sexism in the US and things would get out of hand. Chaos and hate would ensue.
On the other hand, women DO rule the world...maybe not in a physical sense. Wann know how? As in influence to men. And I am not talking about in a presidental or royal status necessarily (though it HAS played a part). I am talking about that women to provide the encouragement for certain men in places everywhere like businesss and the like. And as big a kiss *** as most men are, they promote them or place them in a higher staus above their peers (who are usually male). It works like that in the military as well. Guys go out their way to impress women as far as work performance and the such and it helps them. They provide motivation. At the same time, the mere existance of a woman can actually get her promoted to a higher position. Alot of women do not realize how much power they really have over the minds of their male counterparts. I am not saying women are evil in a sense but they do know how to get around systems.
And if alot more women would step up to the plate and beat the sexism that is floating around in today's society as opposed to waiting for a handout, there would be a female president, a chariman (or chairwoman if you prefer...lol) of a huge company or queen of the company. Sadly in places in the Middle East, I dunno how that could take place. That's my opinion of the matter.