If women ruled the World..


New member
Given the dichotomy betwenn the male and female perspective, exactly what differences do you feel would seriously take place if more women took ultimate powers of office globaly and why? Would the world be ruled so black and white? Would money still be the most important issue? Would war be declared so easily? How would women get along at big power pow wows? I am really curious what people think about this one. There is a big difference between how men and women arrive at their descisions and I think it is not in the final descion but in the process of getting there that makes the difference. Take a minute and really try to think about this one. What exactly would be different?


New member
Women would be more sensitive.They wouldn't choose to drop bombs at a drop of the hat.

And this world would be clean.Women are competitive at having the best looking ''turf''.



New member
But WHY would they drop fewer bombs. I need reasoning for the answers (Ya I know, I am a pain in the ****)


New member
when you think women would drop less bombs, you have to think Margrette Thatcher... She was a total BullDog! damned fine Prime Minister I say!

I don't really think that people are ready for that yet... It's not that they would never allow it, but change has to be slow, and we already have enough **** on our plates that needs to change... Socially, and economically... But one of the major things that keeps many women from becoming serious candidates is Hillary Clinton.. People see her as the most exceptable choice that women have put forward and they are frightened by her policies and her complete disregard for reality...

It's not her being a wman that is going to keep her from office, it's her rampant liberalism... It just doesn't line up with more than half of the country... But the biggest problem is that she has become the represenative of ALL women whether she likes it or not, and is blowing it for the women who are more in line with this countries ideals..

It is a damned shame... I would like to have a Thatcher in office... It would dispell alot of myths about our nation...

Now that I think about it... Let's elect a jewish, lesbian, black, hispanic, oriental woman and just get all the minorities out on to the plaing field all at once!

would make for a good show!



New member
If you look at the amount of female rulers and leader that ever existed, a larger percentage of them per person were actually quite tyrannical and hostile in nature. ****, they even made a book on the most evil women. Sure they didn't kill several million Jews but they sure did treat EVERYONE like lower lifeforms.

I have no opposition of women ruling the world but do you seriously think the world would be better if women ruled the world? I really couldn't tell you...until it happens it is quite hard to tell. But IMO, at least in the USA, men would be heavily oppressed. Feminism is no longer about woman equality. It is all about being SUPERIOR to them. And unless we have a "sensitive" woman out there with actual leadership qualities, there would be sexism in the US and things would get out of hand. Chaos and hate would ensue.

On the other hand, women DO rule the world...maybe not in a physical sense. Wann know how? As in influence to men. And I am not talking about in a presidental or royal status necessarily (though it HAS played a part). I am talking about that women to provide the encouragement for certain men in places everywhere like businesss and the like. And as big a kiss *** as most men are, they promote them or place them in a higher staus above their peers (who are usually male). It works like that in the military as well. Guys go out their way to impress women as far as work performance and the such and it helps them. They provide motivation. At the same time, the mere existance of a woman can actually get her promoted to a higher position. Alot of women do not realize how much power they really have over the minds of their male counterparts. I am not saying women are evil in a sense but they do know how to get around systems.

And if alot more women would step up to the plate and beat the sexism that is floating around in today's society as opposed to waiting for a handout, there would be a female president, a chariman (or chairwoman if you prefer...lol) of a huge company or queen of the company. Sadly in places in the Middle East, I dunno how that could take place. That's my opinion of the matter.



New member
Duh... Women DO see everyone else as lower life forms :p and ya we are tyranical, but it is also true that in one way or another we truly DO rule the world, only because men are in general so **** ***** we can pretty much get them to anything if we band together ;) the problem there is that we are also so **** competetive and know better than to trust each other LOL
I'm starting to think they should be locked in cages until breeding time.

but yes they may SEEM sensitive moreso than men, but when given anything remotely resembling power, something snaps in their brain, and it's never pretty. I don't know why they do this, but it seems that they do.



New member
Then you boys would be up each other's arses faster than and twelve year old boy **** during a wet dream!


New member
Hairy ****...**** all the same thing to men (just ask a lifer at fulton prison) :p

When the women are away, the asres will play


smutt butt

New member
Hairy ****...**** all the same thing to men (just ask a lifer at fulton prison) :p
When the women are away, the asres will play
sorry but no hairy man *** for me, not as long as i have working hands.


smutt butt

New member
You say that now, wiat till your wacking away with a hand full of rough nasty callouses LOL
lol. well hopefully i will always be able to get poontang and not get so desperate that an ugly man starts looking good.



New member
Duh... Women DO see everyone else as lower life forms :p and ya we are tyranical, but it is also true that in one way or another we truly DO rule the world, only because men are in general so **** ***** we can pretty much get them to anything if we band together ;) the problem there is that we are also so **** competetive and know better than to trust each other LOL
Well women need to STOP seeing everyone else as lower lifeforms (if what you say is true) because then they are no better than the **** mysogynists and male sexist pigs that they complain about. Practice what they preach is what they should be more focused on. And yes, i already made the point clear about women ruling the world, but in a more "behind the scenes" kinda way. Horomones can play a part, *** kissing, or chivalry on the guy's part. Those are the things that allow women to have control.

But simply existing just to prove the opposite *** is inferior is INSIPID and certain women need to get that out of their mind because all they are doing is fighting an endless struggle. No *** is better than the other, each has equal importance in the human world. Everyone in the world has a niche to fill into this world and sexism is certainly a very asinine idea no matter what party partakes in it. I have nothing against women in general but I am sick of hearing how men oppress women and all that jazz while it is perfectly fine to degrade a guy. Equality my ***...it is hypocrites that seriously **** me off to no end. And once again, I have NO ISSUE if a woman is in a higher position than me. Women are people too.



New member
Christ!!!!!! I think I am being a bit too subtle today when making a funny!!!! People! PULL YOUR PANTIES OUT OF YOUR *****!!! :p I wan't trying to make a point, I was being silly. Come on now you should know me better than that by now LOL Have I yet to SERIOUSLY play the fem card?


New member
I love ruffling your feathers Tizz. But I like to use your "jokes" to make a valid point in what goes on in today's society. So relax and don't get your panties in a bunch. :)
Women would be more sensitive.They wouldn't choose to drop bombs at a drop of the hat.And this world would be clean.Women are competitive at having the best looking ''turf''.
AIG, I beg to differ. Women are very emotional and most are pretty vindictive. I don't think logic would prevail and the bombs would be flyin' all over the place including nukes.
When I was in school, I remember the fights... The spats between the boys would normally consist of a few blows, black eye maybe and would last all of a day and by the third day all would be forgiven and the two lads would again be the best of friends... The girls on the other hand would go at each other teeth hair and nails! Shirts ripped off, blood everywhere, scratches, bruises cuts, black eyes. They wouldn't speak to each other for weeks afterwords!

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