Illegal Apartheid Fascist Israel:a Mass Murderer/crimes Against Humanity In Lebanon


New member
there is no other solution,these criminal zionists have stolen palestine ,have commited the most horrible crimes and massacres against palestinians and lebaneese,have pushed many many palestinians to exile and deported them to live as refugees,have murdered assassinated killed babies children men and women,have demolished houses,these criminal zionists are guilty of crimes against humanity,ethnic cleansing,mass killings,genocide and holocaust against palestinians,THE ONLY SOLUTION IS A NEW NEUREMBERG TO MAKE THESE CRIMINALS PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES AND LIBERATE ALL PALESTINE FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA.

criminal israeli occupation force :

you are the criminals in the whole middle east

you are the fascist racist **** strange entity in that region

you stole palestine

you commited the most horrible crimes,massacres,ethnic cleansing,genocide and holocaust against palestinians

you goad america to ruins,bankrupcy,wars,blood,

you use america to do for you your evil dirty job,

you push americans to die for you in iraq

you push americans to invade syria and die for you

you push americans to invade iran and die for you

you push europeans in your controled zionist mass media to hate muslims and islam

you spread your zionist fascist propaganda in america and europe to push christians against muslims

you betray america,you spy ,steal secrets,

you know only plots ,your own interests

you are the master of all conspiracy of all crimes and murders in our world

you are a danger and a big threat to world peace

we must say thank you to palestinians to let you focus only on killing them and save the world from your evil criminal plans

we must support palestinians to surround these criminals and not let them invade the whole world

World Zionism, today, constitutes the last racist ideology still surviving and the Zionist's state of Israel, the last outpost of "Apartheid" in the World.

Israel constitutes by its mere existence a complete defiance to all international laws, rules and principles, and the open racism manifested in the Jewish State is a violation of all ethics and morals known to Man.



New member
**** you Tomaust...

You don't want people to be racist against your insane people...but you do the same thing against Jews.

Get over yourself, your only making things worse.

That little trick over the Pope really showed everyone what a peaceful group Muslims are...NOT !!!



New member
Am I as an American supposed to be on a ******* guilt trip now ??

I see it this way tomaust....

If I go into Wal-Mart and buy a 30-06 rifle and go on a shooting spree, it is NOT Wal-Mart's fault what I did with the weapon they sold me...

Same ******* thing with Israel...

If we give them a ******* weapon, it's not our fault if they kill someone with it.

So with that, your arguement holds no water.





New member
Am I as an American supposed to be on a ******* guilt trip now ??
I see it this way tomaust....

If I go into Wal-Mart and buy a 30-06 rifle and go on a shooting spree, it is NOT Wal-Mart's fault what I did with the weapon they sold me...

Same ******* thing with Israel...

If we give them a ******* weapon, it's not our fault if they kill someone with it.

So with that, your arguement holds no water.


Brilliant ******* analogy, Phreak. Once in a while you say something great.



New member
Am I as an American supposed to be on a ******* guilt trip now ??
I see it this way tomaust....

If I go into Wal-Mart and buy a 30-06 rifle and go on a shooting spree, it is NOT Wal-Mart's fault what I did with the weapon they sold me...

Same ******* thing with Israel...

If we give them a ******* weapon, it's not our fault if they kill someone with it.

So with that, your arguement holds no water.



There is a difference between selling you the gun and than handing you the gun, showing you how to shoot it, and supporting you during the shooting. ;)

So with that, your arguement holds no water.



New member
**** you Tomaust...
You don't want people to be racist against your insane people...but you do the same thing against Jews.

Get over yourself, your only making things worse.

That little trick over the Pope really showed everyone what a peaceful group Muslims are...NOT !!!
How is tomaust being racist?

Being Jewish is not a race unless you follow Hitlers idea of "Jewry"... and last time I checked, Arabs are more discriminated against now than ever before, and even more when in comparison to the Israelis.



New member
How is tomaust being racist?
Being Jewish is not a race unless you follow Hitlers idea of "Jewry"... and last time I checked, Arabs are more discriminated against now than ever before, and even more when in comparison to the Israelis.
Your people will receive the same treatment you heap on the Jews...Your people hate ALL Jews, mistrust ALL Jews...simply because they are Jews...We feel the same way.

Spare me your crying about Muslims being persecuted...The Jews have suffered WAY more then your people AND what your people have suffered they have brought on themselves.

Don't slap someone and cry when they slap back.



New member
BEN GURION wrote:Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves ... politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves... The country is theirs, because they inhabit it.


Ben Gurion also warned in 1948 : "We must do everything to insure they ( the Palestinians) never do return." Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes. "The old will die and the young will forget."


David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.



New member
How is tomaust being racist?
Being Jewish is not a race unless you follow Hitlers idea of "Jewry"... and last time I checked, Arabs are more discriminated against now than ever before, and even more when in comparison to the Israelis.
Gee, I wonder why Arabs are discriminated against?



New member
I think I'll set this poem to the music of "Digging The Grave" by Faith No More.



New member
I won't lie, some of those photographs broke my heart (injured and dead children- my one weakness). However, if you are interested, I could supply you with many, many photographs of maimed men, women, and children brought on by Islamic warfare.


New member
Tomaust, your people are culpable in the death of your own children, you bring it on by being warlike and unable to get along with people who do not follow your belief system.

I hate to see any innocent die HOWEVER, if these children had lived, they would have been brought up to be as hateful of all who live their lives differently and posibly a danger to the world.

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