If You are 30 or older...you'll dig this!


New member
My daddy said commodies were for ******s and white trash......
Nonsense! The guvment cheez is good! and it is for all! I proclaim on this day that were I chancellor of the United States, every man woman and child would get an allowance of Guv'ment cheez



New member
I remember the govt cheez as a kid and still recall it as the worst cheez onteh planet (then again I am a cheez snob)


New member
I remember the govt cheez as a kid and still recall it as the worst cheez onteh planet (then again I am a cheez snob)
You are VERY ****** in the head. Guv'ment cheese should be crowned the ******* KING of cheese, maybe your mom was just a bad cook.

So don' be dissin' Guv'ment cheese...aight'





New member
You are talking to someone who twice asked for and got cracker barrel cheese for christmas. I love my cheez and teh gov cheez sucked!!!!


New member
OMG...that was a stroll down memory lane!!!

Garbage pail kids...i even went to the store and bought the entire box!!!!(unopened)....Those were the best!!

I remember riding my bike with a friend 3 miles into Downtown Elkhorn NE to a bar that had Gauntlet. We would play that darn game ALLL day

OK my list of things from the 80's i remember

The Games

-Atari Adventure http://www.gamingworldx.com/features/CGOTWAdventureAtari2600.shtml

-Kid Icarus http://www.flyingomelette.com/kidicarus/kidicarusshrine.html

-Rygar http://surf.to/rygar

The Misc

-Roman Candle Wars

-Being either a Debbie Gibson fan OR a Tiffany fan...you never liked both

-Friendship Bracelets/Pins

-Sticker Collecting

-Getting fed up with my rubiks cube and resticking the stickers to "win"

-Generra Hypercolor T-shirts....that of course didnt work after about 2-3 washes

-Swatch Watches (wearing more than 2 at a time...)

-Beta and VHS (whew we liked vhs much better)

-Was a member of two 8 line BBS's

-Watching Breakfast Club and thinking it was the morst boring movie ever...till i got older that is

-Going to the mall just to look at stuff and hang out (watch a movie, eat pizza...)..and it was fun

-Transformers/GI Joe


i could go on forever!

And something borrowed...yet it made me think about


Its totaly true...i remembered seeing the white dog poo back then..and now i never ever do....

Oh ****, I have that same feeling about kids today having it easy, and I'm only 21.

Lets see: We didn't get our first computer until I was about 11, and it was an old 3.1. We had that **** thing until 1997, then we got a Pentium 2 running windows 95 (and later 98). We had that until last year. And we had to share the thing among the whole family. Now I see kids as young as 11 with their own computers and Internet connections. I DIDN'T GET MY OWN COMPUTER UNTIL I WAS 20.

People talk about tight laws nowadays, funny that I see kids as young as 10 running around shopping malls unsupervised. My parents didn't let me go to

the mall alone until I was about 15. And this was every few MONTHS. (possibly something to do with living in hicksville, therefore getting to the mall required a full tank of gas plus a bit-but that's another story)

And speaking of hicksville, no kid nowadays could have went through my childhood without caving. Many a weekend was spent splitting and hauling wood around with an old beat up Yamaha Timberwolf ATV - Again shared with the family when it was used for liesure. Country kids today get their own ATV's when they hit their teens. And usually they get a brand new Bombardier Baja or a Polaras Sportsman. And then me and my brother were running our own egg laying battery. I'd like to see any kid nowadays put up with the stench of chicken ****, and have to haul **** for a few hours. I was about 13 or 14 at the time. What are 14 year olds nowadays doing? They're playing videogames on their X-Boxes, Hanging at the mall all weekend and going to parties. Yes. Getting sloshed at 14. My parents barely let me out of the house.

We didn't have every new videogame system to come out either. First we had a NES bought back in 88 (I think it still works. Its somewhere in my parent's house) And then about seven years later we had a SEGA Genesis which we had to make do with until me and my brother pooled our money to buy a SEGA Dreamcast.

And look at the **** clothes kids have now. Back when I was about 10, we didn't have any designer **** or any alternative styles. It was whatever **** our parents bought us. Usually crappy novelty T-Shirts that had some lame joke on it and blue jeans. And as for Alternative styles, No chance in **** until I moved out then I had the chance to dress in a way that suits my beliefs and feelings.

Don't get me wrong, not all was bad. I was a kid I had a ton of toys. A few $2.00 G.I Joes and a couple of LEGO sets provided hours of amusement. Do kids play with toys nowadays?

The way I also see it is that kids nowadays are also in their own little child/teen fantasy worlds and are oblivious to the outside world. I remember watching Desert Storm unfold on CNN before I headed off to school every morning. I was 7. I also remember asking my parents what the Soviet Union was when I was about FIVE years old. About a year ago I had some younger friends I talk to on the Internet ask me the same Question I asked all those years ago. They were 13. But yet I'm positive they know EXACTLY what pop singer is at the top of the charts, and MTV's entire line up for the season. Or maybe schools don't teach history anymore.

Times are changing......fast



New member
Well since I became a parent I have come to one conclusion. Time and technology and trend changes so quickly that the same thing will be said generation after generation. But I will concede3 that technology has changed our lives so dramatically so quickly that I do fear it a bit. It is unatural for a society to change so much so fast and just like with anything else, when things are happening so quickly many are bound to be lost and so much that we hold dear as humans runs the risk of falling through the cracks


New member
I can see it now, "Hey Yo, remember when we all jammed to "AFRO MAN"... and how cheesy the X-box 360 graphics were compared to todays games.





New member
Computers - malls!!!

I remember sliding down snowy roads on a scoop shovel. Riding pigs in Grandads barn. Walking the rivers and creeks. Walking the 3 miles to Grandads house to eat all the goodies Grandma would make that day. Grandad sending us under the grainery to catch the "pretty kitty". Swimming in the cattle tank with the carp we caught at the canal. Swinging from the bottem of the bridge into a slough of mud after a hard rain. Picking up corn after the pickers went through the fields. Having water fights with the wooden squirt guns my Granddad made. Putting up hay bales in the barn after a day of loading them up. "Borrowing" the car. Climbing to the tops of the trees and feeling like you ruled the world........

Best things in life are free...



New member
Scout, you've won me over.

The best things in life are free. Now if I could just convince my son of that fact. ;)

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