I'm the luckiest person ever....


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2004
LP Underground
...because on Tuesday, I got to talk with Tobin Bell! (if you don't know who that is, he plays John Kramer aka Jigsaw in the Saw films. He's also played in The Quick and the Dead, The Firm, Goodfellas, etc.)

Tobin Bell is my favourite actor, and overall second favourite celebrity (next to Chester, of course!) He's definitely one hell of an actor, a pure genius at being able to really dig into his character's psyche and identify with them. I have nothing but pure respect and idolization for this man, and I consider myself extremely lucky to have gotten a chance to talk with him.

I'm part of almost every Saw/Tobin Bell website out there, and I received an e-mail Monday morning saying there was going to be a live chat about Saw IV feating Tobin Bell, Lyriq Bent and Betsy Russel (I got to talk with them, too). So, that made my life. Only a limited amount of people could get in, and I just happened to be one of the very lucky few to do it!! Honestly, that made my life. Tobin is such a sweetheart, he really is an amazing person through and through, and I'm so glad that I got the chance to talk with him.

Well, I just felt like sharing my good news with everyone, because it really made my day!:D
lmfao, that will be like the last part of the last movie, it's like,


Jigsaw: "Yeah I am sick of this ****, I wasted all my weed...it's just not as fun!"

Person: "Yeahhh, totally dude...you want some weed?"
isnt jigsaw dead though?

its kinda creepy that even though hes dead, there re other accomplices, the last traps are still fresh in my mind...TT

well isnt it great you met one of your fave actors, i dont think id be too interested if i saw a movie person down the street, id just be "oh yay,they are out and about", i might say hi and get an autograph, but eventually there will always be another one
Can't wait to see Saw 4
Isn't it starting today in cinemas?

And yeah Tobin Bell is great
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OMG! If you haven't seen Saw IV, you should go. Now. Honestly, it's amazing, I loved every minute of it. I was the only one that came out of the theatre smiling lol I'm so freaking happy. It's amazing. Personally, I love the Saw films, and of course, I love Tobin Bell. He was, as always, amazing, and I loved the way he portrayed a different side of Jigsaw. Truly amazing, talented actor.

And yes, stupidsoul1 is right, Saw V and VI are being filmed back to back, in April, and I'm gonna go down to Toronto (I only live a few minutes away), visit the set and meet the actors. I'm so excited!!!:D
OMG! If you haven't seen Saw IV, you should go. Now. Honestly, it's amazing, I loved every minute of it. I was the only one that came out of the theatre smiling lol I'm so freaking happy. It's amazing. Personally, I love the Saw films, and of course, I love Tobin Bell. He was, as always, amazing, and I loved the way he portrayed a different side of Jigsaw. Truly amazing, talented actor.

And yes, stupidsoul1 is right, Saw V and VI are being filmed back to back, in April, and I'm gonna go down to Toronto (I only live a few minutes away), visit the set and meet the actors. I'm so excited!!!:D

Ooooh and again you´re so lucky :eek: