if you were on a desert island.


New member
Before I state my beloved possessions I'd bring, I'd like to say that I live on an island, and most of it quite frankly is just a desert lol

let's see hmm...ok first off none of these things are possible to have and keep for a long time on a desert island

I'd bring books, music, something to write stuff down on, and preferably my lovely comp lol



New member
1. my guitar

2. All my CDs

3. My computer (ehe.. um... A HONDA GENERATOR!!) *laughs*

4. My Fotoz (that's what it says on the cover!) album

5. Jess.


Shadowed Heart

New member
1) A library

2) Laptop (hi-speed, wireless conection;))

3) Unlimited food source

4) Unlimmited amouts of fresh water

5) My pictures. -can't live w/out those painful memories, eh?-

EDIT: I might want my CD's too, wait! They're in the library of the media player on my laptop. hahahahe!



New member
thanks miss piggy you have just given me another idea...
ok seems as were on the island what job would you want?

i wanna be the the person who greets newcommers, we know stenners is the bar owner and miss piggy wants to be a weedwacker.

so what do you all wanna be?
Well, at the risk of sounding like a bore, I work in a kitchen by trade in RL, and people always need to eat, so I guess I'll put my hand up and work in the hospitality department. Besides which, with all the 'green' substances I noticed that's gonna be flown/shipped/imported in, we know there's gonna be a lot of hungry ppl around at some point or another... I'll cook if you want... it's lame but it's a start... *shrug*



New member
I think you miss understand the concept of wanting to be a weed wacker :p Unless I miss intereprited the message lol.

I own a tycoon :O I own the Air industry, Bar Industry and Marijouna Industry :O

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