Im gunna say something random coz i am really bored

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Make me Tia *takes out barrel machine gun, sword, axe, gernade launcher, and flamethrower and smiles sinisterly*

*aims barrel machine gun at Woody* its obvious you are not a Jhonen Vasquez fan or else you would have know its a phrase by Happy Noodle Boy and Prop is my nickname so back off man
BTW woody I am female you should check into the artistian Jhonen Vasquez he is the creator of the sedistic humorous comics Johnny The Homocidal Maniac, Squee, I Feel Sick and Filler Bunny as well as the cartoon series Invader Zim.
Thank you Mikes Shadows

See Tia knows me, she knows I am female and she knows I was just joshing around with the weapons of mass destruction one should get to know the other before dissing on them like that Woods
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