

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
If the latinos don't like obeying the laws of the USA They need to go back to mexico. The only thing the illegals are doing is driving down the wages of American citizens. What we need in congress are statesmen not politians. A statesman does what is good for his country without thought of regaining office. We have far too many politians in goverment.
Rockhard said:
If the latinos don't like obeying the laws of the USA They need to go back to mexico. The only thing the illegals are doing is driving down the wages of American citizens. What we need in congress are statesmen not politians. A statesman does what is good for his country without thought of regaining office. We have far too many politians in goverment.

I agree with the politians part. Only because I know a few. I think latinos should be given a grace period to adjust. They don't know are laws as soon as they get here and most of them are afriad to even ask. The fact of the matter is simple ,latinos were here before us. This is our Country ,but we don't own it. To think anyone could ever change the ammount of latinos coming here on a daily bases is just dumb. But hey! two thumbs up for venting dude! LOL:rolleyes:
GF Admin said:

Latinos where here before us? What kind of crock of **** statement is that? If it was actually a fact it would still not give them the right to break the laws of a sovereign nation.
It got the debate started.:D
GF Admin said:
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag.. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
That is all fuct up and wrong. You want me to prove it to you!? Cause I'll prove it to you. Dammit I will stop everything I'm doing right now and prove it to you. Is that what you want?
GF Admin said:

Latinos where here before us? What kind of crock of **** statement is that? If it was actually a fact it would still not give them the right to break the laws of a sovereign nation.

Actually that statement is a little on the mark, Nazz. The Spanish Conquistadores landed before the English and began the colonization of the New World. Latinos and Hispanics are the descendants of the descendants of the Natives of South America and Central America.

At one point the entire southwestern United States all the way up to Oregon belonged to Mexico. Perhaps they are slowly taking it back by sending their finest unskilled laborers.
GF Admin said:
Ya prove it to me. i am in a shitty mood, go ahead show me what an idiot you are.
You asked for it man. You know ,I was going to be nice. But noooooooooooooooooooo ,NazzNegg had to have it his way! So here you go man. Here is the proff to shoot you down. Do not say I did'nt warn you!

uh... I don't know what the **** I'm talking about. Sorry about that. hehe
For a moment there ,I felt like I was winning the debate. I'm a loser ,but I took what I could get. hahahaha:eek:
RoyalOrleans said:
Actually that statement is a little on the mark, Nazz. The Spanish Conquistadores landed before the English and began the colonization of the New World. Latinos and Hispanics are the descendants of the descendants of the Natives of South America and Central America.

At one point the entire southwestern United States all the way up to Oregon belonged to Mexico. Perhaps they are slowly taking it back by sending their finest unskilled laborers.

Well thank **** someone came along to remind him of a little American History...
Lethalfind said:
Well thank **** someone came along to remind him of a little American History...

Well he knew that, not sure about Sixes, but I'm for damn certain Nazz knew it. Or he wouldn't have replied.
RoyalOrleans said:
Well he knew that, not sure about Sixes, but I'm for damn certain Nazz knew it. Or he wouldn't have replied.
I knew those where all facts. They looked like the were copy and pasted from the .org website. I'm not saying that makes Nazz wrong for copying and pasting facts. The are right though.

So tell ,like on a scale of 1 to 10. How am I doing on this debate? I'll take anything I can get. :rolleyes: Please tell me!!!! I'm such a ****ing loser. I have no friends! Atleast give me an 11. :(
sixes said:
I knew those where all facts. They looked like the were copy and pasted from the .org website. I'm not saying that makes Nazz wrong for copying and pasting facts. The are right though.

So tell ,like on a scale of 1 to 10. How am I doing on this debate? I'll take anything I can get. :rolleyes: Please tell me!!!! I'm such a ****ing loser. I have no friends! Atleast give me an 11. :(

sixes said:
I knew those where all facts. They looked like the were copy and pasted from the .org website. I'm not saying that makes Nazz wrong for copying and pasting facts. The are right though.

So tell ,like on a scale of 1 to 10. How am I doing on this debate? I'll take anything I can get. :rolleyes: Please tell me!!!! I'm such a ****ing loser. I have no friends! Atleast give me an 11. :(

I'd give you a 1, but I think less of you.
RoyalOrleans said:
I'd give you a 1, but I think less of you.

You are so cruel! My grandparents came to this country on a boat. Thier dream was to eat crackers and throw homegrown eggplants in the Boston river. It was people like you that drove them to thier death! You evil ******* ,I'm going to put a voodoo curse on you. As soon as I'm done with this book, "Voodoo for dummies" You Are Fuct!
sixes said:
You are so cruel! My grandparents came to this country on a boat. Thier dream was to eat crackers and throw homegrown eggplants in the Boston river. It was people like you that drove them to thier death! You evil ******* ,I'm going to put a voodoo curse on you. As soon as I'm done with this book, "Voodoo for dummies" You Are Fuct!

Lethalfind said:
Well thank **** someone came along to remind him of a little American History...

Thank you, ****.

Lethalfind said:

**** YOU, SAKES!!

Sorry lethal, I had to. :D
Am I the only one who see's the immigration problem as a strictly financial one? Illegals come here, do their work send tons of cash back home to mexico etc. Seems pretty noble and such. The problem is however that these guys are all working and collecting tax free income. How many of these ****ers are there? What do these guys make in a year? How many dollars are being sucked out of our economy and redistributed into theirs? If your gonna sit at the pocker table and play cards then you had better anty up!
OmegaManiac said:
Am I the only one who see's the immigration problem as a strictly financial one? Illegals come here, do their work send tons of cash back home to mexico etc. Seems pretty noble and such. The problem is however that these guys are all working and collecting tax free income. How many of these ****ers are there? What do these guys make in a year? How many dollars are being sucked out of our economy and redistributed into theirs? If your gonna sit at the pocker table and play cards then you had better anty up!

Visit your local Wal-Mart... you'll see where their money in going.
jetlifan2030 said:
I am Chinese. No illegal. My famiri sen me here for skool. We pay good money.

You've got one more post to straighten up and fly right or I will cut your head off and **** down your neck.
GF Admin said:

Watch the video's

The fact is, absolutely nothing can be done to correct the illegal immigration issue in a sane fashion. Nothing short of creating massive detention camps and other such tactics that will do nothing but worsen the situation would be effective.

Illegal immigrants number in the double digit millions, and growing larger every year, you cant fight those kinds of numbers with words, this battle is lost, The America to be 20 years from now will not be an America you will recognize in any fashion.

If you have been following the issue lately you will notice that thousands of Mexican