I'll put ya'll in your ****ing place.

go ahead Captain... **** with Outlaw...

He'll put his boot so far up your ass, you'll taste rubber!

Go ahead... **** WITH THE LAW ! ! !
ahahahaahahahahhahahahaha, Man I missed you guys.
Ok now what, Oh yes, ah ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha.

Hello captain, I think enough people have pointed out your apparent stupidity,and every other flaw. I just wanna say, thanks for making my day.:D
Captain Spaulding said:
Hahahaha. How the hell ya'll doin'? I'm buzzin'.

Know what pisses me off though? How I can't phsyically hurt someone over the internet (hence the title). Damn that pisses me off. So many ****ing whiney sissys online think they're the badest mother****er that ever lived. Horse ****.

Ya' ever called someone a ****** in public? No, 'cause you'd get your ****ing teeth knocked out.

Some would say I'm a dumbass for caring at all (you can quote me if you like). I don't take it personally, if I want to talk smack though I'll go to the pub on the weekend.

It ain't worth the energy or your time. And it would just go to show what a whiney ****ing ***** you are.

See what I mean, yo?


Didn't think so.

This is extremely familliar. Either we have seen almost this exact post before or you need new material..

Body by Nautilus, Brain by Mattel eh?l
Ahoy there, my gentle hearted, kind Captain of peaceful souls, and bringer of warmth to all Gods fluffy pink bunnys.

I have read your post and I can sympathise with your urges of trans-web physical contact, manifestated in extreme violence.

For the last few years now I have been working on a secret project, deep inside a secret lair. Every week, a fresh convoy of trucks delivered to me my most important ingredient. Knives.

I emerged from my desert cavern earlier this year, and although blinded by the piercing daylight rays, I was triumphant. My work had been done.

Have you heard of "Smell-O-Vision"? Neither have I. I realise now that it probably doesnt actually exist. However, spurned on by this, I am proud to release to the world, "Stab-in-the-face-Vision"!

Those aggravatingly, pant-wettingly trouser-watering, runty, runty runts, wont know whats them! A bloody great knife or seven right in their measly ****ing excuse for a face! All you have to to is press a button and at the other end is blood-spattered heap of tissue and nerve endings and a flatmate looking particularly chuffed with his new set off steak knives!

I have searched high and low for the right person to carry out the first trial. Most people are ponsy people who think they can unleash a fresh of slice of crunch, but when it comes to the crunch, they are merely bourbons in the shape of pink slippers.

This is why I have chosen you, "Oh Captain, my Captain!".

Would you accept my offer?
now hes talking to himself eh?

If you really want to be stabbed in the face i have something to jam in there....
Vortex said:
now hes talking to himself eh?

If you really want to be stabbed in the face i have something to jam in there....

I've got the strong suspicion that "Crazy" and "Captain" are either one in the same, or possibly know each other. (Spent time together at a comic book convention or something).

I could be wrong. (Probably not though)
For the record, no we're not, and no I dont. Never heard of the bloke. He just seemed quite funny so I gave him a slice of crunch, sprinkled liberally with a healthy portion of shiny beef nuggetry.
Get two guys of comparable skill and sobriety...bet on the big guy. My experience is the drunkest guy usually loses.
OK. Who's the big guy, and who's the drunk guy between myself and the captain? and more importantly, who's gonna get stabbed in the face first?

This one goes out to the Cap'n.

Do you know where I can get hold of a good golf ball? Have you come across any good golf balls lately? I really need golf ball. Do you have any on your boat? Is your boat like that one out of Jason and the Astronauts, except where they had loads of men rowing either side, you have hordes of golf balls being whipped by your hooded minions, as you command the vessel?

Can you answer me a question thats been troubling me? Do golf balls really have rubber bands in them? Do you have rubber bands in you? Was it an accident at the genetically modified golf ball laboratory? Is that why you are Lord of the Golf Balls?

Personally, I own a Passat.
sixes said:
He's not stupid builder. He's possessed by a retarded ghost.:p

or does their presence have anything to do with your return? (welcome back btw, i think, yes welcome, um....yea have a drink...or something)

Captain Spaulding said:
Sure it does. The whole world is based on violence you ****ing idiot. You can be right as rain, but if you piss some dude bigger than you off, you'll be a dead piece of ****.

Did I ever claim to be a total badass myself (I am pretty badass though)? No. Do I travel the net slagging people anomously like a *****? No. Seems like most people here are ****ing good at it. And I'm 'probly'? Probably what? You don't know **** kid, your in over your head.

Thats pretty close to my whole address. If you want to ****ing come here I suggest you bring all your friends. :D

You cared enough to reply. And besides, I don't give a flying **** if anyone in this piece of **** cares or not. I'm ranting.

Dude ... you need serious therapy. I reccomend borrowing a pogo stick to use in a very theraputic pogo through a live mine field.

Dude ... you need serious therapy. I reccomend borrowing a pogo stick to use in a very theraputic pogo through a live mine field.


just ignore him... He's an attention whore, and he thrives on attentions, no matter how miserable it is...
ahahahaahahahahhahahahaha, Man I missed you guys.
Ok now what, Oh yes, ah ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha.

Hello captain, I think enough people have pointed out your apparent stupidity,and every other flaw. I just wanna say, thanks for making my day.:D

AIG ! !

Welcome back! I'm still a Nazi.. Are you still the only Muslim woman I would sleep with?!
Vortex said:
or does their presence have anything to do with your return? (welcome back btw, i think, yes welcome, um....yea have a drink...or something)

Well thanks Vortex. I'll take a shot of Yegar.:p

Ok getting back on subject, what insult do you like the best for Captain dumbass?

I've come across decomposed bodies that are less offensive than you are​
^^ I favor that one ...or

Perhaps your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

When you feel terrific, notify your face.
Captain Spaulding said:
Hahahaha. How the hell ya'll doin'? I'm buzzin'.

Know what pisses me off though? How I can't phsyically hurt someone over the internet (hence the title). Damn that pisses me off. So many ****ing whiney sissys online think they're the badest mother****er that ever lived. Horse ****.

Ya' ever called someone a ****** in public? No, 'cause you'd get your ****ing teeth knocked out.

Some would say I'm a dumbass for caring at all (you can quote me if you like). I don't take it personally, if I want to talk smack though I'll go to the pub on the weekend.

It ain't worth the energy or your time. And it would just go to show what a whiney ****ing ***** you are.

See what I mean, yo?


Didn't think so.

Pimps aren't computer literate. Word.

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