I'll cry till the day she comes back.


Feb 23, 2005
YES... NJ!
One of my very best friends is off to boarding school.Shes one of the only people in this world that really understand me.We are like sisters.We've been there for each other through thick and thin.We share so many great memories together.It's just to painful to see her go.She's such a wonderful person and such a smart person she deserves all the best in the world.Right now im soaked in tears.I know im going to miss her.......
I really understand, exsept I was the one sent of to boarding school. It really sucks to lose the people who really understand you. Thank god my parents pulled me out a few months ago.
yeah....stupid soul 1 is rite......get yourself together......hang in there.......i bet she misses u as much as u do.......u kan call.....email........sms.....letters.......chat.......fax so many ways of keepin in touch
I´m sorry, I know how it is to lose close freinds, I had to move to a whole diff country and leave them..
and as NVme4ever and stupidsoul1 said, try to keep in touch with her, atleast things will go a lill better!
I'm really sorry to hear that. Losing a special friend who has been there forever through thick and thin is hard. I'll feel empty without mine lol. She sounds like an awesome person and she probably will never forget you!

Make use of the technology today heh! Although I think sending letters gives a more personal touch, it can be time consuming. There's always the phone, and e-mail, yahoo / aol / msn messenger. It'll hardly feel like she's gone =P

All the best for your friendship! XxX
At this moment, I absolutely understand your feelings. Yesterday, one of my very best friends told me that next year she's leaving to go to Denmark to finish her major. Supposedly it's for 6 months, but if she gets a job there, she might stay there... She's my sister, I love her, and it ****ing hurts to think about her going. Even though we're still one whole year away of that happening, I'm feeling sad as I can be. We had a little all nighter yesterday talking and such, at our other best friends house (it's us 3 girls plus one boy, we're really tight, more than blood brothers and sisters...), and we were all trying to be happy for her and such, because it'll be great for her - I mean, she'll study abroad, and get a taste of what things are like out there. In an area like science that's so important right now, because our country is far from being the most advanced, so in Denmark she'll learn a lot, and become a great professional. But today, after she and our guy friend left, I couldn't help but start crying. I want to be happy for her, but I just think of how much I'm going to miss her. So me and my best friend were there trying to figure out how our lives would be without her for so long... I just broke down and cried. I can't stand thinking of her leaving... Those will be the hardest 6 months of my life. Maybe the 3 of us that are staying here can go visit her a couple times, but we'll need to work or something to get the money... I feel like such a cry baby, but I got really emotional with all this. I'm going to miss her so much more than words can say...
So you see, I can relate. I just can tell you to try and be strong, I'm sure you guys have ways to keep in touch, like Internet, cell phones, etc. It'll be hard, I know, but remember you're not the only one in that situation... :(
*hugs you*

i know how you feel. i've had friends switch schools or move and it sux. all i can say is if ur really good friends, u'll overcome the distance.
I know how you feel.
My best friend ever is moving to another country!!
She was my friend since grade 4!

*hugs you* I hope you feel better hun.
ImTheOneThatFalls said:
im not sure about that....but the relastionship we have is so strong! if it came to dying for her life...so she can live...id die

i know how you feelin,how close she is to you,because i have such a close friend too,and believe me i'd die for her.So im hopin' the things get better with you and i hope this thing doesn't happen to me,because im very emotional guy (not gay) and i don't know what i'll do if that happens.
I'm really hopin for a better endin of this
i felt like that when i moved here to florida n left my best bud in california!!!!! n im scared that we might go to a point n just not talk to each other, we still calll each other n write to ech other!!i really wanna get out of high school get a job n work to get ticket back there n stay!!!!
Hey Cristina

yea i no it most suc to have monica leaving, i wonder how im gunna feel when my best friend leilany leaves me cuz she's gunna move to florida nd ill never see until the day i get a damn ticket to see her so cristina hold on the good times that u had wit monica

Luv Ashley
mikelover said:
Hey Cristina

yea i no it most suc to have monica leaving, i wonder how im gunna feel when my best friend leilany leaves me cuz she's gunna move to florida nd ill never see until the day i get a damn ticket to see her so cristina hold on the good times that u had wit monica

Luv Ashley

oh my ****ing god!!!
leilany is moving!! hell no !! you and i are holding her hostage! but its better she leaves west new york. this town is becoming really ****ed up. so we must save and cherish our loved ones. thanks for that touching responce ash