Ignorance...Slomming Commercial

Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Wasn't this supposed to be about slomming and stupid drug commercials and NOT another pointless legalize dope d00d squabble?

Good point. However no matter what people think and for whatever reason, US gov't says it is illegal. Deal with it. Don't like it, go to ****ing Amsterdam or South America and smoke to your heart's content. There are illegal things I wish I could do but I'm not pulling my hair out over it. It is a plant, big deal.

As far as the commercials, maybe some of them go overboard but I find them hilarious nonetheless at times.
cynthiaa89 said:
Who else hates those damn commercials?

And as for the Truth commercials - Why do they have to make me feel like I'm a jackass because I'm addicted to nicotine.....They don't help....They just make me want a cigarette.

I just quit smoking, but those damn Truth comercials are trying to drive me back to it...

They have, since the first one I saw, made me want a ****ing smoke... the bastards!
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I just quit smoking, but those damn Truth comercials are trying to drive me back to it...

They have, since the first one I saw, made me want a ****ing smoke... the bastards!

Truth commercials are another example of FAILING TO GET THE MESSAGE ACROSS DUE TO ASININE CONTENT.

I've seen ones where people would do stupid **** like holding a metal pole in a lightning storm and saying that it's less stupid than smoking because lightning kills less people than tobacco smoke. What's "less stupid"? How about neither one.

Once again, if they want to show the dangers of smoking/drugs, CUT TO THE ****ING CHASE and show some intelligable content that deals with the subject.
I do agree the commercials are over the top (albeit funny). I think they should actually just get to the point and tell it how it is. Then again they are commercials. I mean look at most car commercials or commercials for certain products. have the time they make no damn sense. Looks like PSA's these days are no different.

Remember the drug PSAs back in the day? They tried their best to make them scary as hell. This one comes to mind:


And this one:


And this classic one as well:

dshogun1 said:
Furthermore, lets look at the countries that it comes from. It is destroying their economy.
Bahhhh, they can keep their crappy dope. The good **** comes from up north (Canada) and right here in the U.S. of A. Legalisation would circumvent the need for importing a substance that is far better cultivated in North America.

dshogan1 said:
you wouldnt have as many people dieing due to laced weed.

WTF!!! god dammit dude. Laced weed? This is part of the issue altogether. A complete ****ing disconnect with the reality of the situation you have such a strong opinion on. I ask any of you out there that have at one point in your life smoked marijuana regularly, HAVE YOU EVER FALLEN VICTIM TO LACED MARIJUANA? **** NO! There was a few times I wished my bunk weed was laced with something. But .....look man don't talk about **** when you obviously haven't a clue what the **** you're talking about.

Outlaw said:
The main issue lies with the lazy pieces of **** who want to do NOTHING ELSE but sit there and smoke the weed every single minute of the day and do NOTHING productive with their lives.

Good point bro. Hmmm..."lying around doing nothing productive"....hmmmm Americas youth sitting idly by wasting their lives away. Go to stickam.com and take a look for yourself what Americas youth is doing with their time. Drug free kids, sitting around eating themselves to death while spending the entire ****ing day chatting on web-cam.

Americas epidemic of obese children has nothing to do with peer-pressure. Its about over-indulgence. The American way. Over-indulgence is what makes marijuana look bad. And food. And beer. And candy. And soft drinks. And sex. And and and and and.

Marijuana appeals to the increasing laziness of children in America. Its a recreational and relaxing drug. That doesn't rot your brain, doesn't kill you via overdose, that doesn't cause violence. Which is exactly why they have to resort to outrageous and altogether idiotic "slooming" ads. But wait...ohhhh the irony. Slooming = applying leeches to ones self. It wont really hurt you. It sure as **** won't kill you. AND leeches are still used to this day as a medical application. So maybe they aren't that far off. Slooming sounds alot like marijuana all the sudden.

I say, run a public service ad about fat kids for fux sake. Not the happy "Go outside and play" public service ads we've been seeing so much of. Do it in the same mean spirited and abrupt manner as the anti-marijuana ads are done. Show us the fat 275 lb virgin kid thats hovering over a large pizza topped with extra cheese, extra pepperoni and extra tears on prom night.

The slooming thing, well....thats a strong sign that the anti-marijuana lobby is reaching deep to inform kids of the dangers of marijuana. A tell all move that enlightens one as to the actual lack of danger involved. No need for this outrageous bullshit when telling kids about the dangers of Meth. **** no, thats easy. Show the rot toothed strung out freak thats been up for 6 days and is currently huddled in the corner trying to remove the spiders from his arm that aren't ****ing there. Hey, point taken. Meth looks frightfully bad on the surface, no need for reaching.
Jhony5 said:
Bahhhh, they can keep their crappy dope. The good **** comes from up north (Canada) and right here in the U.S. of A. Legalisation would circumvent the need for importing a substance that is far better cultivated in North America.

WTF!!! god dammit dude. Laced weed? This is part of the issue altogether. A complete ****ing disconnect with the reality of the situation you have such a strong opinion on. I ask any of you out there that have at one point in your life smoked marijuana regularly, HAVE YOU EVER FALLEN VICTIM TO LACED MARIJUANA? **** NO! There was a few times I wished my bunk weed was laced with something. But .....look man don't talk about **** when you obviously haven't a clue what the **** you're talking about.

Well I did smoke pot that was laced with paraquat, that our own ****ing government paid Mexico to put in. Then they sold the **** to us anyway. But no. If you wanted your pot laced with anything, you paid extra

PS: We grow some killer **** up here and you can rest asured nothing is laced in it.
snafu said:
Well I did smoke pot that was laced with paraquat, that our own ****ing government paid Mexico to put in. Then they sold the **** to us anyway. But no. If you wanted your pot laced with anything, you paid extra

PS: We grow some killer **** up here and you can rest assured nothing is laced in it.

From wikipedia:
During the late 1960s, a controversial program sponsored by the US government sprayed paraquat on marijuana fields in South America. Since much of this marijuana was subsequently smoked by Americans, the US government's "Paraquat Pot" program stirred much debate. Perhaps in an attempt to deter people from using marijuana, representatives of the program warned that spraying rendered the crop unsafe to smoke. However, independent bodies have studied paraquat in this use. Jenny PronCzuk de Garbino, stated: "no lung or other injury in marijuana users has ever been attributed to Paraquat contamination".

I never heard of this, snaffy.

However when I read this in your post, I knew it was a '60s thang. Our government was so dubious in their drug enforcement during this time.

However, Dshogun1 stated the many deaths attributed to laced marijuana as being a risk to the users. This goes far to show the mentality of the out of touch individuals whom are responsible for keeping marijuana in a dark shadow. Twenty years from now the old fogies that control our laws will be dead or politically inactive, and hopefully a more reasonable approach will be taken toward understanding pot.

I heard alot of chatter from fellow smokers about their fears of a national marijuana shortage due to the increased southern border enforcement. However, there has been no effect on the prices or availability of good, quality North American rope.

Were it not for my child, I'd be livin right up there with Snafu and 60, smokin that Alaskan product. You lucky spoiled bastards. Can you two see my middle finger? I hope so, because I'm doing it as hard as I can.
snafu said:
Well I did smoke pot that was laced with paraquat, that our own ****ing government paid Mexico to put in. Then they sold the **** to us anyway. But no. If you wanted your pot laced with anything, you paid extra.

Jhony5 said:
From wikipedia:

I never heard of this, snaffy.

However when I read this in your post, I knew it was a '60s thang. Our government was so dubious in their drug enforcement during this time.

I remember it used to cramp you up a little. Kind of like a mellow strychnine cramp from peyote buttons. And we did it all for a high.:cool: