im n00b at me?


Apr 9, 2006
have you checked the children yet?
Someone help do you guys get sick background effects (ex: scratchy backgrounds) on signatures? I use the computer's "Paint" which is really noobish, and I already have like Adobe, and like this Paint thing I downloaded that is so vintage. Does anyone know where I can get tutorials on how to make the backgrounds and stuff like that?

btw, you can tell that all the sigs i make are made in Window's Paint

Well, this is gonna be confusing.

What are Bloodfrost, Stenners and I supposed to call Mark now?

(by the way, Mark is "Hahninator," a few of my friends and I would piss him off by call him 'n00binator' and now you're here, so we can't really call him that anymore.)
_NoobinatoR_ said:
Someone help do you guys get sick background effects (ex: scratchy backgrounds) on signatures? I use the computer's "Paint" which is really noobish, and I already have like Adobe, and like this Paint thing I downloaded that is so vintage. Does anyone know where I can get tutorials on how to make the backgrounds and stuff like that?

btw, you can tell that all the sigs i make are made in Window's Paint


Paint whats that If you mean Psp I have that and I use this site it works
good It's what I use all tha time :p
but I never really go their anymore only
when I wanna try something new but try this site
Cllick here