I'm either going to lose my ****ing job

If they fire you for cause, then you will not necessarily be able to collect unemployment. You can of course appeal but you need documentation for that to back up that their expectations were not posible.

Alot of employers will look at you and think they can get someone younger, with no brain of their own to teach them the job and they will be thankful for the work and put up with all the bullshit they want to deal.

Your employer would rather have someone younger with no children and that might be part of the reason they are pushing you out.

They may indeed have someone already in mind, someones son or daughter that they want to get started in the business. Who knows.

I get a laugh at how the company I used to work for has had to pay me so much unemployment. AND their hell continues while I'm working on a degree with the help of their money...
I know, but pretty much the only cause that would make me ineligible for unemployment is theft or aggregious misconduct. That ain't happening.

I think my age and having a family may be part of it, but they don't want to go there because then I will sue their asses off.

And that's part of my fear. At the ripe old age of 45 I'm considered elderly in the workplace. Finding a job won't be easy, despite my experience and skills. Do you know how much that sucks? Can you imagine being told you're a great worker, you have the skills needed to do the job, but working nonstop 9 hours per day isn't enough?

My ego is in the dumper but I'll never let it show. Smiles everyone, smiles!
I can tell you from personal experience its not illegal to discriminate against someone because they have other responsibilities such as a family.
They can't get away with it for your sex or handicap.
I spoke with an attorney about the fact my employer was giving me **** about my daughter, he said in Florida there isn't anything I can do about it.
Lethalfind said:
I can tell you from personal experience its not illegal to discriminate against someone because they have other responsibilities such as a family.
They can't get away with it for your sex or handicap.
I spoke with an attorney about the fact my employer was giving me **** about my daughter, he said in Florida there isn't anything I can do about it.

Nor can you do anything about it in Georgia.
I worked for about 6 months with a company that was family friendly. It was amazing. It was owned by the CEO who ran the place and a few close friends. Don't get me wrong, they had other problems but the way they related to people who have children was wonderful.
I was able to bring my daughter to work when I was working late. I brought her something to eat, her homework and things to keep her entertained and worked late when I needed to. No problems.
They are out there but not enough of them.
One of the things that helped is the two women who were in charge in my office both had children. They could'nt really say anything...
The problem with that place is the screaming and slamming of doors got too much for me. WAY too much female bullshit.
It got too the point where we went out to drink every Friday night. We had our own waitor that knew us all by name at Don Pablos.
I can relate to the female bullshit comment. I'm a female but I don't play like a female and I don't bullshit.

My former place was pretty family-friendly. My problem is as a female with a male spouse, I don't have the Stepford wife waiting at home for me with my perfectly groomed children. These guys have wives that do that crap, and they go home to their mansions and get fed and pampered. After they **** on me all day I have to come home and take care of my kids with a smile on my face.

I'm getting ready to put my game face on. I can't remember the last time I had to actually play, but in the old days I was the master of the game. I might not win, but I'll play. I don't have much if anything to lose at this point.
I'd seek some preliminary legal advice now.

Builder was spot-on with this comment.
Write down every single incident you can remember, detailing the time of day, date, relevance, etc.

Courts and other industrial abitrators(even if it's your supervisor's boss, or the HR Manager) are always impressed by detail. The number of incidents where you can recall exactly what was said, the sequences of events, date, time etc.

Builder's also right about the attitude - never let them see you're down. If someone's gunning for you, build alliances with other staff, particularly their superiors.

Also, try and think of yourself as a product. You need to invest in yourself, get what you can out of this job in terms of training and experience. Then if you ever are compelled to leave, you are a more attractive product for another business to pick up. The problem with burning yourself out on tasks for a business is often people neglect to invest some time in their personal growth - and this only further ties them to the company they're in...